
  • 网络Decentralized production;dispersed manufacturing
  1. 由于分散生产、专业化程度不高,钢筋工程长期以来一直是现浇混凝土结构施工中工作效率低、劳动强度大的一个工序。

    Reinforcement work has always being a low efficiency working procedure in cast-in-place reinforced concrete engineering for it has not enough specialization .

  2. 中国是世界上一个非常典型的小农制国家,几千年来都是一家一户的分散生产和经营。

    For thousands of years , China has been a typical country with a small-scale farming economy , each family carrying out its production and management separately .

  3. 包买商控制下的发放制手工艺是工业革命初期的主要生产形态,它构成了从分散生产和集中生产的桥梁。

    Putting-out system is the main form of handicraft production in initial stage of industrial revolution . It forms a bridge between scattered production forms and concentrated one .

  4. 随着市场经济的发展,千家万户小规模分散生产与经营已不适应市场经济发展的局限日益凸显。

    As the development of market economy , the shortage that thousands of families scattered small-scale production and operations can not meet the development of market economy is increasingly obvious .

  5. 当前,我国在推进社会主义新农村建设中遇到的一个突出问题,就是大量的小农户的分散生产经营方式与千变万化的大市场之间的矛盾。

    At present , a prominent issue which China faces during the process of promoting the building of new socialist countryside is that the conflict between a large numbers of small-scale peasants scattered production management and a variety of the big market .

  6. 因此我国要推进农业现代化,实现农业产业化经营就必须提高农民的组织化程度,积极引导农民走向新的联合与合作,改变农民一家一户小规模分散生产经营状况。

    Therefore , advancing the modernization process of agriculture and realizing the management of agricultural industrialization must boost farmers ' degree of systematization , actively lead them to new unity and corporation instead of individual production in a small scale of management .

  7. 对于地理条件、组织能力等决定了适宜于进行分散生产的项目,供销合作社在流通领域具有较好的效益,不失为联结分散农户与市场的一种有效的组织形式;

    Secondly , supply and marketing cooperatives have the better profits in circulation , and it should be a kind of effective organization in connecting scattered rural households with market in some projects which are fit for producing dispersedly determined by geographical conditions and organizational abilities .

  8. 其中,B、C、D、E厂采用固体分散技术生产的尼莫地平片溶出度均符合部颁标准规定的溶出限度。

    The dissolubilities of nimodipine tablets produced by solid dispersed technic from factories B , C , D , E , were in keeping with Chinese WS - ( X ) - 100-2000Z .

  9. 分散林业生产适度规模化的对策探讨

    Discussion on the Countermeasures for the proper Scalization of the Separate Forestry production

  10. 农户亟需一种既可可转移、分散农业生产风险,又能分摊家庭经济损失的风险管理机制,而农业保险恰恰是农户规避风险所需的风险转移机制。

    So farmers need a kind of risk management mechanism to transfer agricultural risk and share the economic lost .

  11. 要配制深色降温涂料,颜料必不可少,而颜料的良好分散是生产性能优异的乳胶漆的首要问题。

    Pigments are essential to the crotal temperature-fall coatings , but the pigments'dispersion is an initial problem to the latex paint .

  12. 但分散林业生产存有管理水平低、融资难等缺陷。

    But there are a lot of problems in the separate forestry , for example : low level , difficulty for financing .

  13. 分散林业生产具有规模小、经营分散、数量众多等特点,是当前南方集体林区重要的生产方式之一。

    The separate forestry production have a lot of characters , such as small scale , separate management , numerous proprietors and so on .

  14. 为了打破这种低水平的均衡,整体思路是降低和分散农业生产的风险、提高农业的预期收益。

    In order to break the low-level equilibrium , we should reduce and disperse the risk of agricultural production to enhance prospective return of agriculture .

  15. 提出了采用新型行星双高速分散搅拌机生产锂离子电池具有理论和实践应用的可行性;

    It is put forward that there is an academic and practical feasibility to produce Lithium-ion battery with the new type planetary double high-speed disperse mixer .

  16. 中国拥有来自农林业的大量生物质资源,以及可用于分散能源生产和生物燃料种植的广大面积。

    China has large biomass resources from agriculture and forest residues , and vast areas that can be used for decentralised energy generation and biofuel cultivation .

  17. 本文在前人研究的基础上,分析探讨了我国分散林业生产的成因、现状及问题等。

    Be based upon the other people 's researches , this article analyzes and discusses the cause of formation , the status quo and the problems of separate forestry .

  18. 并根据其目前情况,提出了新形势下分散林业生产适度规模化的设想,且给出了相应的对策。

    According to their present position , the article give the assumption and the corresponding countermeasures of the proper scalization of the separate forestry production in the same time .

  19. 通过对小杂粮的生产成本和效益、品质优势、价格优势及市场前景等方面的研究和分析,表明其具有较强的市场竞争力。种植分散、生产水平低;

    It is showed that minor food crops have strong competitiveness in the market through this research on their production costs and benefits , quality , price , and market prospects .

  20. 同时,布局分散、生产混乱、质量低下、技术落后、销售环节和后续的服务领域力量薄弱等更是制约我国汽车产业更进一步的关键所在。

    Meanwhile , other difficulties such as scattered distribution chaotic manufacture , low quality , backward technology , backward sales chain and weak follow up service restrict the whole industry 's development .

  21. 本实用新型的优越性在于:1、将钢丝带束层分步分散的生产工序,集中组成一台可连续作业的新颖的自动化设备;

    The utility model has the advantages that : 1.The utility model can integrate the separate and stepwise production processes of the steel belt into a continuous and novel automatic device ; 2 .

  22. 利用层次分析法得到了在四种风险类型中,猪肉质量安全风险所占的权重最大,而环境风险所占的权重最小,相对分散型生产模式,生猪的规模化生产模式的风险更大。

    The results of analytic hierarchy process indicate : within four types of risks , pork quality and safety risk accounts for the biggest weight and environment risk accounts for the smallest . Compared with distributed production mode , scale production mode is riskier .

  23. 一方面,海南香蕉产业呈现的小规模分散经营生产,香蕉从生产到销售,均存在参与个体与组织众多,但层次低、规模小、离散型差,组织化程度低。

    On one hand , from banana manufacturing to sale , Hainan banana industry adopts scattering management production in small scale , during which numerous individuals and organizations are involved but in low level , small scale , low lever discrete and low degree of organization .

  24. 对NDA9大孔吸附树脂吸附法处理分散蓝NKF生产过程中产生的脱磺母液(废水)进行了研究。

    The treatment of dispersed blue NKF desulfonation wastewater by macroporous resin NDA 9 adsorption has been studied .

  25. 分散松香胶生产和应用中存在的问题及建议

    Problems and Suggestions in Production and Application of Dispersed Rosin Size

  26. 可持续发展的生产模式&分散网络化生产系统

    The Disperse Networked Manufacturing-A Sustainable Developing Production Mode

  27. 我国畜牧业分散养殖的生产模式,已不适应社会经济发展的需要。

    The disperse stockbreeding produce mode of our country had not adapted to the demend of the development of society and economy .

  28. 笔者主张建立预防接种异常反应救济基金,在分散政府和生产企业风险的同时,及时对受害者进行补偿。

    In my opinion , relief fund for abnormal reaction should be established to cover the damage of victims and to decrease the risk of government and enterprises .

  29. 在设计和实施这些模型过程中所积累的经验将为大规模推广分散网络化生产系统的运作提供良好的基础。

    The experience gained in the designing and implementation process of the prototype model will provide an invaluable testbed for launching the DNPS on a large scale operation .

  30. 这就出现了一种新的趋势,即生产的跨界扩散和集聚并存,全球性生产活动的分散伴随着生产活动在少数国家的集聚。

    This is a new trend that the industry diffusion and agglomeration concur and the global production activities are dispersed accompanied with the agglomeration in a few countries .