
  1. 高新技术产业的财税扶持及政策思考

    Financial Support for Hi-tech Industries and its Enlightenment

  2. 四要进行财税扶持,使农民工创业成本最小化。

    Fourthly , support migrant workers in tax and fee to minimize entrepreneurial cost .

  3. 滨海新区高新技术产业财税扶持政策研究

    Research on Fiscal and Tax Policies about High and New Technological Industry of the Binhai Newly Developed Area

  4. 实施促进廉租住房、经济适用房建设和住房租赁市场发展的财税扶持政策。

    Fiscal and taxation policies were adopted to support development of low-rent housing , affordable housing and the rental housing market .

  5. 循环经济是东北老工业基地实现可持续发展的必由之路,财税扶持对鼓励东北老工业基地发展循环经济意义重大。

    Circular economy is an unavoidable means for the sustainable development of the NE china old industrial base , which is largely depending upon favorable fiscal policies .

  6. 为此,建议政府加快建立健全支持中小企业发展的政策体系,包括政府管理、法制条件、财税扶持、信用担保以及社会化的综合服务等。

    Therefore , this essay puts forward the suggestion that the government should perfect the policy system to support enterprises . Those measures include government management , legal condition , financial support , credit guarantee and other socialized services .

  7. 中小企业在台湾经济中占有重要地位,这与台湾在不同时期对不同类型的中小企业采取不同的财税扶持手段息息相关。

    Small and medium businesses are of great significance in the Taiwanese economy , and this is closely linked with the different support of public finance and taxation given to different types of small and medium businesses in different periods .

  8. 新能源汽车产业发展的直接推动力就是国家的政策扶持,尤其是国家财税政策的扶持对促进我国新能源汽车产业的发展起到了重要的作用。

    The direct driving force in supporting the development of the New Energy Vehicles industry is the national policy , particularly the fiscal and taxation policies .

  9. 我国的循环经济现在还处于非常低级的起步阶段,政府财税政策对扶持、引导我国循环经济发展发挥着至关重要的作用。

    Now circular economy in China is at a very low-level early stage . Thus , fiscal and taxation policies have a very important effect on supporting and guiding the development of circular economy .