
  • 网络Market disruption
  1. ?籛TO成员只能在防止和补救市场扰乱所必需的时限内根据本条采取措施。

    A WTO Member shall apply a measure pursuant to this Section only for such period of time as may be necessary to prevent or remedy the market disruption .

  2. 但对华特殊保障措施从理论到实践都存在诸多问题,核心是对华特殊保障措施的适用要件尤其是在如何认定市场扰乱和重大贸易转移的问题上存在不确定性和模糊性。

    The core of the application of special safeguard measures to china is especially on how to make sure the elements of that " market disruption " and " significant trade diversion ," which lie in the question of the existence of uncertainty and ambiguity .

  3. 及(2)在该市场扰乱中原产于中国产品的作用;

    And ( 2 ) the role of products of Chinese origin in that disruption ;

  4. 它们还代表了某一类消息灵通的内部股东,这些人可以在将来提供额外的资本,甚至可以潜在地对抗某一位激进的股东,或是不愿向公司支付合理价格的市场扰乱者。

    They also represent a well informed inside shareholder that could provide additional capital in the future , potentially even against an activist shareholder or a Raider not willing to pay a fair price for the company .

  5. 如果在磋商过程中,双方一致认为原产于中国的产品的快速增加是造成市场扰乱的重要原因,同时有必要采取措施,则中国应该采取行动和措施以防止或补救所造成的损害。

    If , in the course of these bilateral consultations , it is agreed that imports of Chinese origin are such a cause and that action is necessary , China shall take such action as to prevent or remedy the market disruption .

  6. 这位部长表示,政府将“多措并举”降低劳动力市场的扰乱。

    The minister said the government would put in place " adequate measures " to limit labour market disruption .

  7. 同时,垄断行为是当前影响市场竞争、扰乱市场秩序的一种严重的不正当竞争行为,必须通过一系列措施,防范和禁止垄断行为。

    Besides , monopoly is kind of severe illicit competition behavior that has bad impact on normal market competition and disturbs a good market order .

  8. 眼下,对于希腊而言,最好的解决方案是,在IMF/EU计划资金保护其免受市场判断的扰乱之际,继续前进,尽可能地多完成要求。

    The best solution for Greece at the moment is to push on and get as much done as it can , while the money from the IMF / EU programme shields it from the judgment of the markets .

  9. 但是,公用企业滥用优势地位,则会损害消费者和其他经营者的合法权益,破坏公平竞争的市场机制,扰乱社会经济秩序。

    However , the abuse of such status will incur damage to consumers and other market participant , and break market mechanism of fair competition . The second section focuses on the monopolistic situation of public utilities in our country .

  10. 关联交易对上市公司并购具有积极作用,同时,又容易导致上市公司亏损,产生操纵市场行为,扰乱证券市场秩序,损害中小投资者权益。

    One is the positive effect , the other is the negative one which can produce market domination , disturb the order of stock market , through debt guarantee cause the deficit of listed companies , damage the middle and little investors ' right .

  11. 近年来,许多企业开始利用坏账准备会计政策进行盈余管理,导致上市公司会计信息质量下降,股票市场的发展受到扰乱。

    In recent years , many companies started using the accounting policy for earnings management , the public company accounting information quality decreased . This disturbed the development of the stock market .

  12. 切莫被金融市场当前的动荡扰乱视线,美元的崩溃和投行的阵痛很容易被人视为美国衰败的迹象。

    Do not be distracted by the current turbulence in financial markets , however tempting it is to see the collapse of the dollar and the travails of investment banks as signs of us decadence .