
  1. 在此基础上,提出推进西部贫困地区财政管理体制改革需要建立的生态、资源补偿机制和建立财政管理体制改革与产业、金融政策协调机制。

    On this basis , put forward in the western poverty-stricken areas of financial management reforms need to establish the ecological resources and the establishment of a compensation mechanism for financial and industrial management system , financial policy coordination mechanisms .

  2. 在政府产业政策和金融政策的指导下,发达的金融体系和完备的金融服务可以将大量有效资源注入制造业,以提升制造业的发展水平。

    Under the direction of industry and financial policy , a developed financial system and perfect financial service can inject large amount of efficient resources into manufacturing to increase its level .

  3. 论我国产业结构调整中金融政策的定位

    On the Position of Financial Policy in Industry Structure

  4. 本研究对产业结构调整的金融政策研究着重从货币政策选择的角度进行分析与研究。

    The study on financial policy in industrial structure adjustment put emphasis on the view of choosing monetary policy .

  5. 产业政策、财政金融政策、进出口政策、统计核算政策、法律法规等对循环经济中的价格形成影响,既有直接的,也有间接的。

    Industrial policy , fiscal and financial policies , import and export policy , statistical accounting policies , laws and regulations can influence the price formation in circular economy ; there are both direct and indirect effects .

  6. 目前,我国对房地产业实施严厉的宏观调控,不断的出台新的产业、金融、税务政策来规范其发展。

    Presently , China has implemented strict macro-control over the real estate industry and has constantly issued new industrial , financial and tax policies to regulate its development .