
  • 网络The First Templar;The First Temple
  1. 早在第一圣殿被毁,犹太民族失去家园的古代,犹太复国主义就以一种朴素回乡观念的形态,植根于流亡于异国他乡的犹太人心中。

    As early as after the destruction of the first temple , when the ancient Jewish people had lost their homes ," Zionism " as a simple idea of " come back home " has rooted in the hearts of Jews in Diaspora .

  2. 在第一和第二圣殿期间,犹太人的实践主要以耶路撒冷的圣殿生活为中心。

    During the First and Second Temple eras , Jewish practice centered around templelife in Jerusalem .