
  • 网络news review;comment;news
  1. 侵权行为(TORT)是对他人(自然人和法人)合法利益的不法侵害行为,而新闻评论侵权则指新闻评论在写作和传播过程中侵害公民和法人人格权的行为。

    Tort is illegal infringement of others ' legitimate benefit including natural persons and corporation . While news review means that news review encroach on the right to human dignity of citizen and corporation in the course of writing and propagation .

  2. 语篇功能视域下的新闻评论话语

    The discourse of news review from the respect of textual function

  3. 基于SVM的中文新闻评论的情感自动分类研究

    Research on Sentiment Classification of Chinese Reviews Based on SVM

  4. FastSOA可以通过RSSfeeds把发表在一个网站上的新闻评论文章和刚刚发生的新闻故事关联起来。

    FastSOA may federate news analysis articles published on a Web site with late breaking news stories from several RSS feeds .

  5. 网络新闻评论的内涵很广,它包括网络时评、BBS、论坛、新闻跟帖等。

    Netnews comment has rich connotation , which includes netnews review , BBS , net forum , news notes , etc. .

  6. 新闻评论一直是报纸媒体的重要内容。

    News criticism is always an important content of newspaper medium .

  7. 中美新闻评论比较研究

    The Comparative Research on Newspaper Opinion in China and United States

  8. 古代论辩艺术对新闻评论改革创新的借鉴意义

    Value of Learning Art of Chinese Ancient Argument to News Comments

  9. 我国灾难性事件的电视新闻评论研究

    The Study of News Commentaries of TV of Disaster of China

  10. 在电视新闻评论中坚持实名制

    The Use of the Real Name System in Television News Comments

  11. 认识论解析下的新闻评论写作

    The Writing of Comments on Current Events under Explanation of Epistemology

  12. 抗战时期新闻评论的大众化特色

    The Popular Characteristic of News Commentary in the Anti-Japanese War Time

  13. 英汉新闻评论语篇中情态的对比研究

    A Contrastive Study of Modality in English and Chinese Journalism Reviews

  14. 互动式网络课堂的建立&新闻评论教学模式

    On Establishment of Internet-based Interaction Classroom & A News-comment Teaching Mode

  15. 地方报纸如何办好新闻评论专栏

    How the Local Newspaper Runs Special Column of News Analysis Well

  16. 论报刊英语新闻评论的编译原则

    An Analysis of Translating and Editing Principles of English News Review

  17. 新闻评论的现状及特征

    On the state of arts for news reviews and their salient features

  18. 信息时代新闻评论工作者的职责与角色转型

    Duty and Role Change of News Commentator in Information Era

  19. 网络新闻评论是指在网络媒体上发表的,就当前新闻事件或事态发表的评价性意见。

    Comment of Netnews is appraisal idea about current news on web .

  20. 网络新闻评论是迥异于传统媒体新闻评论的一种新的评论形式。

    That is the spring up of the netnews commentary .

  21. 模糊限制语在新闻评论中实现了哪些人际功能?

    What are the interpersonal functions realized by the hedges ?

  22. 网络新闻评论及其发展趋向研究

    A Study of News Comment on Network and It 's Developing Trend

  23. 试论电视新闻评论节目的三化

    On " Three Sides " of the News Comment of Television Program

  24. 信度与效度是衡量电视新闻评论节目成功与否的两个重要标准。

    Credibility and efficiency arc the two criteria of TV news analytic programs .

  25. 新闻评论权立法研究

    On the Legislation of the Right to Review News

  26. 高校新闻评论课程之实践教学研究

    Study on Practice Teaching in College News Commentary Curriculum

  27. 说服传播理论与新闻评论教学的距离

    Distance between Persuasion Communication Study and News Commentary Education

  28. 全文分为四章:第一章为新闻评论侵权概述。

    Divided into four chapters : Chapter I is news comments infringement overview .

  29. 电视新闻评论节目制作初探

    View on the Production of TV News Comment Programme

  30. 试论新闻评论说理的艺术

    Comments on the Arts of Arguing for News Review