
  • 网络the Gulf of Guinea;Guinea,Gulf of
  1. 非洲中西部国家,国土包含几内亚湾的岛屿。

    A country of west-central Africa including islands in the Gulf of Guinea .

  2. 迦纳:位于几内亚湾的一个西部非洲国家。

    Ghana : A country of western Africa on the Gulf of Guinea .

  3. EdisonChouestOffshore公司总部位于露易斯安那州,其C-猎犬号船的美籍船长及一名工程师被绑架,补给船进入尼日利亚海岸附近的几内亚湾国际水域时遭遇了袭击。

    The American captain and an engineer from Louisiana-based Edison Chouest Offshore , C-Retriever were abducted when their all-supply vessel came under attack in international waters off the gulf of Guinea , off Nigerian coast .

  4. 塞康第-塔克拉迪:加纳西南部的一个城市,位于阿克拉西南偏西的几内亚湾。

    A city of southwest Ghana on the Gulf of Guinea west-southwest of Accra .

  5. 掠影几内亚湾的洛美城

    Lome Af Gulf Of Guinea

  6. 几内亚湾的海军指挥官说,要对付已经是跨国界犯罪活动的海盗攻击,就必须要有区域性的策略。

    Naval commanders in the Gulf of Guinea say a regional approach is needed for what has become a transnational crime .

  7. 位于非洲中西部的一个国家,包含几内亚湾的岛屿;年从西班牙获得独立。

    A country of west central Africa ( including islands in the Gulf of Guinea ); became independent from Spain in 1968 .

  8. 尼日利亚首都和最大城市、经济中心;位于尼日利亚西南部的几内亚湾的一个港口。

    Capital and largest city and economic center of Nigeria ; a port located in southwestern Nigeria on the Gulf of Guinea .

  9. 我们深为关注北非特别是萨赫勒地区以及几内亚湾的不稳定局势。

    We express our deep concern with instability stretching from North Africa , in particular the Sahel , and the Gulf of Guinea .

  10. 中国拥有丰富的陆上开采经验,但缺乏开采几内亚湾最有吸引力的深水油田所需的相关技术。

    China has considerable onshore experience but lacks the kind of expertise needed to exploit the most alluring deepwater exploration zones in the Gulf of Guinea .

  11. 非洲西部的几内亚湾是非洲最大的海湾,其沿岸有10多个国家及临近地区。

    As the largest bay in Africa , the Gulf of Guinea is in West Africa , where oil resource is rich in the coastal , with more than ten countries and neighboring regions .

  12. 虽然几内亚湾的海盗问题已经不再新鲜。规模上也不足以和索马里临近水域的海盗相比。但是分析人士说,他们的组织和制度都已日趋完善。

    Though piracy in the Gulf of Guinea is not new , and does not approach the scale of pirate operations in waters near Somalia , analysts say it is becoming increasingly well-organized and systematic .

  13. 科学家们说他们发现了一条线索,揭示出为何太平洋的厄尔尼诺事件只是有些时候会导致大西洋升温。而大西洋的升温会影响到几内亚湾一带非洲地区的降雨量。

    Researchers say they have found a clue to why El Ni ñ o events in the Pacific Ocean only sometimes lead to a warming of the Atlantic & affecting African rainfall along the Gulf of Guinea .