
  • 网络Grubb;Robert H. Grubbs
  1. 论乔治·吉辛的《新格拉布街》中理想与现实的冲突

    On the Conflicts between Ideals and Realities in George Gissing 's New Grub Street

  2. 保罗非常惊恐,但他还是替不在场的格拉布辩护,尽管他讲话时全身哆嗦。

    Paul was dreadfully frightened ; but still he made a stand for the absent Glubb , though he did it trembling .

  3. 喜欢跟粗野的人交往,就像在一位名叫格拉布的人的情况中所表现的,原先是七,但以后减少了。

    Inclination to low company , as evinced in the case of a person named Glubb , originally seven , but since reduced .

  4. 关闭这个中心的必要性是清楚的:和在阿布格拉布虐囚的情况一样,关塔那摩中心也遭到了全世界范围的谴责。

    The need the close this facility is clear : along with the abuses at Abu Ghraib , Guantanamo has been decried throughout the world .

  5. 摄于2011年5月6日的这张照片展示了一个由768名参加者在克罗地亚首都札格拉布组成的全景笑脸。

    Picture taken on May6,2011 shows a panoramic view of a smiling face comprised of768 participants at a square in Croatian capital Zagreb , May6,2011 .

  6. 由于埃及与苏联靠近反对英国殖民统治,艾登在格拉布事件后推行敌视埃及的政策。

    Due to Egyptian behaviors near the Soviet Union and its anti-British colonial rule , Eden had become an anti-Egypt Prime Minister after the Glubb affairs .

  7. 格拉布采取即打又拉的方针,成功使部落转化为国家的一种政治力量。

    Columbus adopts the policy of fighting and relying , and succeeds in making tribes as a kind of political strength during the process of transformation of tribes to country .