
ɡōnɡ yè ɡōnɡ chénɡ
  • Industrial engineering;industrial project/engineering
  1. 基于Web的工业工程的虚拟化实验设计

    The Virtual Experimental Design of IE Based on Web

  2. 工业工程(第九讲)基于WEB的车间生产管理信息系统的开发

    Industrial Engineering ( Part 9 ) & Development of a Web Based Information System for Workshop Production Management

  3. 本文探讨了工业工程(IE)的内涵外延、学科体系、主要职能和基本特征;

    Having hold a discussion on Industrial Engineering 's connotation and extension .

  4. 工业工程(IE)专业建设之探讨

    On the Construction of IE Specialty

  5. pH值控制广泛的存在于污水处理、化工生产、制药、印染以及造纸等工业工程中。

    The pH value control is widely present in the industrial engineering of sewage treatment , chemical production , pharmaceutical , printing and dyeing , and paper-making .

  6. 工作研究(WorkStudy),包括方法研究(MethodStudy)与时间研究(TimeStudy),是工业工程的经典内容,十九世纪末起源于美国,并在欧洲、日本等西方国家广泛应用和迅速发展。

    Work Study , including Method Study and Time Study , is the classical substance of Industrial Engineering . It was derived in U.S. at the end of 19 century , and was broadly performed in Europe , Japan and other west countries .

  7. 调查研究了运筹学(OR)模型及其方法在工业工程(IE)的应用情况。

    This paper investigates the possible uses of operations research ( OR ) models and its techniques in industrial engineering ( IE ) .

  8. 文章引入工业工程方法中的并行工程原理,在计算机的基础上应用PLM技术,实施并行设计的管理方法。

    Applies PLM technology on baseof computer and implements management by means of concurrent design .

  9. 工业工程(IE)理论与技术,作为企业降低消耗、提高生产率的重要方法,一旦与企业生产实际相结合,必将发挥出重要作用。

    As a good technique of decreasing cost and boosting productivity , IE will play an important role when it is put into practice .

  10. 然而,TOM和商业流程再造提出巨大的挑战时,工业工程部却不具备相关的专业知识。

    While TOM and business process reengineering may pose big challenges , the IE 's broad , fundamental background has provided them with the training and education found in no other profession .

  11. SLP(系统布置规划)是工业工程领域中工厂设计的一项技术。

    SLP ( Systematic Layout Planning ) is a technology of facility design in Industrial Engineering .

  12. UPH(UnitsPerHour)是LC公司展示生产效率的关键指标,也是其工业工程部门关注的重要指标之一。

    As a critical indicator of showing production rate of LC company , UPH ( Units per Hour ) has been a great concern for IE department in LC .

  13. 面向企业的工业工程专业学生在管理信息系统(简称MIS)课程设计的过程中,由于时间和条件所限,无法真正到企业调研并解决企业信息化课题。

    Because of the time limit and other factors , the students of IE speciality are hard to participate in real enterprises and make investigations for their course design of MIS .

  14. 3D重建、虚拟现实等技术在工业工程设计,城市规划,数字博物馆等相关领域也具有广阔的应用前景。其中场景的三维信息获取是三维重建所需的基础条件。

    In addition , 3D reconstruction and virtual reality technology have widely prospects in the application , like industrial design , urban design , digital museum and other related fields.3D information acquisition technology is the basic condition of 3D reconstruction .

  15. 或许,运用工业工程BPR等技术方法,并与IT技术相结合,能给高校财务工作带来质的改进。

    Perhaps , to use the techniques like BPR and other IE methods , combined with IT technology , will bring universities with a qualitative improvement in their financial work .

  16. ERP软件企业能够借用工业工程的管理方法,例如产品生命周期管理、现场管理等。这些方法能够加强软件企业的管理,提高软件质量,降低软件企业运营成本,提高工作效率。

    ERP software enterprises can learn from industrial engineering management methods , such as product life-cycle management , on-site management etc. These methods can enhance the management of software enterprises to improve software quality , software enterprises to reduce operational costs and improve efficiency .

  17. 应用工业工程(IE)学科中的流程程序分析法对XZ公司摊铺部门的装配流程进行分析,提出新的改进方案。

    The assembly processes of paver in Paver Division of XZ Company are analyzed with process program analysis method of industry engineering ( IE ) science . A new improvement scheme is suggested .

  18. 借鉴工业工程(IE)中的WBS(工作分解结构)管理思想,提出了基于WBS的主生产计划管理设计方案;

    The file uses WBS ( Work Breakdown Structure ) which comes from Industry Engineering ( IE ) for reference , then it presents a project about MPS ( Master Production Schedule ) management which is based on WBS .

  19. 工业工程方法在走行轮淬火过程中的应用

    Use of industrial engineering in the quenching process of walk wheel

  20. 论现代工业工程技术与先进制造模式的关系

    About the Relationship between Modern Industrial Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing Mode

  21. 推行工业工程实现两个根本转变

    Apply IE to Achieve the Two Basic Transformation of the Enterprises

  22. 谈我国工业工程人才培养和学科建设问题

    On Personnel Training and Discipline Establishment of Industrial Engineering in China

  23. 经典工业工程更适合目前我国企业需要

    Classical IE will Meet the Current Needs of China 's Enterprises

  24. 培养工业工程人才,提高企业素质和效益

    Training Industrial Engineering Personnel and Improving Quality and Efficiency of Enterprises

  25. 工业工程本科教学实验体系研究

    Study on the Laboratory Construction of the Subject of Industrial Engineering

  26. 工业工程专业教学实验体系的研究与实施

    A Study on the Experimental System for IE Teaching and Training

  27. 维护工厂平面图,考虑最佳工业工程应用。

    Maintains the plant layout and considers best industrial engineering options .

  28. 阐述了现代工业工程的理论与技术体系。

    Theory and technical system of modern industrial engineering are expatiated .

  29. 迈向21世纪实施工业工程面临的挑战与思考

    Challenge and Consideration of IE Application to Move into 21st Century

  30. 信息化推动工业工程发展的战略思考

    The Strategic Thought On Information Technology Promoting the Development of Industrial Engineering