
chuán bó zū lìn
  • Ship leasing;ship chartering
  1. 从达飞集团分拆出来的全球船舶租赁公司(globalshiplease)已在纽约上市,该公司拥有达飞的多艘船舶。

    CMA CGM has spun off and listed in New York global ship lease , which owns many of its ships .

  2. 国际船舶租赁受到国际金融法制环境的制约。

    International Financing and Lease is restricted by the legal environment .

  3. 紧接着笔者分析了与船舶租赁财务决策相关的因素,包括财务因素和非财务因素;

    Thirdly , the author analyzed the affect factor to the charter decision making ;

  4. GB/T15420-1994国际航运货物装卸费用和船舶租赁方式条款代码已卸下所装货物的货船。

    Codes of stevedorage and chartering mode terms for international shipping a freighter relieved of its charge of cargo .

  5. 融资租赁下承租人应如何进行会计处理紧接着笔者分析了与船舶租赁财务决策相关的因素,包括财务因素和非财务因素;

    The Solution to Accounting Under Financing Charter Thirdly , the author analyzed the affect factor to the charter decision making ;

  6. 书中涉及了货物运输、拖航、船舶租赁、海洋污染和保险,包括共同海损。

    Addresses the carriage of goods , towage , charter parties , marine pollution , and marine insurance , including general average .

  7. 船舶租赁买卖部主要负责为国内外船东提供最优化的船舶,花最经济的钱拥有最经济的船舶。

    The ships leasing business department is mainly take charge of provide superior ships for the domestic and international ships owner , spend the most economic money to own the most economic ships .

  8. 在第4章中,本文通过较为成熟的BP神经网络风险评价模型建立船舶融资租赁项目风险评价模型。

    In Chapter 4 , the risk assessment model of shipping finance leasing project is set up through the BP neural network which has been used maturely .

  9. 关于在我国推行船舶融资租赁的研究

    The Research on the Implementation of China 's Shipping Financial Lease

  10. 发展船舶融资租赁引领航运事业振兴

    Developing ship financing charter party and promoting the shipping industry

  11. 船舶融资租赁风险及保障机制

    The Risks and the Protection System of Ship Financing Lease

  12. 船舶融资租赁的法律研究

    Abstract of The Study on Application of Law of Shipping Finance Lease Contract

  13. 浅谈船舶融资租赁

    A discussion on ship financing and leasing

  14. 因此本人尝试建立国际船舶融资租赁登记制度的架构。

    Hence , the writer tries to build the frame of international ship financing lease . 2 .

  15. 第三章简单介绍了国外税收政策对发展其船舶融资租赁业的扶持。

    The third chapter briefly introduces how the foreign tax policies to support their ship financial leasing development .

  16. 船舶融资租赁合同纠纷案件的审判和实体法律适用存在误区。

    Case of shipping finance lease contract can not avoid certain misinterpretations in the process of trial and application of law .

  17. 国际船舶融资租赁当中各方当事人的权利与义务,以及权益遭到损害时的救济手段。

    Parties ' rights and duties in international ship financing lease , and the measures when their legal rights are harmed .

  18. 船舶融资租赁是境内外船东购买船舶的主要手段之一。

    Ship financial leasing is one of the main means which the domestic and foreign ship owners used for purchasing ships .

  19. 其次介绍了船舶融资租赁的形式与特点,并针对其特点探讨了其在我国应用的前景。

    Secondly , this essay introduced the form and features of the shipping financial lease and discussed its prospect of implementation .

  20. 在结论部分,阐述了本文尚存在的不足以及对于船舶融资租赁项目风险研究的展望。

    In the part of conclusion , shortcomings existing and outlook of shipping finance leasing project research in this paper are elaborated .

  21. 在我国,目前也已经有部分企业开展了船舶融资租赁业务,然而还很少。

    In China , some of the enterprises began to start the business of shipping financing lease , but the number is limited .

  22. 最后,本文提出我国发展国际船舶融资租赁业的若干对策,以期对实务界能有所裨益。

    Lastly , it puts forward several advisable measures for China to develop such international transaction and expects to give helps in practice thereby .

  23. 正是因为在这样的背景之下,国际船舶融资租赁在我国开始被造船企业和航运公司用以解决资金问题,并解决融资方式单一的困境。

    Under this background , Chinese shipyards and shipping companies start to use international ship financing lease to solve fund shortage and single financing mode .

  24. 剖析备受讨论的租赁权性质后,笔者认为船舶融资租赁权在实践中应作为用益物权对待。

    It analyses the legal nature of leasing right , holds the point that the ship 's financial leasing right shall be regarded as usufructuary right in practice .

  25. 船舶融资租赁自二十世纪五十年代兴起以后,已成为世界航运界普遍采纳的一种融资方式,并逐渐被我国航运界接受。

    Finance lease has been widely adopted in ships financing field since its commencement in 1950s ' in United States , and it has also been gradually accepted by China .

  26. 船舶融资租赁作为一种崭新的船舶融资方式,是一种集租赁、买卖、金融信贷性质于一体的独立的交易。

    As one of the newest methods of ship financing , ship financial leasing is a unique business which has a multiple nature of leasing , vending and financial credit .

  27. 在我国现有法律体系下,分析船舶融资租赁的法律适用,指出我国目前船舶融资法律方面的空白和不足。

    Under the current Chinese legal system , it aims at analyzing the application of law of shipping financing lease and indicating the gaps and discrepancies in the shipping financing law .

  28. 本文从融资租赁的定义和种类入手,通过与光船租赁、一般融资租赁相比较,显示船舶融资租赁交易独特的法律性质、法律特征。

    Starting from the definition and kinds of financing lease , this thesis demonstrates the unique legal nature and feature of shipping financing lease in comparison with bareboat charter and general financing lease .

  29. 第一章从船舶融资租赁的定义、法律特征、交易环节中所承担的税负问题对船舶融资租赁进行了释义。

    The first chapter would give a basic knowledge on what the ship financial leasing is through its definition and legal feature ; also enumerate the tax burden in the ship financial leasing business .

  30. 如何防范船舶融资租赁中的风险,保障自身债权利益的实现,是出租人参与船舶融资租赁交易时关注的重点。

    It is of great importance for the lessor who involved in shipping financing lease transactions to focus on how to guard against the risk of the shipping financing lease and ensure the realization of the benefits of their own debt .