
  • 网络uses and gratifications;the uses and gratifications approach;Uses and Gratification Theory
  1. 从使用与满足理论的角度来解读网络推手

    The Decipherment of the Network Pushers from the Point of the Uses and Gratifications Theory

  2. 其次,通过借鉴使用与满足理论的研究环节,本文进而剖析公共关系与新闻报道多元纠合的互动动机。

    With reference to research tactics of the Uses and Gratifications Theory , this study reveals a multi-incentive truth of the interplay .

  3. 使用与满足理论与互联网环境下的文献接受

    The " Use-and-Satisfaction " Theory and Literature Reception in Network Environment

  4. 对传播学中使用与满足理论的再探索

    A Review of the Using and Satisfied Theory in Communication Studies

  5. 使用与满足理论在广告运动中的应用

    Application of the Employing and Satisfying Theory in Advertisements on the Move

  6. 从使用与满足理论谈改善高校广播工作

    On the Development of College Broadcasting Based on the Theory of Use and Gratification

  7. 传播学使用与满足理论对网络游戏成瘾原因的探究

    A Study on Causes of the Network Game Addiction with the Theory of Use and Gratification

  8. 针对这些影响我们运用文学接受理论、传播学使用与满足理论、社会学及传播学创新扩散理论的角度来探究这类现象背后的原因。

    This essay used Literary Reception theory , Communication Gratification theory and Innovation Diffusion theory to explore the reasons for these impacts .

  9. 最后,本文按照使用与满足理论对研究结果做出了解释,并就相关问题进行了讨论。

    At the end of this paper , explanation are made by analyzing the research results in " Uses and Gratifications " approach and discussions on some other related issues are also included .

  10. 从受众的角度,作者参考使用与满足理论的研究成果看到,对大多数受众而言,对私人空间的关注往往多于对公共领域的关注,在这一点上小报新闻迎合了多数的需求;

    As for the audience , referring to the research results of " uses and gratifications " approach , the author argues that the majority has more interests in private affaires than in public sphere .

  11. 第一部分绪论,介绍了青海卫视本土受众研究的背景意义、研究方法、相关文献评述以及研究的理论基础:一是使用与满足理论;二是选择性理论。

    The first part of the introduction , introduces background significance of the Qinghai local audience research , research methodology , literature review and theoretical basis : the " usage and meet " theory and selective theory .

  12. 本文依据使用与满足理论的基本研究思路,通过问卷调查与深度访谈获取第一手资料,描述上海大学生使用智能手机的基本行为情况,并且阐述上海大学生在使用智能手机过程中所表现出的使用需求。

    According to the use and gratification theory research ideas , this paper describes the basic behaviors of smart phone usage and illustrates the use demands of smart phone for Shanghai college students through a questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews .

  13. 首先阐述了本研究调查问卷的设计,在借鉴使用与满足理论一些重要研究成果的基础上,通过前期的预调查及对相关人员进行访谈,制定了本研究的调查问卷。

    Firstly the author expounds on the design of the questionnaire . Through the early investigation and the personnel interview , the author designs the investigation questionnaire by learning from some important research results of the theory of uses and gratifications .

  14. 随后本文阐述了观众本位的使用与满足理论的主要概念,分析了电视观众在大众传播中的重要性,并进一步对比了电视观众与会议听众的不同之处。

    The following chapter of this thesis is devoted to explaining main concepts of the audience-oriented uses and gratifications theory , analyzing the importance of TV audiences to mass communication , and making a comparison between audiences of TV programs and listeners of conference interpreting .

  15. 对此,按照传播学使用与满足理论分析高校广播的功能与优势特点,本着受众的需求,革新广播节目内容与表现形式,使之成为校园文化中不可缺少的重要组成部分。

    Based on the Theory of Use and Gratification , this paper analyzes the roles and advantages of the college broadcasting , and suggests that some reforms be conducted on the programs and their forms so as to make it an indispensable part of the cultural life on campus .

  16. 第三章在实证研究的基础上,以传播学使用与满足理论为框架,通过文献分析、访谈、体验式研究等方法,结合问卷调查的结论,深入解读使用者的使用行为及意图。

    Chapter III on the basis of empirical research , Communication theory " uses and gratifications " as a framework , through literature analysis , interviews , experiential research methods , combined with the conclusion of the survey , in-depth interpretation of the use of user behavior and intentions .

  17. 使用传播学中的使用与满足理论和知沟理论,对广东省农村地区农业科技图书发行存在的问题及原因进行了分析。

    ( 3 ) The problems and reasons of agriculture technological books publication and issue were analyzed using " uses and gratifications " theory , and " knowledge gap " theory .

  18. 另外在传者角度重点使用了传播学中的使用与满足理论分析泰剧对中国观众情感期待的满足。

    Besides this paper use the theory of use and satisfaction and analysis the Thai TV drama satisfaction for Chinese audience .

  19. 此外,本研究通过对不同结构受众使用触屏手机满足其各种需求的分析,丰富和充实了使用与满足理论。

    In addition , this study enriches the use and satisfaction theory by analyzing various needs of different-component recipients in using touch screen mobile phone .