
dì èr wài yǔ
  • second foreign language
  1. 作为中学第二外语的日语教学

    On Japanese Teaching as a Second Foreign Language in Middle Schools

  2. 关于改进公共第二外语教学的思考

    Thinking over improving the teaching of a second foreign language

  3. 本文回顾了关于动机在教学和第二外语学习方面的理论,包括有:Gardner的语言学习社会教育动机理论,行为动机理论,认知动机理论等。

    The paper reviews motivation theories including : Gardner 's Socio-educational Models , Behavioral Theories , Cognitive Theories and so on .

  4. 许多研究已证实了CBI能够增加英语作为第二外语学习者的学习动机并减少学习中的焦虑感。

    Quite a number of studies have proved that CBI can enhance ESL learners ' motivation and reduce their anxiety .

  5. 语言习得理论与第二外语学习模式

    Language Acquisition Theories and the Second Foreign Language Learning Models

  6. 谈俄语作为第二外语学习的优势

    On the advantages of the Russian as the second language

  7. 课堂交流:研究第二外语习得的窗口(英文)

    Classroom interaction : Window to study second language learning ;

  8. 论语言和谐观及学习第二外语的重要性

    Harmonious Linguistic View and the Importance of Learning a Second Foreign Language

  9. 第二外语习得与学习动机因素

    Motivation & One Important Factor in Second Language Acquisition

  10. 在这两种系统的国际学校,汉语是第二外语。

    In these international education systems , Chinese is the second foreign language .

  11. 这势必造成了第二外语学习及翻译中的一些困难。

    It inevitably causes some difficulties in translation and the second language learning .

  12. 越来越多国际学校把汉语作为第二外语进行教学。

    There are many international schools teaching Chinese as the second foreign language .

  13. 他们要求学生要学第二外语。

    They requested that the students ( should ) learn the second language .

  14. 我想学习第二外语。

    I want to study a second foreign language .

  15. 除英语外,他还得学第二外语。

    In addition to English , he has to study a second foreign language .

  16. 我选修一种第二外语来扩大我的知识面。

    I take up a second foreign language to widen my sphere of knowledge .

  17. 本文探讨了第一外语(二语)在第二外语(三语)习得中的迁移作用。

    This paper explores the role of second language transfer in third language acquisition .

  18. 我学的第二外语是德语。

    My second foreign language is german .

  19. 教授外语学习者或第二外语学习者成语,对教师来说仍是一种挑战。

    Paired-associate learning Teaching idioms has remained a challenge in the EFL or SLA classrooms .

  20. 浅析第二外语中的语言迁移

    Language Move in the Second Foreign Language

  21. 这是在中国学生学习第二外语英语时的一种社会现象。

    There is the social rife phenomenon in studying English as second language in China .

  22. 结果我的孩子会不会用母语来翻译第二外语?

    Won 't my child just end up translating from their second language to their first language anyway ?

  23. 老师、者以及“望子成龙”的父母亲们对是否需要对年幼的儿童教第二外语争论很大。

    WHETHER to teach young children a second language is disputed among teachers , researchers and pushy parents .

  24. 相反,一些欧洲的公司超过一半以上的人熟练的掌握第二外语。

    Conversely , some European firms have half or more of their employees fluent in a second language .

  25. 在韩国的高中学生中,愿意选择汉语作为第二外语的学生人数不断增加。

    In Korea , high school students who choose Chinese as a second language have increased in number .

  26. 很多大学的外国语学院都开设了一门新的必修课&第二外语。

    Most Schools of Foreign Language in colleges and universities offer a second foreign language course as compulsory .

  27. 母语和第一外语对第二外语的元音发音都存在着迁移作用。

    Mother tongue and the first foreign language both transfer the vowel pronunciation of the second foreign language .

  28. 优秀的中英文书面及口语交流能力,掌握第二外语者优先;

    Strong written and verbal communication skills in English and Chinese , knowledge of other language is a plus ;

  29. 语音在第二外语习得中是关键性因素,是语言的核心所在。

    Pronunciation learning is a key factor in second language acquisition , which is also the soul of language .

  30. 本文是一份有关外语专业第二外语课程设置的综台调查。

    This is an investigation report on the curriculum design of the Second Foreign Language course for language majors .