
dì wén xué
  • physiography;physical geography
  1. 黄河下游河床纵剖面形态及其地文学意义

    River bed longitudinal profile morphology of the lower Yellow River and its implication in physiography

  2. 新时期楚地文学的特点

    Literary Features Of Chu Regions In The New Historical Stage

  3. 秦地文学和秦代无文学论

    Literature in the Area of Qin and the Views of No Literature in Qin Dynasty

  4. 跨越与整合&中国两岸四地文学理论批评的总体观照

    Transcendence and Consolidation ── An Overall View of the Literature Criticism in the " Two Banks and Four Regions " of China

  5. 对于台湾文学而言,龙瑛宗不仅是殖民地文学的重要代表作家,更是历史的见证者。

    Taiwan literature is concerned , Long Ying-Zong were not only the important writers of the colonial literature , is witness to history .

  6. 充分地发挥文学抒情的功能。

    Full development of the function of literature 's emotive expression .

  7. 这本书能使你地美国文学有个总体了解。

    This book will give you a general view of American literature .

  8. 认清这一点,有助于我们更好地解读文学作品,分析文学现象。

    It helps better explain the literary works and analyze the literary phenomenon .

  9. 维姆萨特与比尔兹利的理论也间接地涉及文学史问题。

    Also , Wimsatt and Beardsley are concerned about the literature history indirectly .

  10. 解释学作为对解释的系统研究,提供了恰当地理解文学的方法。

    Hermeneutics as a systematic study of interpretation offers a proper way to understand literature .

  11. 广西的“桂西北作家群”是新时期文坛具有一定实力和影响的地城文学群落。

    " Writer Groups of North-west " in Guangxi is a substantial and influential literature community .

  12. 如果我们把现代语言学与文学批评结合起来,就能更好地抓住文学的本质。

    If we combine modern linguistics with literary criticism , we can grasp the essence of literature .

  13. 如果我们有一些文体学知识,我们就能更好地欣赏文学作品。

    We shall be able to appreciate literary works better if we have some knowledge of stylistics .

  14. 现在文盲不是很普遍,世界各地的人都可以很自由地欣赏文学作品。

    Now that illiteracy is not so wide spread , people everywhere are free to enjoy great literature .

  15. 英语俚语虽属非标准英语,但在当今的英语国家里却十分流行,不仅充斥于日常交流,也大量地渗入文学作品和报刊杂志。

    Non standard as the English slang expressions are , they have become quite popular in English speaking countries today .

  16. 而其与已有文学观念、文学思潮的矛盾张力,则直接或间接地推动文学的变革和发展。

    Its contradicting tension with literary concept and the trend of literary thought directly or indirectly promotes literary transformation and development .

  17. 那是我初次有心地接触文学,我被一部小说所能包含的集聚的力量深深震撼。

    I was my first voluntary encounter with world literature , and I was stunned by the_power a novel could contain .

  18. 文学题材并非是简单地对文学所表现的生活内容作出分类,它本身就是文学发展变化的历史产物。

    Literary subject not simply classifies life materials that literature has described , it is a historical outcome of literary development and variation .

  19. 在他优雅的作品中,人们可以地看到文学主题、意和哲理相结合的“人文精神”。

    The " humanistic spirit " of combining literary themes , poetry , and philosophy can be clearly seen in his elegant paintings .

  20. 它主要表现在四个方面:自觉地发挥文学的社会功用,使文学为社会服务;

    It mainly showed four aspects : Firstly , to bring play to literary social functions consciously , and server in the society .

  21. 本论文截取新时期这个断代为研究点,系统而全面地考察文学比喻,这将对比喻个性的研究是一个全面而系统地阐释。

    This paper , focusing on the new times , makes a complete and systematic study and explanation to the characteristics of metaphors .

  22. 这是英国驻华使馆和中国作家协会联合举办的项目,目的在于鼓励人们更多地学习文学。

    The project is being run by the British Embassy and the Chinese Writers Association to encourage people to learn more about literature .

  23. 作为文学研究会重要成员之一,冰心的翻译不可避免地受到文学研究会诗学主张的影响。

    As one of the important members of the LRS , Bing Xin was unavoidably influenced by its advocacy on literary creation and translation .

  24. 根据历时性的方法考察现代文学反讽的演变进程,能够更有效地界定文学反讽的确切内涵,对其进行简明的分类,并具体描述出其基本特征。

    The author argues that modern literary irony can be more effectively defined , classified and described if we consider the procedure of its historical development .

  25. 清代古典文学发展到繁盛时期,女性越来越频繁地在文学中发挥作用,扮演角色。

    In the Qing Dynasty , Chinese classical literature had developed to the prosperous period , while women played a role more and more frequently in literature .

  26. 《文赋》是我国文论史上第一篇系统而完整地论述文学创作内部规律的专著,本文主要分析了《文赋》对中国文学理论的贡献及其对后人的影响与局限性。

    In the history of Chinese literary theory , " Fu on literature " is the first monograph which systematically and thoroughly expounds the internal law in literature-creating .

  27. 对俄罗斯文学作品标题艺术的研究,可以帮助我们更加深刻地理解文学作品的思想内容,更加准确地把握作家的创作意图。

    The study on the title in Russian literary works could therefore help us deeply understand the theme and content as well as grasp the intention of the author .

  28. 并对这种文学存在的形成和内涵进行了描述,指出随着消费社会文化范围的不断扩大,应该不断地对文学研究的对象进行新的界定。评价的形成性问题;

    It also describes the formation and connotation of such literature , and points out that the subject of literary study needs re-defining with the extension of consumption-oriented society culture .

  29. 总之,历史文本帮助我们透彻地阅读文学文本,反之文学文本也反映了历史文本中没有反映出的一些史实。

    In a word , historical texts help us read literary texts thoroughly , and vice versa , literary texts also show us some historical truth neglected from historical texts .

  30. 许多中国激进知识分子因而转向左翼,简单化地声称文学就是“革命暴力的工具”,对此鲁迅则不是那么确定。

    Many of China 's radical intellectuals turned leftward in response , simplistically acclaiming literature to be ' a tool of revolutionary violence . ' Lu Xun was less certain .