
  1. 新兴产业扶持政策的逆向选择效应研究

    Research on Adverse Selection Effect of Supporting Policies on Emerging Industries

  2. 第二章对文化产业扶持政策的理论基础进行系统分析。

    The second chapter analyzes theoretical basis of cultural industry support policy systematically .

  3. 产业扶持政策下中国区域经济发展的误区及对策分析

    An Analysis of Misunderstandings for Regional Economy Development with Industry Supporting Policy and its Countermeasures

  4. 但在当前,有些地方政府在运用产业扶持政策时,其效果并不明显。

    However , there is no obvious effect when some local administrations actualize the industry supporting policy at present .

  5. 而推动太阳能增长的另外一个关键所在,则要靠政府制定出明确的产业扶持政策。

    Another key to the growth of solar will be government offering up clear policies to support the sector .

  6. 外商投资政策与产业扶持政策协调博弈研究

    A Study on the Coordination between Foreign Investment Policy and Industry Support Policy & from the Perspective of Game Theory

  7. 本章最后从政策层面和操作层面提出了建议。第七章主要讨论财政的产业扶持政策。

    This chapter concludes with recommendations from the policy level and operational level . Chapter ⅶ discusses the fiscal industry-supporting policy .

  8. 其中外商投资政策和产业扶持政策对传统产业改造,以及成长性产业的发展影响极为重大。

    Foreign investment policy and industry support policy have great influence on the transformation of traditional industries and the development of growing industries .

  9. 它的发展一是得益于优越的区域发展政策和产业扶持政策;二是得益于全球产业分工下跨国公司的产业转移和积极的国际化战略。

    Its development profits from the predominant region-development policy , the industry-support policy , the transnational corporations ' industrial shift and the positive internationalization strategy .

  10. 第一章对选题的背景及研究意义、国内外文化产业扶持政策的研究现状进行了阐述和介绍。

    The first chapter gives an introduction of the background and significance of the topic and the present situation of cultural industry support policy at home and abroad .

  11. 第一,经济性规制的基本方法是设置准入门槛;第二,经济性规制的重要手段是实行产业扶持政策;第三,社会性规制的路径是完善法律法规。

    Firstly , establishment of access threshold is the basic approach of economic regulation . Secondly , implementation of industrial support policy is an important method of economic regulation .

  12. 旅游业的发展与菲律宾政府的一系列旅游产业扶持政策、旅游产品推陈出新、旅游推广等措施是分不开的。

    The development of tourism is inseparable from the Philippine government 's hard work to support a range of tourism policies and introduce new tourism products , tourism promotion and other measures .

  13. 本文借助博弈论的分析方法对外商投资政策与产业扶持政策在推动产业发展过程中的协调问题进行了粗浅的探讨。

    Employing the analysis method of game theory , the paper makes some superficial probe on the coordination between foreign investment policy and industry support policy in the process of promoting industrial development .

  14. 另外,我国的新能源汽车产业扶持政策体系还存在着一些缺陷,主要表现为政策手段单一,对相关基础设施的关注力度不够和政府急躁冒进且行政管理越位。

    In addition , there are still some defects in the system of policies that support the development of Chinese new energy automotive industry , such as the policy instruments is single , the attention to related infrastructure is not enough and the public administration is pushy and offside .

  15. 滨海新区高新技术产业财税扶持政策研究

    Research on Fiscal and Tax Policies about High and New Technological Industry of the Binhai Newly Developed Area

  16. 农业产业化扶持政策对于影响农业产业化进程的农户、农产品特性以及外部环境作用不明显,其作用对象主要是农业产业化龙头企业。

    The performance of the support policy through Agro-industrialization was not obvious that affect farmers and agricultural products properties , as well as the external environment .

  17. 即政府在尊重市场规律的同时,首先要注重加强对农产品深加工产业发展扶持政策的系统性。

    I suggested that the government should respect the laws of the market and focus on strengthening the systematicness of supportive policies for agricultural products further processing industry , the government should firstly publish effective fiscal and taxation policy system and supportive service .

  18. 台湾环保产业发展及其扶持政策的特点

    Development of Environmental Industries in China 's Taiwan and Its Supported Policy

  19. 高新技术产业的财税扶持及政策思考

    Financial Support for Hi-tech Industries and its Enlightenment

  20. 研究结果不仅可以丰富现代服务业的相关理论,而且可以为青羊区乃至成都市完善现代服务业产业发展战略和产业扶持政策,提升城市核心竞争力提供科学依据。

    The research results may not only enrich the modern service industry theories , but also provide the scientific basis to formulate modern service industry developmental strategy , the industrial support policy , and promotion of the city core competitive power in Qingyang District and even in Chengdu City .

  21. 促进中小企业发展相关的税收政策包括增值税、企业所得税方面的政策,还包括对高新技术产业、国家鼓励发展产业的重点扶持政策,以及其他的一些优惠政策。

    The related tax policy to promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises , not only include the value-added tax and enterprise income tax policy , but also include the high-tech industry , the key support policies as well as other the preferential policies .

  22. 文章从加快新兴产业规模化进程的角度,提出了产业扶持、财政支持政策以及投融资、人才、服务、物流等配套体系建设的思路。

    This article has , from the acceleration of the scale of burgeoning industries , proposed the policy of industrial and financial supporting and the construction of the system of investment , talents , service and logistics .

  23. 第二部分为韩国影视产业的媒介生态环境,分析了韩政府对文化产业的扶持政策、韩剧独特的运作体制,成功的营销策略;

    The second chapter is media environment of TV industry in Korea , analyzing culture industry policy of Korea , unique managing system of Korea TV drama program , successful sale strategy .