
  • 网络Position Apparatus
  1. 工位器具在单体液压支柱大修中的应用

    Application of work place tool chests to individual hydraulic prop overhauling process

  2. 负责所辖范围固定资产、工位器具、公用设施的使用及管。

    Be responsible to the management of fixed asset , instrument and public establishment .

  3. 经营项目主要有工位器具、仓储货架系统、物流输送系统以及周边配套设备等。

    The items include workshop equipment , storage shelves system , logistics Conveyor system and peripheral equipment .

  4. 物流设备包括:工位器具、物流容器及仓储设备之规划、应用和管理。

    Logistics equipment including : workstation , plastic bin , storage equipment , their planning , application and management .

  5. 介绍了工位器具改进设计,改进后散热器支架变形明显消除,发动机罩扣合不良问题得到解决。

    After the tool is improved , the radiator sup-port is not out of shape and the problem of engine cover lock is solved .

  6. 清洁的基本内容是:维持整理、整顿和清扫的状态,使设备、工装、工位器具、零件等做到无污物。

    Clean the basic elements are : the maintenance finishing , cleaning and straightening out the state of the equipment , tooling , the digital equipment , spare parts , and so do not dirt .