
dān yì
  • univocality
单义[dān yì]
  1. 如果处于不同层次上,格式的P值等于单义式数值之和。

    If the sources are on the different levels , P value of the form means the sum value of single meaning type .

  2. 歧义格式的歧义指数指一个歧义格式所包含的单义式的数目,用P表示。歧义格式的歧义源应该同其歧义实例的歧义源相同。

    The ambiguous index of the ambiguous form refers to the figure of the single meaning type which is included in the form , expressed with P. And the ambiguous source of it is the same as ambiguous examples ' .

  3. 本文先对扫描工程图样进行基于单义域邻接图的矢量化。

    Vectorization is performed based on Primitive Regions Adjacency Graphs .

  4. 8个为单义前缀,21个为多义前缀。

    Eight prefixes are univocal , and twenty three multivocal .

  5. 典型语义悖论及其单义句预设

    Typical Semantic Paradoxes and Their Presuppositions of Single Meaning Sentence

  6. 论英语情态助动词意义假说及其单义回归

    On the Semantics of the English Modals and Its Return to Monosemy

  7. 基于单义域邻接图的圆弧与圆识别

    An Algorithm for Recognizing Circular Arcs and Circles Using Primitive Region Adjacency Graph

  8. 虽然单音节名词中有些单义词,但是单音节的形容词和动词决大部分是多义词。

    Monosyllabic noun is partially monosemy , but monosyllabic adjective and verb are mostly polysemy .

  9. 歧义结构单义项的认知理解频率往往是不平衡的。

    The cognition frequency of the single item is often unbalanced in the ambiguity structure .

  10. 采用单义域邻接图来描述工程图纸扫描图象的几何属性与拓扑关系。

    The graph is used to represent geometry property and topology relationship of the image .

  11. 基于单义域邻接图的工程图纸扫描图像的字符提取

    An algorithm of extracting characters from scanned image of engineering drawings using primitive region adjacency graph

  12. 公平概念不是单义的,而是多义的,公平与效率的关系也不是单一的,而是复合的。

    The concept of fair has multiple meanings . The relation between fak and efficiency is complex .

  13. 归纳前人的研究方法,大略可以分为单义模式和复义模式,或者原意模式、解释模式、意义本体模式等。

    Previous study method can by sorted as Single-meaning , Multi-meaning , or , as Designed-meaning , Interpreted-meaning , Content-noumenon .

  14. 采用词汇判断法,考察双字多义词各意义间的联系程度对词汇判断时间的影响,同时考察,意义间联系程度不同的多义词与单义词的词汇判断时间的关系。

    The influence of the related degree of a polysemous word ′ s meanings on the lexical decision times was explored .

  15. 通过分析单义域几何与拓扑特征确定交点域。

    Analyzing geometry and topology features of Primitive regions , we can get the intersection regions which imply adjacency among them .

  16. 术语规范化应遵循的主要标准是术语的单义性,并在规范化过程中以现代语言学理论为指导。

    The main norm to follow is the univocal characteristic , and all is guided by the theory of the modern linguistics .

  17. 给出一种基于单义域邻按图的完整识别线段算法。

    The paper presents a method to recognize integral lines in scanned image of engineering drawings based on a primitive regions adjacency graph .

  18. 在语言上,前者的意义是单义的、指称性的,语法是规范的,后者的意义是复义的、感性的,常常突破语法规范。

    For the language symbol , the former is single meaning , obeying standard grammars , the latter is compound meaning , violating the grammars .

  19. 训诂术语存在诸多问题,今天更需要在现代思维科学和语言学理论的指导下自觉地有意识地进行术语的归纳和建设,需要注意术语的单义性原则、新术语必须意义明确等方面。

    Today we needs self-consciously consciously carries on the terminology in the modern thought science and under the linguistics theory instruction the induction and the construction .

  20. 单义词只有一种意义,而多义词是在一种语言形式下两种以上相互联系的词义的联结体。

    A monosemous lexical item has a single sense , while polysemy is the association of two or more related senses with a single linguistic form .

  21. 状中偏正式双音复合动词的整体词义具有狭义化、单义性等意义特征。

    The meanings of the whole word of these two-syllable adverb-verb structure compound words have some features , such as monosemy , narrows and so on .

  22. 比喻词多是单义词,色彩意义浓重,或俏皮或文雅,其表现力是十分突出的。

    Figurative Words are mostly words which have single meaning , the significance of a dark color or saucy or refined , its performance edge is very prominent .

  23. 通过对多篇财经文体文章的考察,我们认为财经文体的术语具备以下特点:单义性、专业性、准确性、模糊性和国际性。

    Through at many pieces of it the observations of articles , we think that it possess following characteristics by the terms of Stylistics : Single meaning , professional , ambiguity and international .

  24. 在第二部分中,我们主要从文字学(字与词的区分)、语法学(实词与虚词)和语义学(单义词与多义词、同义词与反义词)三个方面讨论单音词的词汇特点。

    In the second chapter , we mainly discuss the characteristics of the monosyllables from three aspects , i.e. literary ( distinguish the character andword ), syntax ( substantive and empty word ), semantics .

  25. 该文把电脑词汇定义为:以单义的方式对信息技术领域科学概念命名的词和信息技术与社会相结合而带来的固定结构新词语之总和。

    This article defines vocabulary concerning computer as the combination of the words giving the technical terms in IT field a sole meaning and the new set phrases of IT coming up in social life .

  26. 以实例描写了多义词、单义词、缩略语引发的歧义现象,分析其致歧原因是由词义多解所引发的,因此将它们都归纳在词义多解致歧范畴。

    Ambiguity phenomena are described from multivocal word , single meaning word and abbreviation , and it is analyzed the causes of the ambiguous sentence It is the ambiguous development cause because there is a multi-explained word in sentence .

  27. 从词所含意义的多少和词与词之间意义上的关系来看,又可分为不同的词义类别,诸如单义词、多义词、同义词、反义词等。

    From the point of view of the relations between the amount of words contained in the meaning of words and word sense , can be divided into different meaning categories , such as single synonym , polysemous words , synonyms , antonyms .