
dì xínɡ xué
  • topography
  1. 军事地形学CAI课件的开发

    The development of CAI for military topography

  2. 多元智能理论在地形学教学中的应用

    Application of Multiple Intelligences Theory in the Teaching of Topography Course

  3. MRI可清楚显示其地形学或局部解剖学情况。

    MRI can demonstrate the situation of topographic anatomy of invasive glioma .

  4. 验收后,承包商应当向监理方提交两份autocad数字附件或等效批准的一份原尺寸原件和相关竣工图纸的六份副本、测海学的以及地形学上的勘测。

    Upon acceptance , the Contractor shall submit two digital copies in AutoCAD or equivalent approved one full-size original copy and six printed copies of the relevant as-built drawings , Bathymetric and topographic surveys to the engineer .

  5. 场地书写&广西友谊关博物馆设计中的地形学策略

    Place-Writing : Topography Strategy in the design of Guangxi Youyi-Guan Museun

  6. 军事地形学计算机多媒体教学系统设计与实现

    The Design and Realization of the Military Topography Computer Multi-Media Teaching System

  7. 巴赫金的这些研究已经形成了一个初具规模的文学地形学体系。

    All these studies by Bakhtin form a primitive system of literature topography .

  8. 巴赫金的文学“地形学”理论是对这一缺憾的有益弥补。

    The topography of literature of Bakhtin sis an improvement in this field .

  9. 巴赫金的丑角地形学是一种独特的文学理论。

    The topography-clown of Bakhtin is one kind of special model for studying literature .

  10. 丑角地形学融合了巴赫金源于狂欢化诗学的丑角理论与源于新康德主义的文学空间理论。

    Topography-clown is composed of clown-theory and time-literature-theory .

  11. 军事地形学课程建设与改革

    Curriculum Development and Reform of Military Topography

  12. 地形或地形学、植被和气候都是对土壤形成有影响的因素。

    Landforms of topography , vegetation and climate are influential factors in formation of soils .

  13. 再度审视建筑文化&结构肌理和地形学国际研讨会综述

    Re-thinking Architectural Culture : Summarizing of Symposium on " Structure , Fabric and Topography "

  14. 湖泊盆地的成因分类在经济学、生态学和地形学方面具有重要意义。

    Genetic types of lake basins are of great importance to economy , ecology and topography .

  15. 论巴赫金丑角地形学的生成机制

    Fundamentals of topography-clown of bakhtin

  16. 膝关节胫骨平台软骨厚度和软骨下骨强度的地形学分布及其相关性分析

    Topographical Variation and the Relationship Between Cartilage Thickness and Subchondral Bone Strength in the Human Tibial Plateau

  17. 文学的空间之维&论巴赫金的文学地形学理论

    Spatial Dimensions of Literature

  18. 该系统已初步运用到军事地形学实际作业中,大大提高了训练效率和安全性。

    The system has been used on military topography exercises , and has considerably increased training efficiency and security .

  19. 据此,文章讨论了地形学方法和地质学方法在提取和分析沉积速率谱方面的潜力和局限。

    Topographical methods and geologic methods get the data about sedimentation rate spectrum with different ability for information and analysis .

  20. 对于陆地工程来说,应当实施地形学上的“内部勘察”和“外部勘察”。

    For the land works , a topographic " in-survey " and a topographic " out-survey " shall be carried out .

  21. 目的:加强基层卫勤工作的军事斗争准备,有针对性的为基层卫勤指挥干部补充军事地形学的基本知识。

    Objective : Strengthening medical services for war preparedness and supplying basic knowledge of military topography on commanders at grass roots .

  22. 提出了军事地形学教学过程中以赛促教、以赛促学、以赛促训的实践性教学模式。

    This article discussed the application of cross-country orienting on the military topography and put forward a practical teaching mode of promoting teaching , studying , and training with competition .

  23. 地形学是当今建筑学领域的新议题,当代对地形学的研究已扩展成为一种与设计紧密相关,强调人为的创造性观察和操作,结合实用功能主义和表现主义的设计实验。

    Topography is new issue of contemporary architecture . The research of topography has been expanded as designing experiment which emphasizes creative observation and operation , combines pragmatism and expressionism .

  24. 从规范课程教学文件、优化教学保障、加强教员队伍建设、深化教学改革等几个方面,阐述了军事地形学课程建设的发展状况,并对该课程建设向更高层次迈进提出了思路。

    In this article , discussed how to standardize the teaching documents , how to optimize educational support , how to strengthen the development of faculty and how to deepen educational reform and set forth how to further develop military topography .