
  • 网络Postal Saving Bank of China;china postal savings bank;PSBC;China Post Saving Bank
  1. 一年前,中国邮政储蓄银行(postalsavingsbankofchina)行长陶礼明在描述该行未来雄心勃勃的征途时,引用了两句古诗。

    A year ago the president of the postal savings bank of China quoted a classic poem to describe the journey ahead for his ambitious institution .

  2. 中国邮政储蓄银行提供农村金融支持的思考

    A Ponderation over Postal Savings Bank of China Providing Financial Supports for Rural Areas

  3. 中国邮政储蓄银行的客户关系管理方案研究

    Customer Relationship Management Research of China Postal Savings Bank

  4. 2007年3月6日,中国邮政储蓄银行有限责任公司正式成立。

    March 6,2007 , China Postal Savings Bank Co. , Ltd. officially established .

  5. 中国邮政储蓄银行网络营销的广告策略

    Network advertisement sales strategy of China Postal Savings Bank

  6. 中国邮政储蓄银行的市场定位

    The Market position of China Post and Savings Bank

  7. 第三部分,提出中国邮政储蓄银行开办小额信贷业务面临的问题。

    Part Four : analysis the major micro-credit problem of Postal Saving Bank of China will face .

  8. 主要的外部投资者是庞大的国有企业中国邮政储蓄银行。

    The main outside investor is the Postal Savings Bank of China , a sprawling , state-owned bank .

  9. 中国邮政储蓄银行表示,将提供小额信贷和消费信贷等服务,但未透露具体细节。

    The bank said it would offer services including small loans and consumer credit , but gave no details .

  10. 最终,本文在以上分析的基础上提出了完善中国邮政储蓄银行小额信贷业务发展的对策,给出了促进小额信贷业务良性发展的对策和建议。

    Finally , this paper provided some suggestion to improve the microcredit business in China Postal Savings Bank based on the analyzing .

  11. 中国邮政储蓄银行比照商业银行业务经营管理和风险防控的要求,初步组建了相应的组织架构和风险管理机构。

    After compared to the requirement of business management and risk control , it initially set up the corresponding organizational structure and risk management mechanism .

  12. 作为银行业生力军的中国邮政储蓄银行,无可避免地面临着竞争加剧、风险陡增的双重挑战。

    As a banking force in Changsha , China Postal Savings Bank branches , inevitably faced with increased competition , the dual challenges of increased risk .

  13. 第四部分阐述了中国邮政储蓄银行开办小额信贷的政策建议与展望。

    Part five : giving the solution to the problem of micro-credit when Postal Saving Bank of China go into these field and suggestions on the policies .

  14. 中国邮政储蓄银行自成立以来,就将其市场定位于社区银行,并立足于为农村提供小额金融服务。

    Since the establishment of Postal Savings Bank of china , its market position is community bank and based on the provision of microfinance for rural financial services .

  15. 作为国家进一步深化金融改革的重要一环,中国邮政储蓄银行于2007年3月6日在北京宣告正式成立。

    As a significant measures in the process of the further financial reform in China , Postal Savings Bank of China declared its establishment in Beijing on 6th March , 2007 .

  16. 中国邮政储蓄银行推出的小额信贷业务,缓解了农民和微小企业贷款难的问题,较好地填补了商业银行在农户和微小企业贷款市场的空白。

    Postal Savings Bank of China ( PSBC ) applies microfinance business , which well fills in the gap in peasant household and small enterprises loans market which commercial bank neglects .

  17. 中国邮政储蓄银行现有的汇兑业务和储蓄业务已经全面实现电子化,但是两套系统相对独立。

    In the past , the two systems of remittance and saving in China Postal Saving Bank were relatively independent , even though the business has already been made electronic comprehensively .

  18. 中国邮政储蓄银行要建设成为国内一流的大型商业银行,就必须要做到资本充足、业务活跃、管理先进、风险可控。

    To build a first-class large commercial banks , it is necessary for Postal Savings Bank of China to achieve capital adequacy , active business , advanced management and risk control .

  19. 1986年以来,我国邮政金融经历了特殊的发展之旅。中国邮政储蓄银行的获准营业,标示着我国邮政体制及邮政金融改革终于有了一个方向性的重大成果。

    China 's postal finance has been experiencing special development since 1986.The licensing of China Post and Savings Bank marks that reforms of postal system and postal finance have made significant achievement .

  20. 中国邮政储蓄银行作为刚刚成立不久的商业银行,许多方面还是在摸索中前行,特别是和其他商业银行相比存在较大差距。

    As a newly established commercial bank , Postal Savings Bank of China ( PSBC ) gets ahead gropingly in many aspects , especially having a big gap comparing with other commercial banks .

  21. 2008年4月,中国邮政储蓄银行泰安市分行成立,针对邮政金融体制改革,国家银行业监管部门明确了邮储银行自营+代理的管理模式,泰安市邮政局开始代理金融业务。

    Postal Savings Bank of China Tai ' an Branch set up in April 2008 and began to get involved in finance agency business according to the Requirements of Postal finance system reform .

  22. 因此,中国邮政储蓄银行淄博市分行要想减少坏账、降低逾期,就必须大胆革新,不断创新,全面建立小额贷款风险防范体系。

    Therefore , the Postal Savings bank of Zibo Branch To reduce bad debt , reduce overdue , it must be bold innovation , innovative , comprehensive risk prevention system to establish small open .

  23. 中国邮政储蓄银行董事长刘安东在挂牌仪式上表示,通过为农村家庭和企业提供信贷,该银行将促进农村地区的发展。

    In an inauguration address , Liu Andong , bank chairman , said it would enhance the development of China 's countryside by making particular effort to offer credit to rural households and companies .

  24. 小额贷款业务是中国邮政储蓄银行沈阳市分行重要的资产类业务品种之一,与其相关联的贷款收入也是银行利润的重要组成部分。

    Microcredit business is one type of important business in Postal Savings Bank of China Shenyang branch , and the income which is associated with the bank loan is an important part of the profits .

  25. 自1986年邮政储蓄恢复开办以来,经过20余年的发展,中国邮政储蓄银行现拥有储蓄营业网点3.6万个,是目前网点数最多的金融机构。

    Since the resumptive inception of postal savings in 1986 , after 20 years of development , China Postal Savings Bank now has 36,000 networks , it is the largest financial institutions with most networks .

  26. 中国邮政储蓄银行自2007年3月成立以来,经过四年多的发展,取得了显著的成绩,多项业务已经初步走上了正轨,正朝着全功能综合化商业银行的方向迈进。

    Since its inception in March 2007 and after nearly four years of development , Postal Savings Bank of China has made remarkable achievements . Many of its business are on the right track and the bank is moving in the direction of a full-function commercial bank .

  27. 海南省科技厅还与中国银行、中国邮政储蓄银行签署了战略合作协议,以提高科技型中小企业的核心竞争力。

    The Provincial Department of Science and Technology also signed strategic cooperation agreements with Bank of China and Postal Savings Bank of China to improve the core competitiveness of small and medium-sized scientific and technological enterprises .

  28. 分析人士表示,银行的支持——其中包括中国农业银行、中国邮政储蓄银行,以及私人控制的中国民生银行——将提供暂时的缓解措施,但是还无法解决公司更深层次的问题。

    Analysts said the support from the banks - which also include the Agricultural Bank of China , Postal Savings Bank of China and the privately controlled China Minsheng Bank - would provide temporary relief but would fall short of addressing the company 's deeper problems .

  29. 然而,尽管在中国广泛的金融体系改革中,中国邮政储蓄银行的创建具有里程碑式的意义,但尚不清楚作为一家在商业上负责的银行,这家银行的实力如何。

    However , while creation of the new bank is a landmark in China 's wide-ranging financial system reforms , it is unclear how well equipped it is to act as a commercially responsible lender .