
  • 网络Market Gaps
  1. 首先,在中国存在大量此类“市场空白”。

    First , there is a plethora of such market gaps in China .

  2. 速冻海鲜烧烤串系列产品填补市场空白,深受消费者喜爱。

    Frozen Seafood BBQ string products to fill market gaps , deeply consumer favorite .

  3. 如果能填充特定的市场空白,小公司可以发展得相当出色。

    Small companies can do extremely well if they can fill a specific market niche .

  4. 而CloudCat正是我们填补该项市场空白的初次尝试。

    CloudCat is our initial attempt to fill that gap in the market .

  5. 耐克公司没有起诉Nigo反而意识到他填补了一个市场空白。

    Instead of suing Nigo , Nike realised that he had spotted a gap in the market .

  6. 我们的产品真正填补了市场空白。

    Our product has filled a real gap in the market .

  7. 市场空白点多,商机无限

    Numerous blank areas in the market represent unlimited market opportunities

  8. 这显然是一块市场空白。

    There is plainly a gap in the market .

  9. 最优秀的企业家总能发现并填补市场空白,莫娜•比乔尔就是其中一位。

    The best entrepreneurs see a gap in the market and fill it .

  10. 对他而言,他设计的独具特色的春夏系列超越了季节的界限,并填补了一个市场空白。

    For him , his sole spring / summer collection transcends seasons and fills a gap in the market .

  11. 这个变化或许将有助于苹果同三星等占据了智能手机与平板电脑间市场空白的厂商在价格方面展开竞争。

    Presumably , this change will help Apple compete on price with Samsung and others that occupy the space between smartphones and tablets .

  12. 31岁的寺井广树曾经是一名推销员,他在两年前发现了这一市场空白,开创了离婚典礼。

    Hiroki Terai , a 31-year-old former salesman , spotted a gap in the market and pioneered the divorce ceremony two years ago .

  13. 它的出现,填补了市场空白,使得电信维修人员与电信总部之间能够方便快捷的进行话音与数据通信。

    The appearance of PTAT fills up the blank of the market , which makes the communication between maintenance man and headquarters more convenient .

  14. ConnectX的团队目前拥有13名员工,其中大多数都是工程师和科学家,他们希望填补市场空白。

    ConnectX 's team of 13 employees , most of whom are engineers and scientists , are hoping the company can fill that void .

  15. 结果与结论:连锁药店只有加强药学服务,不断发掘市场空白点,充分发挥自身优势,才能在竞争中立于不败之地。

    RESULTS & CONCLUSION : Chain drugstores should improve their pharmaceutical service , base oneself upon market voids , and exert self-advantages , if they want to win in price war .

  16. 随着中国首个股指期货的推出,中国结束了长达28年的股指期货市场空白,走向了更加成熟的资本市场建设阶段。

    As China has introduced the first stock index futures , China ends its 28-year blank in the stock index futures market and come towards a more mature capital market construction phase .

  17. 用模糊聚类模型对房地产项目进行分析、归类,可以从中寻找市场空白点和找到该市场各方面的组合对销量的影响。

    By using of blurring cluster model to analysis and classify the real estate items , could find the blank parts of market and find the affection about sales quantity from composition of every factors .

  18. 威尔逊与沃尔什都年仅29岁,威尔逊表示,他们两人都对整个时尚产业特别是靴子很感兴趣,并且发现在标价过高的高价靴子与廉价劣质的时尚品牌间存在市场空白。

    Wilson says he and Walsh , both 29 years old and interested in fashion broadly and boots specifically , identified a market gap between precious , costly boots sold at a high markup and cheap , low-quality fashion brands .

  19. 这个产品填补了市场的空白。

    The product has filled a gap in the market .

  20. 而在国内1998年之前,市场近乎空白,中国的钢结构市场的起步阶段所采用的都是焊接H型钢。

    Before the 1998 year , market in China is very small . On the China 's market of steel structure , welding steel H-beam was used in the initial stage .

  21. 我国不同亚型的IBS发病率不详,而以改善腹泻型肠易激综合征的各种症状为目标的治疗药物市场几近空白。

    However , the medicine which can improve the syndrome of diarrhea IBS is not available at resent on the market .

  22. 无论是Faceforce应用,还是《Facebook时代》一书,都预见了社交类企业的崛起,这帮我发现了市场的空白,并开始追求我真正的梦想:创立一家新公司。

    Both the app and the book , which forecasted the rise of social business , helped me identify gaps in the market and pursue my real dream : building a startup .

  23. 公司生产的“CONT”品牌酒店电器系列产品,填补了多项酒店卫浴清洁电器市场的空白,在市场上赢得了广泛的赞誉。

    The hotel electrical products with the brand of " CONT ", filling a number of gaps in the hotel bathroom cleaning market , has won wide praise .

  24. 它的组建目的应该是填补市场的空白。

    Its organising purpose should be to fill gaps left by the market .

  25. 杂志市场有空白需要填补。

    There is a gap in the magazine market that needs to be filled .

  26. 设计理念的独特性,广告以投币计次收费的精准性,有效填补了游乐场媒体巨大市场的空白。

    The unique design concept and the precise advertisement charge by measuring each coin-inserting effectively fills the gap of the huge fairground media .

  27. 中国邮政储蓄银行推出的小额信贷业务,缓解了农民和微小企业贷款难的问题,较好地填补了商业银行在农户和微小企业贷款市场的空白。

    Postal Savings Bank of China ( PSBC ) applies microfinance business , which well fills in the gap in peasant household and small enterprises loans market which commercial bank neglects .

  28. 本文的研究内容触摸了大量现有资本市场的空白,如管理层讨论与分析的披露动机及其有效性的研究,资本市场多元机制交互的影响等。

    The research contents touch a lot of gaps in the existing capital market , such as management discussion , analysis of disclosure motivate and its efficiency and the interaction of multiple mechanisms of capital market .

  29. 目前掌纹识别系统在各种生物识别系统应用分额中占很小的部分,在国内民用掌纹识别系统应用市场几乎空白。

    Palmprint recognition system is currently in a variety of biometric systems at a very small amount of the very few civilian palmprint recognition system , in the domestic civilian market palmprint recognition system is almost blank .

  30. 在这种背景下,村镇银行的诞生及时弥补了金融市场的空白,在着力发展三农经济以及调整农业金融服务的重心方面,向着更加广泛的农业基础化产业延伸。

    Under this background , the appearance of rural bank make up the blank of financial market on the aspect of developing agriculture and the focus of agricultural finance , we are aiming to extend to a more widely agricultural industry .