
  • 网络Quaternary geology
  1. 热释光测年是地貌与第四纪地质学中一种新的技术手段。

    TL Dating is a new technique in Geomophology and Quaternary geology .

  2. 国际第四纪地质学研究进展

    Developments in studies of international Quaternary Geology

  3. 地貌及第四纪地质学

    Geomorphology and Quaternary Geology

  4. 但是你显然根本没有摸过第四纪地质学,你对黄土还很陌生。

    But you have obviously never been exposed to fourth-level geology ; you 're still quite a stranger to loess .

  5. 文章介绍了第四纪地质学的一个新的应用领域&海底光缆工程路由勘察。

    In this paper , a new application area of Quaternary geology , the submarine fiber optic cable route survey is introduced .

  6. 袁复礼教授是我国当代地貌学和第四纪地质学研究的开创者之一。

    Professor Yuan Fuli ( 1893 & 1987 ) was one of the pioneers on the research of modern geomorphology and Quaternary geology in China .

  7. 本文通过地质学、第四纪地质学、岩溶水文地质学等多学科联合,将零星不完整的各种资料进行了整体系统性的分析。

    To counter these difficulties , multiple disciplines of geology , Quaternary geology , karst hydrogeology and hydrogeochemistry were integrated to synthesize odd data from different sources .

  8. 从第四纪地质学及历史地貌学出发,对《广州秦汉考古三大发现》一书中所提出的,在2100多年前广州古城区曾经出现过东、西半岛和古河汊地貌表示怀疑。

    From the evidences of Quaternary Geology and Historical Geomorphology , doubts are aroused about the viewpoint in Three great archeological discoveries of Qin and Han dynasties in Guangzhou that in ancient Guangzhou City there were eastern and western peninsulas and river branches more than 2000 years ago .

  9. 第四纪是环境地质学研究的重要时代

    Quaternary Period : an important epoch in environmental geology study

  10. 该图反映路由区海底所有的自然环境特征。勘察融汇了现代化的高新技术,拓宽了第四纪研究的领域,推动了第四纪地质学的发展。

    These maps can reflect all submarine environmental features in the cable route area .