  • grave;tomb;tumulus
  • 坟墓:古~。荒~。衣冠~。青~。丛~。

  • 长(zhǎng ):~子(长子)。~嗣(嫡长子)。~妇(嫡长子的妻子)。~息(长子)。

  • 大:~君(大君,对列国君主的敬称)。~祀(帝王在宗庙举行的大祭礼)。

  • 山顶。


(坟墓) grave; tomb:

  • 古冢

    ancient tomb;

  • 荒冢

    wild grave

  1. 他埋在一处无名冢下。

    He was buried in an unmarked grave .

  2. 他长眠在爱尔莫顿一处无名冢下。

    He lies in an unmarked grave at Elmton .

  3. 有时文明就像是“一个被踩瘪的大蚁冢”,约翰·P·鲁宾逊和杰弗里·戈德比在《生活时间》一书中写道。

    Sometimes civilization was " a big flat on the mound ," ant John P Robinson and Jeffrey gold in the life time than book wrote .

  4. 哈利王子今年33岁,2015年退伍,现身伦敦衣冠冢纪念碑,纪念荣军纪念日(RemembranceSunday),蓄着胡子。

    The 33-year-old left the military in 2015 but appeared at the Cenotaph in London for the Remembrance Sunday service with a full beard .

  5. 澳大利亚和新几内亚林区的黑冢雉。

    Black megapode of wooded regions of Australia and New Guinea .

  6. 化冢为家&阻止沙漠蔓延的绿色基础设施

    From Tomb to Home & Green Infrastructure to Stop Desert Expansion

  7. 这可以补偿他们所生长的贫困冢庭的不足。

    This may make up for the disadvantaged house they come from .

  8. 你们这些有死亡的亲属埋在青草冢里的人;

    ye whose dead lie buried beneath the green grass ;

  9. 河南鲁山鸡冢岩体岩浆混合特征及意义

    Magma Mixing Feature of Jizhong Granite in Lushan Mts , Henan Province

  10. 红山文化坛、庙、冢与中国古代宗庙、陵寝的起源

    Hongshan Culture and the Origin of Chinese Ancient Ancestral Temple and Mausoleum

  11. 我的坟冢遂感应温暖甜蜜。

    And all my grave shall warmer and sweeter be .

  12. 工人进行组装,放在烤箱上一个土冢它。

    Workers then assembled the oven and placed it onto an earthen mound .

  13. 苑边高冢卧麒麟。

    Stone unicorns lie sideways on a lofty tomb .

  14. 然而,僧人'冢,因为它是后来命名,提出了巨大的优势。

    However , Monks'Mound , as it was afterwards named , presented great advantages .

  15. 冢,古坟:在埋葬地上堆起的土丘或石丘。

    Barrow : a large mound of earth or stones placed over a burial site .

  16. 当花儿已经葬入了坟冢。

    When flowers are in their tombs .

  17. 这个蚁冢堆得好极了,就是最大的风暴也破坏不了它。

    The anthill is well built that even the heaviest storm will not destroy it .

  18. 抑或生性多疑的曹操真有七十二疑冢?

    Or is it just one of72 fake graves built by the suspicious Cao Cao ?

  19. 前进,走向宿命的坟冢。

    Ever onward to the grave .

  20. 不过坟冢里的这些人是谁,他们又为何会被埋葬在这个如此特殊的地方?

    But who were these people and why were they buried in such a special place ?

  21. 最好是一个没有蚁冢的树篱。

    Preferably one without an anthill .

  22. 她的小猫死了,她很伤心地为它修起了一个小小的坟冢。

    Saddened by the death of her cat , she built a small grave for it .

  23. 但在土冢都绝缘烤箱和放置在一个适当的工作的高度了。

    The dirt mound both insulated the oven and placed it at a proper working height .

  24. 因此只要风闻坟冢一声响动,就会全城惊惶?

    wherefore but the rumor of a knocking in a tomb will terrify a whole city .

  25. 从此以后,她的头顶上就有了一个小冠子,人们都说那是她父亲的坟冢。

    Hence she obtained her crest , which is popularly said to be her Father 's grave-hillock .

  26. 冢古代的坟墓;

    An ancient grave mound ;

  27. 18世纪,无拘无束的讽刺漫画在宗教战争的坟冢上改头换面,迎来黄金时代。

    The golden age of no-holds-barred graphic satire in the 18th century arose on the tomb of religious warfare .

  28. 自从1973年,基因工程技术的安全性问题,在一些国冢已经成为激烈争辩的话题。

    Since in1973 , the safety aspects of genetic engineering have been the subject of considerable debate in many countries .

  29. 在约瑟斯密的地区有许多关于印地安坟冢和战争,这纯粹是一个巧合吗?

    Is it purely coincidental that there was much speculation in Joseph Smith 's area about Indian Mounds and battles ?

  30. 这是日本的平冢,平冢距离东京大约一个小时的火车车程。

    This is where I grow up in Hiratsuka , Japan Hiratsuka is about one hour by train from Tokyo .