
ɡuàn ɡài qú
  • irrigation canal
灌溉渠 [guàn gài qú]
  • [irrigation canal] 引水灌溉作物用的人工明渠

  1. 灌溉渠系流量最优调配的0-1规划模型

    0-1 Programming Model for Optimal Flow Regulation in Irrigation Canal Systems

  2. 灌溉渠系水利用系数的分析与计算

    Analysis and Calculation of Conveyance Efficiency of an Irrigation Canal System

  3. 他们正在挖灌溉渠。

    They are digging irrigation channels .

  4. 我看到孩子们在腐烂的牛尸旁边旧的灌溉渠里游泳。

    I saw children swimming in an old irrigation ditch alongside the rotting carcass of an ox.

  5. 灌溉渠系运行计算机模拟技术的开发

    Development of Computer Simulation Technique for Operation of Irrigation Channel System

  6. 灌溉渠系配水与农业用水管理系统的研究

    Study on Allocation of Irrigation Canal System and Agricultural Water Management System

  7. 高寒地区灌溉渠系的防冻胀设计

    Design Preventing Frozen Bulge Damage of Irrigation Canals in Bad Cold Area

  8. 灌溉渠里涨满了水。

    The water in the irrigating ditch was well up .

  9. 沿着每一条灌溉渠,他们还挖了一条排水沟。

    Alongside each irrigation canal a drainage ditch was dug .

  10. 这条灌溉渠在那里与水库连接起来。

    There the irrigation canal links up with the reservoir .

  11. 大家的意见倾向于修建一条新灌溉渠。

    The set of opinion was toward building a new irrigation canal .

  12. 上一天,在灌溉渠边,是他担任指挥的。

    He had been in command at the irrigating ditch the day before .

  13. 灌区灌溉渠系分形特征研究

    Fractal features of irrigation canal system in irrigation district

  14. 大比降灌溉渠陡坡消能的试验研究

    Experimental Research on Energy Dissipation with Steep Slope of Large gradient Irrigation Canal

  15. 灌溉渠系配水优化编组模型与算法研究

    Research of Optimal Water Allocation Marshalling Model for Irrigation Canals System and Model Solution

  16. 引黄灌溉渠网水沙调度模型

    A Mathematical Model for Dispatching Flow and Sediment in Irrigation Canal Network of the Yellow River

  17. 有了这条灌溉渠,我们再也不用为庄稼的浇灌发愁了。

    With this irrigation ditch , we do not have to worry about irrigating the crops any more .

  18. 他问到他妻子和农庄的情形,还谈到那灌溉渠的修建工作。

    He inquired after his wife and the ranch , commenting upon the work on the irrigating ditch .

  19. 天然河道、灌溉渠系中的水流均属于紊流,它是一种相当复杂的流动现象。

    The water flow of Natural River and irrigation canal system is turbulence which is a complicated flow phenomenon .

  20. 吊桶随着长长的链条升出井口,所盛的水被倾入灌溉渠内。

    Buckets rise on a long chain from the well , and the water is tipped out into irrigation channels .

  21. 帝王谷的一条灌溉渠倒映出拂晓的天空,这里为下加利福尼亚北部一座富饶的农业区。

    An irrigation canal reflects dawn-stained skies over Imperial Valley , a fertile farming region just north of Baja California .

  22. 他们已经为农田挖了灌溉渠。

    They had dug an irrigation channel for the farmland . To dig or make a long narrow trench or furrow in .

  23. 刹那间,犁耕田和灌溉渠出现了,水稻田也在闪闪发亮;到达马雷市郊区之前还看到了一些起重机。

    Suddenly ploughed tracts and irrigation channels appeared , and the glisten of flooded rice-fields ; and cranes preceded the suburbs of Mari .

  24. 我国灌溉渠系水的利用系数很低,渠道渗漏损失掉的水量所占的比例很大。

    The water efficiency in canal system of irrigation is very low in our country , and the proportion of the waste water is large .

  25. 文摘:灌溉渠系的布置形式一般可分为串联渠系、等效并联渠系和非等效并联渠系,对这3种灌溉渠系水利用系数进行了理论研究。

    Layout forms of irrigation canal system can be generally classified as three categories : series-wound canal system , equivalent shunt-wound canal system and nonequivalent shunt-wound canal system .

  26. 该文将分形理论引入到灌溉渠系的研究中,对其分形特征和分维数进行了分析,并运用盒计数法计算了漳河灌区灌溉渠系的分形维数。

    In this paper , the fractal theory is ( introduced ) to the research of irrigation canal system to analyse their fractal characteristics and the fractal dimension .

  27. 火车驶过水泥桥和浑浊的灌溉渠,那是当年外国佬开凿,用来引水灌溉种植园的。

    The cement bridge passed by , and the muddy waters of the irrigation ditch from the days when the gringos diverted the river to bring it to the plantations .

  28. 他突然看到水从灌渠边上的一个洞里大量流出来。吊桶随着长长的链条升出井口,所盛的水被倾入灌溉渠内。

    Suddenly he saw water pouring out of a hole in the wall of an irrigation ditch . Buckets rise on a long chain from the well , and the water is tipped out into irrigation channels .

  29. 灌溉渠系是一种分形体,渠系的某部分渠段在某种程度上包含了整个渠系的信息。苏北灌溉总渠沿线水电站的发电效益分析

    The irrigation canal system can be viewed as a fractal with fractal dimension , and the part of canal ( system ) composes the information of the whole ( system ) on a certain degree . Analysis of power benefit of hydropower plants along the North Jiangsu Irrigation Canal

  30. 通过数值计算、模型试验和现场观测,对通榆河与苏北灌溉总渠立交地涵的泥沙淤积进行了综合分析。

    By means of numerical calculation , model test and field investigation the sedimentation of the underground culvert at the main irrigation canal in North - Jiangsu Province was analysed .