
ɡuó jì mín hánɡ zǔ zhī
  • International Civil Aviation Organization
  1. 尽管国际民航组织的所有成员国都可以引入“X”性别,但很多国家都无此规定。

    This is still the case in many countries , although any nation under the International Civil Aviation Organization 's authority is eligible to introduce category'x ' .

  2. 国际民航组织在全世界范围内每年都会收到2000多件鸟撞的报告。

    International Civil Aviation Organization will receive about 2000 relative reports every year .

  3. 看一看国际民航组织(InternationalCivilAviationOrganisation)的安全报告,我们就能理解马航的困境有多不寻常了。

    We can see how extraordinary Malaysia Airlines " plight is by looking at the International Civil Aviation Organisation 's safety report .

  4. 联合国旗下的全球航空组织——国际民航组织(InternationalCivilAviationOrganisation)会发布有关避让区域的建议,但没有宣布哪些航线是不安全的。

    The International Civil Aviation Organisation , the UN global aviation body , issues advice on areas to avoid - but does not declare flight paths unsafe .

  5. 联合国旗下的全球航空组织&国际民航组织(InternationalCivilAviationOrganisation)会发布有关避让区域的建议,但没有宣布哪些航线是不安全的。

    The International Civil Aviation Organisation , the UN global aviation body , issues advice on areas to avoid – but does not declare flight paths unsafe .

  6. 全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)是当今民航导航技术的发展趋势,该系统已被国际民航组织采纳。

    GNSS has been adopted by ICAO as a tendency of civil navigation technology .

  7. 随着空管的飞速发展,国际民航组织要求各国提供电子航行通告,逐步实现无纸资料服务,也要求提供大量的GIS图形信息。

    With the rapid development of ATC , ICAO requires States to provide notice of electronic navigation , the progressive realization of paperless data services , but also required a large number of GIS graphic information .

  8. ATN是新一代航空电信网络,在本世纪初由国际民航组织开始建议实施。

    ATN , a new generation aeronautical telecommunications network , was suggested to implement by ICAO at the beginning of this century .

  9. 这一事件推动了全行业的努力,来设定改善全球追踪的新基准,以确保航空飞行器不再莫名失踪,包括联合国旗下制定全球标准的机构&国际民航组织(InternationalCivilAviationOrganisation)。

    It has prompted an industry-wide effort , including the International Civil Aviation Organisation , the UN agency that sets global standards , to come up with new benchmarks to improve global tracking to ensure no aircraft ever again goes missing without trace .

  10. 国际民航组织(ICAO)规定的,一种只在理论上存在的大气其温度,压力,和密度的垂直分布。

    The hypothetical vertical distribution of atmospheric temperature , pressure , and density as defined by the International Civil Aeronautical Organization ( ICAO ) .

  11. 在MH17航班失事后,国际民航组织成立了一个负责冲突区域相关事项的工作小组。

    After MH17 , ICAO set up a task force on conflict zones .

  12. 为提高RNAV(区域导航)精度,采用空间向量分析,导出了FANS(国际民航组织倡导的新航行系统)航线的初始航线角和航线距离计算公式;

    To improve the precision of area navigation , the formulas of calculating the initial course and route distance of an FANS ( the future air navigation system ) route was derived through spatial vector analyses .

  13. 十年图书馆藏结构的调查分析国际民航组织及其出版物

    Survey and Analysis on composition of the publications collected in previous ten years

  14. 尤其在航空动力方面,国际民航组织陆续制定了一系列条例。

    Especially in air power , the ICAO formulated a series of regulations .

  15. 国际民航组织2004年附件13审计计划介绍

    ICAO 2004 Appendix 13 Auditing Program

  16. 另外,在国际民航组织向成员国推荐的积冰指数基础上重新构造的积冰指数可以更好地预报积冰天气的发生区域和强度。

    The reconstructed icing index can better predict the icing area than the recommended icing-index by ICAO .

  17. 为了解决日益增长的空中交通量,国际民航组织提出了自由飞行的概念。

    In order to settle increasing air traffic , ICO bring forward the concept of free flight .

  18. 国际民航组织安全监督计划

    ICAO 's Safety Surveillance Plan

  19. 在国际民航组织的通信导航监视/空中交通管理系统中,空&地通信系统是其重要组成部分和基础。

    Air-ground communication systems are the important parts and the basis of ICAO CNS / ATM systems .

  20. 两年前,国际民航组织鉴定印度尼西亚飞机存在121种安全隐患,随后欧洲委员会颁布了该禁令。

    The ban was d two years ago after the International Civil Aviation Authority 121 safety problems with Indonesian airlines .

  21. 多年来,国际民航组织虽然采取了一系列措施,在控制航空排放方面做出了努力,但是航空碳减排的进度仍然缓慢。

    Over the years , the international civil aviation organization has taken strenuous efforts and numerous measures to control aviation emission ; however , the efficiency remains low .

  22. 我国以国际民航组织提出的预测模型与评价方法为基础,以技术导则的形式对民用机场飞机噪声环境影响评价进行规范。

    Our country institutionalizes noise environmental impact assessment on airports by technical induce , the criterion is based on the forecast model and assessment method which put forward by ICAO .

  23. 北韩的广播员在国有媒体上说,平壤已经通知了国际民航组织、国际海事组织以及其他国际有关机构有关它发射卫星的消息。

    A North Korean announcer speaking on state-run media says Pyongyang has informed the International Civil Aviation Organization , the International Maritime Organization and other international organizations of the launch .

  24. 根据美国联邦航空管理局、国际民航组织等航空监管机构和各国政府的安全审计,以及各航空公司的失事纪录组成的评价体系,AirlineRatings.com分别评选出了2015年最安全航空公司和最安全的廉价航空公司榜单。

    Using a system that takes into account audits from aviation governing bodies and governments , as well as fatality records , Qantas was named as the safest and most experienced airline going into 2015 .

  25. 读卖与朝日两报报导,调查委员会建议国际民航组织修改规章,将避撞系统的警告列为优先。

    The two newspapers , the Yomiuri Shimbun and Asahi Shimbun , reported that the investigation commission recommends that the International Civil Aviation Organization revise its regulations to give priority to Collision Avoidance System warnings .

  26. 国际民航组织在上世纪80年代初提出了自由飞行的概念,旨在推进全球空管一体化。

    The International Civil Aviation Organization ( ICAO ) put forward the concept of " free flight " in the early 80s of last century so as to promote the integration of global air traffic control .

  27. 2008年民航局要求全民航应全面建立符合国际民航组织要求的安全管理体系,因此各空管单位进行安全管理体系建设的任务迫在眉睫。

    Civil aviation administration of China required that units of civil aviation should set up safety management system comprehensively which is coincided to the request of ICAO , so it is emergency that each air traffic units establish safety management system .