
dì sān guó jì
  • the Third International;the Third International of 1919-1943
第三国际 [dì sān guó jì]
  • [the Third International of 1919-1943] 即共产国际。全世界共产党和共产主义组织的国际联合组织。1919年在列宁领导下成立,1943年解散

第三国际[dì sān guó jì]
  1. 链激酶第三国际标准品的标定

    Establishment of the 3 ~ ( rd ) International Standard for Streptokinase

  2. 第三,国际货币基金组织(IMF)和世行必须严肃看待帮助贫困国家明智地管理债务这个问题。

    Third , the IMF and the bank have to get serious about helping poor countries manage their debt sensibly .

  3. 第三届国际生态学会议将于1982年召开

    The 3rd International Congress of ecology will be held , 1982

  4. 第三,国际经济秩序正向多元化发展。

    Third , the international economic order is developing to diversification .

  5. 第三、国际金融资本流入对经济体系具有显著的经济效应。

    Thirdly , international financial capital plays a significant role in economy .

  6. 相聚在中戏&中央戏剧学院第三届国际戏剧邀请展综述

    A Summary of The 3rd Central Academy of Drama International Theatre Showcase

  7. 第三,国际国内比较研究的方法。

    Third , it does comparative research between domestic and abroad antitrust practice .

  8. 从第三届国际地质统计学大会看地质统计学的最新进展

    New Development Viewed from the third international geostatistics Congress

  9. 这是他们一周之内打的第三场国际比赛。

    This is the third international match they 've played in a week .

  10. 第三部国际组织责任的内容。

    The third part : the contents of the responsibility of international organizations .

  11. 第三,国际金融市场环境。

    Third , the international financial market environment .

  12. 第三章国际保理的法律风险及其防范措施。

    The third chapter is about legal risk and the measure against the risk .

  13. 第三届国际地洼构造与成矿学讨论会在中国哈尔滨举行

    The Third International Symposium on DIWA TECTONICS AND METALLOGENY held in harbin , China

  14. 中央戏剧学院第三届国际戏剧邀请展的概况和评论

    The summary of the Third International Theatre Showcase of the Central Academy of Drama

  15. 第三部分国际信托法律冲突的解决。

    Part III : The solving of the conflicts of law of international trust .

  16. 第三,国际力量影响国内政策变革的方式:自我循环和逐步放大。

    Thirdly , the means of international forces impact on domestic policies are self-circulation .

  17. 第三是国际方面。

    Third , take the international aspect .

  18. 宁波国际会展中心屋盖管桁架结构设计第三届国际近海结构性能会议

    Ningbo International Conference Exhibition Center ⅱ: Structure Design of HSS Roof Trusses of the Halls

  19. 第三届国际清洁钢会议

    The Third International Conference on clean steel

  20. 第三届国际传统医药大会

    The 3rd International Congress on traditional medicine

  21. 第三,国际装备制造业产业安全实现机制的借鉴。

    The third is using the industry security implementation mechanisms of international equipment manufacturing for reference .

  22. 第三,国际市场能源价格变动对俄罗斯能源出口战略造成直接影响;

    The direct impact of international energy market price fluctations on the Russian energy export strategy ;

  23. 第三,国际协调是必不可少的,因为此次危机对发展中国家具有重要影响。

    Third , international co-operation is essential because this crisis has important implications for developing countries .

  24. 第三,国际私法上的公共政策与内国公共政策。

    Third , the distinguish of international private law and the public policy in one country .

  25. 很荣幸由我来宣布第三届国际经济总会代表大会现在开始。

    It is an honor for me to declare the Third Meeting of International Economic Forecasters open .

  26. 1988年第三届国际石油工程会议在天津举行

    The third international meeting on petroleum engineering was held on Nov. 1-5 , 1988 in tianjin , China

  27. 免疫测定用人垂体促甲状腺激素第三次国际参考制剂国际协作标定

    International Collaborative Study on the Proposed 3 ~ ( rd ) International Reference Preparation of TSH for Immunoassay

  28. 2005年于上海第三届国际芭蕾舞比赛中获少年组优秀奖。

    In2005 , she also won an award of excellence in the Junior section of Shanghai's3rd International Ballet Competition .

  29. 第三届国际零售商全球采购交易会和第一届农村商品交易会正在南京举行。

    The third International Retailers ' Global Sourcing Fair and the First Rural Commodity Exchange is now underway in Nanjing .

  30. 珠联璧合:西门子技术与中国传统文化&第三届国际铸造、锻造工业炉及冶金装备展见闻

    Good combination of Siemens Technology and Chinese Traditional Culture-Views on the 3rd International Casting and Forging Furnace and Metallurgical Equipment Exhibition