
tiān qiáo
  • footbridge;flyover;overpass;overbridge;foot bridge;Sky Bridge;platform bridge;overline bridge;monkey bridge
天桥 [tiān qiáo]
  • (1) [platform bridge]∶火车站里为了旅客横过铁路而在铁路上空架设的桥

  • (2) [overpass;overbridge]∶路口或交通繁忙路线的上跨桥

  • (3) [overline bridge]∶一种高而窄,形状略像独木桥,两端有梯子的体育运动设备

  • (4) [monkey bridge]∶甲板上或机舱中,高悬的狭窄通道

  • (5) [Sky Bridge]∶地名。在我国北京市天坛附近

天桥[tiān qiáo]
  1. 高速列车作用在跨线天桥上风压力的数值模拟

    Simulation of Pressure on Overline Bridge Due to High Speed Train Passage

  2. 旅客必须由天桥穿过马路。

    Passenger must cross street by the overline bridge .

  3. 城里在高速公路上建了一座过街天桥。

    The city built a pedestrian overpass over the highway .

  4. 这儿正在架设一座天桥。

    A platform bridge is being erected here .

  5. 所以政府修建了许多天桥来帮助行人通行,此举也能让交通保持顺畅。

    This is why the government has built many overhead bridges to help passengers and to keep traffic moving at the same time .

  6. 铁轨上空的天桥排除了穿行中的危险

    Bridges over railroad tracks root danger out in crossing .

  7. 我们过马路应走天桥。

    We should take the overpass when crossing the road .

  8. 锦州天桥拟建LPG洞库场地岩体质量评价研究

    A Research of Rock Quality Evaluation of LPG Storage Site in Tianqiao of Jinzhou City

  9. 科罗拉多大峡谷U形透明玻璃悬空天桥是美国亚利桑那州科罗拉多河上的一处旅游景点。游客可站在高空中俯瞰大峡谷的风光,看着科罗拉多河在脚下奔流,过足“天行者”的瘾。

    Grand Canyon Skywalk is a tourist attraction along the Colorado River on the edge of the Grand Canyon in Arizona , U.S.A.

  10. TEDA天桥及下沉广场&天津经济技术开发区中心区局部城市设计

    TEDA Pedestrian Overpass and Sunken Plaza & Partial Urban Design for the Central District of TEDA

  11. 采用TMD对振动过大的人行天桥进行控制,计算控制后的天桥的响应。

    TMD is used to control excessive vibration of the footbridge and the response of the pedestrian bridge under control is calculated .

  12. 高速公路2×22m小T构上跨天桥受力浅析

    Force Analysis on the 2 × 22m Small T-structure Over-bridge in Expressways

  13. 每年这个时候,这位《嘉人》(MarieClaire)杂志的时尚总监兼《天桥风云》('ProjectRunway')节目的裁判经常要每天周旋于10到15个时装秀及其它各种活动。

    At this time of year , the Marie Claire fashion director and ' Project Runway ' judge often attends 10 to 15 fashion shows and other events each day .

  14. 要知道,西里亚诺是前真人秀明星,是从电视节目《天桥骄子》(ProjectRunway)(他在该节目的第四季中胜出)真正走出来的唯一设计师,并在纽约时装周(NewYorkFashionWeek)上谋得了一席之地。

    See , Mr. Siriano is a former reality TV star - the only designer to really have emerged from the television show " Project Runway " ( he won the fourth season competition ) and carved out a place on the New York Fashion Week scene .

  15. 在贝洛奥里藏特(BeloHorizonte)市,一座过街天桥坍塌,造成两人死亡。

    In the city of Belo Horizonte , an overpass collapsed , killing two people .

  16. 天桥水电站采用面流消能,原设计洪水标准为100A一遇。

    Surface flow energy dissipation has been applied in tianqiao hydro - power station with original design of flood Standard of once a hundred years .

  17. 用梁格法建立了香港Gascoigne天桥某一跨的有限元模型。

    A finite element model ( FEM ) of one span of Gascoigne Road Flyover in Hong Kong is presented using grillage method .

  18. 当辛格下车,开始在蒙蒙细雨中穿过行人天桥朝着办公室走时,与几十名乘客挤在候车亭的21岁学生里阿卡特·阿里(LiaqatAli)仍在盯着他看。

    As Mr. Singh got off the bus and began walking in the morning drizzle across a pedestrian footbridge toward his office , a 21-year-old student named Liaqat Ali was huddled with dozens of passengers under the bus shelter , continuing to stare .

  19. 嘿,嘿bold:大胆的choice:选择attire:盛装,服装呃,VanDerWoodsen夫人,服装选择得真够大胆unless:除非runway:由舞台到观众席的延伸台道,T形台除非最近时尚天桥上的模特都这么穿。

    Serena : Hey . , - Dan : Hey . Uh , bold choice of attire , Mrs. Van Der Woodsen , unless it 's what they 're wearing on the runway these days . -

  20. MARC有限元分析程序,对大型精加工设备天桥铣的混凝土地基进行分析,探讨了地基的结构形态,为设备的安装调试提供了理论依据。

    MARC finite element analysis program , this article has analyzed the concrete foundation of the bridge type milling machine , and discussed the shape of the foundation structure , which provides the theoretical basis for the installation and commissioning of the equipment .

  21. 还有20世纪30年代穿着华丽长袍的女演员玛丽·德雷斯勒(MarieDressler),以及染着紫发、非常丰满的阿什莉·内尔·蒂普顿(AshleyNellTipton)前不久的视频片段。她是第一位凭借大号系列在“天桥骄子”节目(ProjectRunway)中获胜的设计师。

    There is , as well , the flowery frock worn in the 1930s by the actress Marie Dressler , and a recent video clip of the lavender-coiffed , unabashedly round Ashley Nell Tipton , the first " Project Runway " designer to win with a plus-size collection .

  22. 沿著中山路走直到你看到一座天桥。

    Walk straight on Zhong-Shan Road when you see a skywalk .

  23. 你的苏小子要走了,是天桥比拼。

    Your boy zoolander 's rolling . it 's a walk-off .

  24. 天桥水电站经济运行系统的开发与应用

    Exploration and applying of economy circulation system in Tianqiao hydropower station

  25. 我的膝盖在人行道上刮破了相连的有盖行人天桥系统

    Scraped my knee on the sidewalk . interconnecting covered footbridge system

  26. 走过街天桥到对面。

    Take the overpass to the other side of the street .

  27. 编辑说,天桥的倒塌导致了非常麻烦的问题。

    The editorial said the bridge collapse raised particularly troubling questions .

  28. 同学建议将空地建成一个多用途草地,由一条天桥连接往巴士总站。

    Students suggested to turn the site into a multi-purpose lawn .

  29. 大型钢结构人行景观天桥地震时程反应分析

    Seismic response time history analysis of large steel structural view platform bridge

  30. 城市小空间&从步行天桥看街道景观设计

    Small Space in the City & Thinking the Street Landscape from Overbridge