
gōng zuò zǔ
  • Working Group;working team;taskforce;working-set
工作组[gōng zuò zǔ]
  1. 本章以专题的形式(集训工作队、组织贫协、工作组三同、运动中的反右倾、清理和退赔、控诉斗争、干部自杀事件等)展开论述。

    This chapter comments form ( assembles for training working team , organizing association four the poor , three sames in working team the sums , movement against Right deviations , checking up and pay compensation , accuse striving , the cadre suicide and so on ) through special subject .

  2. 那个问题不在工作组的职权范围之内。

    That issue is not within the remit of the working group

  3. 将会有一个国际问题调查工作组。

    There will be a working group on international issues .

  4. 他们设立了一个特别工作组来调查这个问题。

    They set up a working party to look into the issue .

  5. 这些工作组将按惯例工作。

    These working parties will be going over well-trodden ground .

  6. 我们安排了该工作组参观我们的总部。

    We fixed for the team to visit our headquarters

  7. 我们已经成立了一个工作组去调查妇女复工的问题。

    We have set up a task force to look at the question of women returning to work .

  8. 今年早些时候,意大利与联合国教科文组织签署了一项正式协议,建议一个由警察艺术侦探和家组成的工作组,以保护文化遗产免受自然灾害和诸如“伊斯兰国”等恐怖组织都破坏。

    Earlier this year , Italy signed an accord with UNESCO to establish a task force of police art detectives and archaeologists to protect cultural heritage from natural disasters and terror groups , such as ISIS .

  9. APEC组织结构分层级运作:领导人非正式会议、部长级会议、高官会、委员会和工作组以及秘书处。

    The APEC organization has a tiered structure : Informal Leaders ' Meetings , Ministerial Meetings , Senior Officials ' Meetings , Committee & Working Group Meetings , and Secretariat .

  10. 产业科技工作组

    Industrial Science and Technology Working Group LMI

  11. 贸易和投资数据工作组

    Trade and Investment Data Review Working Group

  12. 地区能源合作工作组

    REC Regional Energy Cooperation Working Group

  13. 贸易促进工作组

    Working Group on Trade Promotion

  14. 人力资源开发工作组

    Human Resources Development Working Group

  15. 8月12日,湖北省防汛抗旱指挥部启动防汛Ⅲ级应急响应。8月12日,水利部增派了4个工作组赴湖北、安徽、江西3省指导暴雨洪水防范应对工作。

    The flood control and drought relief headquarters of Hubei province activated Level III emergency response for flood control on Thursday .

  16. 中央各部委已派出工作组指导事故处理工作,同时派医疗专家组赶赴十堰。

    Working groups from the central departments have been sent to guide the handling of the accident , while a national medical team has also been dispatched to Shiyan .

  17. 将Webservices标准引入市场的这些工作组的效率如何?

    How effective are these various working groups that bequeath web service standards into the marketplace ?

  18. 例如,工作组网站包含通知、日历和链接web部件。

    For example , a team site includes announcements , calendar , and links web parts .

  19. 请看一下XML协议工作组的成员。

    Look to see who is part of the XML Protocol Workgroup .

  20. 8端口ATM工作组交换机设计与性能分析

    Design and performance analysis of an 8-port ATM work group switch

  21. 另外,工作组对SAFE将目标从海外融资转向国内融资表示理解。

    In addition the Working Group understands SAFE 's objective to move away from offshore funding and towards onshore funding .

  22. 最后,我们把上述理论模型应用到企业信息化集成这个平台中,结合一个企业级协同产品研制管理系统,介绍在异构网络协同环境下,采用J2EE构架的工作组级CAE应用集成系统原型。

    Then , we adopted workgroup CAE application integrated system prototype in isomerous network cooperated environment .

  23. 在LotusNotes客户机中打开OrganizationDirectory数据库,然后添加两个工作组作为编辑和经理。

    In the Lotus Notes client , open the Organization Directory database , and then add two workgroups as editor and manager .

  24. 基于工作组的IPsec安全策略系统研究与实现

    Study and implementation of workgroup-based IPsec security policy system

  25. Java开发人员考虑类路径;需求编写人员考虑通向类(或工作组)的正确途径。

    Java developers think about classpaths ; requirements writers think about getting people on the right path to a class ( or workshop ) .

  26. 作为满足下一代宽带IP城域网需求的新一代光纤环城域网,IEEE802.17工作组规划的弹性分组环网具有非常优良的性能。

    Resilient Packet Ring being programmed by the group of IEEE 802.17 is one of the next generation optical fiber ring MANs who processes fine performance .

  27. 针对同一个工作组中成员可能对Web有相似的兴趣点和访问习惯问题,研究了主要包括缓存和预取两个部分的智能代理技术;

    In a Web the users in the same workgroup may have similar interests and habits . This paper studies the intelligent proxy techniques for people who have access to the Web .

  28. 这个工作组自发地分为DNS、黑洞、恶意软件分析等子工作组。

    The group divided itself up , with DNS , sinkhole , and malware analysis subgroups .

  29. 几个月后,W3C签发了新委任状,成立了一个HTML工作组。

    A few months later , the W3C issued a new charter for an HTML Working Group .

  30. 工作组成员要求中国向所获授权涵盖通知主题的WTO机构提交议定书(草案)和工作组报告书所要求的通知。

    Party requested that China submit the notifications required in the Draft Protocol and Report to the WTO body with a mandate covering the subject of the notification .