
  • 网络geometrical progression;geometric progression;Geometric Series
  1. 随着Internet的迅猛发展,网络信息资源呈几何级数增长。

    With the rapid development of Internet , network information resources are increasing with geometric series .

  2. 随着Internet应用的逐渐普及和发展,因特网上的信息资源正在呈几何级数增长。

    With the gradual popularization and development of Internet , the information resource of Internet is increasing as geometric series .

  3. 随着Internet的迅猛发展,上网人数正以几何级数快速增长。

    With the rapid development of Internet , Internet population is growing geometrically .

  4. 在Web信息以几何级数增长的情况下,如何快速获取所需信息成为研究热点之一。

    How to retrival interesting information rapidly become an attractive research area with the exponential growth of information on the Web .

  5. Internet中的资源以几何级数的速度剧增,但是这些信息资源分布在各处的服务器上。

    The resources of the Internet are increasing in the speed of geometric progression . However , these information resources are connected to their own host machines .

  6. 基本超几何级数最早是在1748年由欧拉(Euler)开始研究。

    The basic hypergeometric series was studied essentially started in 1748 by Euler .

  7. 随着Internet的日益普及与迅速发展,互联网上的信息量呈几何级数增长,信息爆炸已成为当今网络时代的特征之一。

    With the growing population and fast development of Internet , the scale of data on Internet is increasing exponentially and information explosion has been one of the epochal features .

  8. 集成电路的密集程度和性能指标按摩尔定律(Moor'slaw)成几何级数快速增长,它强力推动着整个IT行业的高速发展。

    The denseness and performance index of Integrate Circuit ( IC ) have been enhanced rapidly in geometric series according to Moor 's Law . Such extraordinary growth has made enormous contributions to the development of whole IT industry .

  9. 苹果的iTunes用户群正呈几何级数增长,但单位用户销售额正在下降。

    Apple 's iTunes user base is growing exponentially but its sales per user are falling .

  10. TSA法是一种基于催化沉积的信号放大方法,在固相免疫反应中可以使信号得到几何级数的放大。

    TSA method is a catalytic-deposition based signal amplification method with geometric amplification ability especially in solid-phase immunoassay .

  11. 随着Internet的高速发展,Web上存储的信息量呈几何级数增长,然而,在信息浩如烟海的Internet上找到需要的信息是一项极富挑战的工作。

    With the high-speed development of Internet , Web shows the amount of information stored on several geometric growths . However , the amount of information on a broad array of Internet to find needed information is a challenging task .

  12. HA&HTTP系统中多个HTTP服务器同时运行,一个服务器节点失效对客户端几乎不造成影响,只有当所有节点同时失效才会造成整个服务的停止,几何级数的提高了服务的可用性。

    In the HA-HTTP system , multiple servers run simultaneously , one server node failure almost does not impact the client , only if all server fail the serving will stop .

  13. 尽管竞争对手的应用软件商店呈几何级数增长——举例来说,微软(Microsoft)的WindowsPhone7今年猛增了400%——但苹果仍然牢牢地占据着统治地位。

    Despite the geometric growth of its competitors ' app stores - apps for Microsoft 's ( MSFT ) Windows Phone 7 , for example , grew 400 % this year - Apple still still dominates .

  14. 从两个三角函数的超几何级数展开式出发,利用导数算子和对称函数,建立了众多的含有Harmonic数的无穷级数求和公式。

    The contents is as follows : 1 . Based on two hypergeometric expansion formulae of trigonometric functions , we combine their derivatives with the symmetric functions and establish numerous infinite series identities involving the harmonic numbers .

  15. 图像是人们认识世界最直观的载体,近年来随着多媒体数码技术的飞速发展和Internet的迅速普及,海量的图像数据涌入计算机网络,并且以几何级数快速增长。

    Image is the most intuitive carrier for people understanding the world . In recent years with rapid development of the multimedia digital technology and the rapid popularization of the Internet , Immense amounts of image data flowed into the computer network and increased in a geometric ratio .

  16. Riemann-Zeta函数的超几何级数方法和组合恒等式

    Hypergeometric Series Method for Riemann-Zeta Function and Combinatorial Identities

  17. 本文研究的EJB容器集群负载均衡问题,其目的就是在互联网用户数和网络流量成几何级数增长的情况下,J2EE应用服务器仍然能提供高可用性、高扩展性的服务。

    For the Internet users and the net flow follow the geometric series increase , it requires that J2EE Application servers should have high scalability and high availability . It is the purpose of this paper to find some way to solve these problems .

  18. 脱毒试管苗切段快速增殖,繁殖系数为5n,繁殖速度以几何级数增长,一定时间内可大量繁殖脱毒苗。

    The reproduction coefficient for the fast propagation with cut test-tube plantlets was 5 n , the reproduction speed increased at a geometric progression and large-scale seedlings could be multiplied in a short time .

  19. 那个国家的人口正以几何级数增长。

    Population is increasing in that country in a geometrical progression .

  20. 与此相对应的就是网络安全问题也呈几何级数爆炸性地增长着。

    Correspondingly , the network security problems are also increasing explosively .

  21. 有了这样的交流,体会才会呈几何级数似的增加。

    And it 's this sharing that exponentially heightens the experience .

  22. 一百多年前,恩格斯曾预言:科学是按几何级数发展的。

    One hundred years ago , Engels predicted that science developed geometrically .

  23. 而且,随着流媒体等技术的发展,网络上的视频资源数量也呈几何级数增长。

    Such as streaming media technology , video resources were geometrically growth .

  24. 当今时代,知识与信息早呈几何级数飞速增长;

    In contemporary times , knowledge and information increase with amazing speed .

  25. 基本超几何级数q-模拟的几个结果

    Several results of q - analogue of basic hypergeometric series

  26. 4种主要种实害虫在同一生态位上,种群数量自优势种量呈几何级数向下递减。

    The four species of seed pest attack in the same niche .

  27. 多年以来,处理能力以几何级数增长率增加了。

    For many years , processing power has increased at an exponential rate .

  28. 在商品数量上实现了几何级数/指数级的增长

    Achieve exponential growth in the quantity of goods

  29. 人口可以按几何级数增长。

    Population can increase in a geometric ratio .

  30. 科学技术的几何级数律

    The geometric progression ratio of science and technology