
  • 网络Empowerment;empower
  1. 农村低保制度建设中的参与和赋权:贵州省K乡的案例研究

    Participation and Empowerment in Building Rural Subsistence Security System : Taking K township of Guizhou province as the case

  2. CEO们,你们是否在自己公司贯彻实施了女性赋权基本方针?

    CEOs : Have you implemented the women 's empowerment principles in your own company ?

  3. 边赋权森林ω-路划分的O(n)算法

    An O ( n ) Algorithm for ω - Path Partition of Edge - Weighted Forests

  4. 利用AHP模型进行指标的赋权。

    It use AHP model to enable the weight of indicators .

  5. 基于AHP和熵权法赋权的区域土地开发整理潜力评价

    Potentialities evaluation of regional land consolidation based on AHP and entropy weight method

  6. 基于组合赋权和改进TOPSIS的经济评价研究

    The Economic Evaluation Research Based on Combined Weight and Improved TOPSIS

  7. 她领导着一个由为女性赋权的非盈利组织“关键声音”(VitalVoices)参与组织的女性领导者全球指导项目。

    She heads a global mentoring programme for women leaders co-organised with Vital Voices , a non-profit organisation for empowering women .

  8. 在这些研究基础上,本文提出了一种基于密度的初始中心点选择算法,并借鉴文[1]所提出的特征赋权方法,给出了一种改进的基于特征赋权的K均值算法。

    Inspired by the research , an improved k-means clustering based on feature weighting is proposed , which proposes a density-based initial centers search algorithm .

  9. 分析了当前流行的战略分析方法-因素评价表的缺点,针对其不足做了两点改进工作:(1)采用群体AHP赋权法确定因素权重;

    The shortcomings of current strategy analysis method , factors evaluating table , are analyzed and two improvements are made .

  10. 数字化流域,运用模糊AHP和综合比较法赋权并量化计算;

    Second , digitizing the river , applying fuzzy AHP to put weight , quantizing and calculating by fuzzy comparing ;

  11. 而主成份分析法(PCA法)是多元统计分析理论的重要工具,为产业竞争力量化分析的指标赋权问题提供了科学的解决方案。

    The Principal Component Analysis ( PCA ) method is a significant tool of plural statistical analysis theory .

  12. 特征权重学习是基于特征赋权的K近邻算法需要解决的重要问题之一,传统上提出了许多启发式的学习方法。

    Feature weighting is one of the important problems for feature weighting based KNN algorithm , and many heuristic methods have been employed to solve the problem traditionally .

  13. 局部最优选择中的关键问题是获取各QoS属性的权重,本文提出了一种组合赋权法。

    The key problem of local optimal selection is to get the weight of QoS properties , thus a new combination weighting approach is proposed .

  14. 一个顶点v的赋权度d~w(v)是指与这个顶点关联的所有边的权的和。

    The weighted degree d ~ w ( v ) of a vertex v is the sum of the weights of the edges incident with the vertex .

  15. 利用熵值法对现有指标进行客观的赋权,利用层次分析法(AHP法)对指标进行主观的赋权。

    We can use entropy method to carry out objective empowerment for the current index , and AHP to carry out subjective empowerment for index .

  16. 应用模糊识别原理,结合AHP法和综合集成赋权法确定权重系数,提出了道路运输企业安全评价模型;

    Applying with fuzzy identifying principle and adopting AHP ( analytical hierarchy process ), the paper has put forward a safety evaluation model of road transportation enterprises ;

  17. 在特征赋权方面,提出了TF-IDF与X2统计量相结合的权值计算方法。

    Empowerment in character , made with TF-IDF weighting and x2 statistics calculation .

  18. 应用粗糙集(RoughSet)理论研究了评价和预测问题中各因素的合理赋权问题,给出一种无需专家赋权和调查统计,仅仅从原始的统计数据中挖掘出各评价因素的权重的方法;

    By using fuzzy set and rough set theory , we investigate the evaluation of weighting and render a method to mine the weighting of judged factors from original statistic data without expers ' weighting evaluation and survey statistics .

  19. 本文讨论了各种权系数方法,目前主流的赋权方法主要分为两类,一类是主观赋权法,主要是以Delphi法,AHP法,专家会议法为代表。

    The current mainstream approach enabling divided into two main categories . One category is subjective weighting methods , based on Delphi method , AHP , and the Expert Meeting method .

  20. 在确定评价指标的权重时采用了AHP层次分析法+熵值法综合赋权法,使得评价指标权重确定的过程更加科学合理。

    In determining the weight of evaluation used the " AHP AHP + entropy " comprehensive weighting method , which makes the determination process of evaluation index weights more scientific and rational .

  21. 最后,在第四部分,我们给出了赋权图中过两点的重圈存在性的Dirac型条件。

    We obtain a Dirac-type condition on the existence of the heavy cycle containing two prescribed vertices in weighted graphs in the last section .

  22. 结合基于主成分的产出DEA和多策略赋权综合评价两种方法,形成了一套科学合理的地方政府绩效评价体系。

    Together is based on principal components and multi-output DEA comprehensive evaluation strategy for empowerment are two ways to form a set of scientific and rational local government performance evaluation system .

  23. 采用层次分析法和Delphi法相结合的综合赋权方法计算各要素评分值及内外部环境因素总加权评分值,构建SWOT分析矩阵;

    A new method of the integration of AHP and Delphi is put forward to calculate the point of each element and the two matrixes , and to construct SWOT analytical matrix .

  24. 在对具体指标的赋权方面,文章主要利用德尔菲法与AHP(层次分析法)相结合的方法给模型的各级指标赋权,并进行一致性检验。

    In empowerment of specific indicators , this paper using the Delphi method combined with AHP ( analytic hierarchy process ) method to empowerment the various indicators of the model , and verify sequential consistency .

  25. 对于多指标综合评估问题,分别采用AHP法、强制评分法、专家咨询法三种主观赋权法以及熵权法、离差分析法两种客观赋权法对指标进行赋权。

    Three subjective weighting methods including AHP , mandatory marking method and expert-consulting are applied in multi-index comprehensive assessment problem , as well as two objective weighting methods including entropy weight method and variation coefficient method .

  26. MVP系统特点体现在VLSI线网到无向赋权图的转换,避免了剖分算法直接在VLSI线网上进行剖分,提高了VLSI剖分的效率。

    The characteristic of MVP is the conversion from netlist to weighted undirected graph and its objective is to improve the efficiency of VLSI partitioner by avoiding partitioning netlist directly .

  27. 本文综合运用图论理论和SD因果关系图理论,新提出了复杂系统关键变量顶点赋权因果关系图分析法,并应用于实践。

    Based on graph theory and system dynamics causal loop diagram theory , a new systemic analysis approach named vertex weighted causal loop diagram model approach to feedback dynamic complex system is presented is the dissertation .

  28. 两种赋权方法按照相应的比例进行组合后,得到标准的权重。(3)建立基于改进的TOPSIS供应商评价模型。

    Two empowerment methods are combined by the responding percentage , gets the standard weight . ( 3 ) We have established supplier evaluation model based on TOPSIS improvement .

  29. 与此同时,还提出了基于变异系数法的主客观混合权重设定方法,降低了QoS属性指标人为主观赋权的技术复杂度。

    At the same time , we also present a subjective and objective hybrid assigned weight method based on the coefficient of variation algorithm , to reduce the technical complexity of setting the QoS attributes ' weight for Users .

  30. 通过将旅行商问题转化为求赋权图中权值最小的Hamilton圈,利用粘贴系统模型的巨大并行性,可以有效的求解旅行商问题。

    The traveling salesman problems are availably solved by being transformed to solve the Hamilton circle of the minimal weight value in the evaluate graph , and using the massive parallelism of sticker system .