
  • 网络mixed cost;delayed-variable cost
  1. 混合成本分解式的比较混合程序库

    A Comparison Method on Formulas of Decomposition For Mixed Cost

  2. 测定混合成本行为模式的最准确的方法是最小二乘回归。

    The most accurate method to determine the behavior pattern of a mixed cost is least-squares regression .

  3. 浅谈医院混合成本的分解及其效应

    A Brief Discussion on the Breakdown and Effect of Hospital Compound Costs

  4. 三种方法被广泛使用于分离混合成本成为固定的和可变的元素。

    Three methods are widely used to separate mixed costs into their fixed and variable elements .

  5. 结果表明,使用混合成本作为通货膨胀的驱动因素在统计和经济意义上具有显著性,影响我国通货膨胀主要是资本成本与进口中间品成本;

    Empirical result shows that hybrid costs are statistically significant and qualitatively important ; capital cost and intermediate imported input cost influence inflation mostly ;

  6. 在传统成本性态理论中,认为成本根据其性态可以分为固定成本、变动成本及介于二者之间的混合成本。

    In the traditional cost behavior theory , it considers that the costs can be divided into fixed cost , variable cost and mixed cost .

  7. 在核算部分中,在作业成本核算原始数学模型的基础上,提出基于成本性态、成本构成和综合的优化模型,并介绍最小二乘法等三种混合成本分解的方法。

    In the first part , based on original Mathematics Model of ABC , it put forward Cost Behavior , Cost Composing , and Two-dimensional Optimization Models .

  8. 如果某个项目能利用混合成本费率,在全球范围内调用资源(请参见资源安排),这将对成本有显著的影响。

    If a project can employ global resources ( see Resource staffing ) using a blended cost rate , this can have a significant impact on the cost .

  9. 本文对两个期间混合成本分解式中的固定成本和单位成本变动率进行比较,进而能从数量方面评价两种不同的成本管理措施优劣。

    This paper studies a comparison method on formulas of decomposition for mixed cost , so as to give a new method in evaluating the merit of cost management .

  10. 本文介绍了混合成本的分解方法,并根据实际工作就科学、准确分解医院混合成本的基础效应、控制效应及管理效应进行了探讨。

    Based upon actual working experience , the author further probes into such questions as the basic effect , restrictive effect and management effect of accurately analyzing hospital compound costs .

  11. 首先,用最小二乘方法的原理,分解混合成本,求出固定成本和单位变动成本,然后,进行相关程度分析。

    First , based on the principle of least-square method , mixed cost was resolved and , fixed cost and unit changeable cost was figured out , and then the correlative degree analysis was made .

  12. 采用三种方法来估计混合固定成本的功能。

    Use three methods to estimate mixed-cost functions .

  13. 在中国核能发展中聚变裂变混合堆成本与安全的优势

    A cost and safety superiority of fusion-fission hybrid reactor in China nuclear energy development

  14. 里面参与制作的一个工人说,这种豆腐就是将面粉、味精、冰块、大豆蛋白以及各种色素一起混合做成成本更低的假豆腐,做好后再用另一家豆腐生产厂的商标进行包装,供应给市场上的零售商。

    One worker confessed that they combined soy protein with flour , monosodium glutamate , pigment , and ice to make the fake tofu before packaging it and selling it under the name of another company that was producing real tofu .

  15. 提出了基于混合公差&成本模型的容差优化分配技术。

    A new tolerance optimal allocation technology based on mixed cost-tolerance model is proposed .

  16. 降低沥青混合料加热成本的途径

    Methods of Lowering Cost of Asphalt Mixture Heating

  17. 对甲醇/柴油混合燃料的成本估算表明,该混合燃料具有良好的市场前景。

    The cost of blends fuel is estimated and its market foreground is very good .

  18. 马尾松树皮混合胶的成本与纯酚醛胶相比,可降低40%左右。

    The cost of the adhesive was decreased , which was estimated at by40 % in comparing with that of PF-resin .

  19. 眼下降低混合动力车成本还未提到中国制造商的议事日程之上,因为他们需解决电池的供电时间和寒冷天气下的运行情况等诸多技术问题。

    Chinese manufacturers haven 't yet reached the stage of trying to make hybrids affordable as they work out technical issues , such as battery endurance and cold-weather operation .

  20. 按照习惯成本发生的特征,提出了离散求和、积分、求和与积分混合计算习惯成本的三种方法;

    According to the characteristic of habit cost , three ways of computing habit cost are worked out , which are dispersion sum , integral and the mixture of dispersion sum and integral .

  21. 通过适当地增粘RPET以及合适地选择增韧剂,只需加入2.5%(质量)的增韧剂就可以得到力学性能与纯PC工程塑料相当的PC/RPET共混合金,同时成本比纯PC大幅度下降。

    The toughness of PC / RPET blends could be greatly improved by adding only 2.5 wt % impact strength modifier . The mechanical properties of the toughened PC / RPET blends were comparable to those of pure PC but with lower cost .

  22. 基于二维混合模型的保成本重复控制

    Guaranteed-cost repetitive control based on 2D hybrid model

  23. 这两家印度公司宣称,它们现在能将汽车混合动力化的成本削减多至五分之一。

    The Indian companies claim they are now able to cut the cost of vehicle hybridisation by as much as a fifth .

  24. 色浆和添加剂直接进入混合头,降低成本,提高效率(选装部件);

    The color sizing and additive join the mixing head directly , reduction of cost , increase of efficiency ( optional parts ) .

  25. 有机生态型混合基质培,成本低、效益高、操作简单,且能克服单一基质的某些缺点。

    Due to their lower cost , higher efficiency and simplicity , the ecologically mixed organic substrates may avoid somewhat disadvantages of substrates of single components .

  26. 其次介绍比较现有三种基本仓储类型策略,并建立各种仓储策略(包括混合策略)的成本计算模型;

    Secondly , it compares the three existing basic storage tactics , and builds the cost calculation models on all kinds of storage tactics ( including the mixed tactics );

  27. 旋毛虫病或弓形虫病血清学检测,采用3、5、10份等三种混检方法。同时对血清样品逐一检测和混合检测进行了成本.效果评价。

    For serological test of trichinellosis and toxoplasmosis , 3 kinds of mixed testing methods , namely 3 serum sample mixture , 5 serum sample mixture and 10 serum sample mixture , were performed .

  28. 采用了混合度进行参数选择仿真,并对仿真结果以百公里油耗减少量与混合动力系统增加成本的比值作为标准对混合动力系统参数匹配进行优化。

    The hybrid system is simulated according to the different value of mixing degree . The ratio of the increasing percentage of fuel economy and the raising of the cost is adopted as the standard to optimize the parameters of the system .

  29. 在混合气体中加入50%的CO2,保护效果也有所提高。在保护效果接近的情况下,使用C2H2F4混合气体与使用SF6混合气体的成本基本相当。

    Protective result will heighten when the C_2H_2F_4 mixed gases have 50 % CO_2 . The costs using C_2H_2F_4 mixed gases is near to the costs using SF_6 mixed gases . The C_2H_2F_4 mixed gases react with the melt and form a surface protective film during the course of protection .