
nù jiānɡ
  • Nujiang River;Salween River
怒江 [nù jiāng]
  • [Nujiang River] 中国西南地区大河。发源于唐古拉山南麓,流经青海、云南,流入缅甸后称萨尔温江,流入孟加拉湾,全长2820公里,中国部分长1540公里。上游平缓,中游在云南境内,山高谷深,流急,水力资源丰富

  1. NET的开发模式.怒江水电开发生态影响及建设模式

    The ecological effect and construction model for hydroelectric development of Nujiang

  2. 怒江大峡谷及下游地区7个云南少数民族YAP位点的多态性研究

    Polymorphisms of Yap in 7 Yunnan ethnic groups along the Nu River Valley

  3. 3)班公湖怒江洋敛合阶段(J2-3K1),拉萨陆块向北漂移,班公湖怒江洋自东向西封闭,拉萨地块拼合到亚洲大陆块上;

    3 ) Closing stage of Bangong Lake-Nujiang Ocean ( J_ ( 2-3 ) - K_1 ) . The Lhasa blocks drifted to the north . The Bangong Lake-Nujiang Ocean closed from east to west .

  4. 锆石SHRIMPU-Pb定年结果给出2个铜矿床含矿斑岩的时代分别为127.8Ma±2.6Ma和112.0Ma±2.3Ma,处于造山带演化的碰撞后阶段(班公湖-怒江洋盆的闭合时间为145Ma)。

    Zircon SHRIMP U-Pb dating yielded ages of 127.8 ± 2.6 and 112.0 ± 2.3 Ma for the two deposits respectively and indicates that the two deposits formed in a post-collisional stage of the orogen evolution ( the Bangong Co-Nujiang ocean basin closed at 145 Ma ) .

  5. 怒江旅游区域化开发的可行性分析

    A Feasibility Study of the Regional Development of Tourism in Nujiang

  6. 关于推进怒江流域水能资源开发的思考

    Consideration for Accelerating Development of Water Potentials in Nujiang River Basin

  7. 遥感技术在怒江水资源调查中的应用

    Applying of Remote Sensing Technology in Water Resource Surveying of Nujiang

  8. 怒江水电开发的生态影响

    Ecological impacts of hydropower development on the Nujiang River , China

  9. 怒江州饮用水源地环境管理对策研究

    Study on Management Measures of Drinking Water Sources in Nujiang District

  10. 怒江干热河谷土壤钾及咖啡植株钾素状况

    The State of K in Soil and Coffee Leaf in Nujiang

  11. 云南怒江州生态经济协调发展刍议

    On Coordinated Growth of Eco-economics in Nujiang Prefecture of Yunnan Province

  12. 依据怒江生态功能区划分,建立旅游容量地图。

    According to environment functional division , making tour capability map .

  13. 怒江州可持续发展问题研究

    Research to the Questings of Continuous Development in Nujiang Autonomous Prefecture

  14. 加快怒江水电开发服务和谐社会建设

    Accelerate Nujiang River hydropower development Serve the harmonious society construction

  15. 怒江峡谷区植物资源及其评价

    Plant resources and its evaluation in the Nujiang Canyon Area

  16. 简论当前怒江州的经济结构调整

    A Brief Discussion on the Present Economic Structural Adjustment of Nujiang District

  17. 云南怒江地区芒果香味的分析

    Analysis of Aromatic Components in Mangos from Nujiang Basin of Yunnan Province

  18. 云南省境内怒江流域水质变化趋势分析

    Trend Analysis of Water Quality of Nujiang River Basin in Yunnan Province

  19. 怒江大坝案背后的公益法尝试

    Public Commonweal Law Movement and the Case of Nujiang Dam

  20. 该区域境内的三条河流具有极其重要的意义,都是大河的上游,其中两条是国际性河流,怒江是萨尔温江的上游,澜沧江是湄公河的上游;

    The Three Rivers in this region is very important .

  21. 青藏高原班公湖-怒江缝合带域岩石密度结构及意义

    Rock density structure in Bangong - Nujiang suture zone and its significance

  22. 云南怒江干热河谷区5个芒果品种的表现

    Behavior of Mango Varieties in Dry - hot Valley of Nujiang River

  23. 云南怒江流域泥石流敏感性空间分析

    Susceptibility spatial analysis of debris flows in the Nujiang River Basin of Yunnan

  24. 2004年7月,对怒江中上游进行了现场调查,共调查了65个采样点。

    In July of 2004 , we investigated 65 sites of this area .

  25. 怒江干热区荔枝丰产栽培技术

    Litchi Fertility Cultivation Technique in Arid-hot Area of Nujiang

  26. 怒江流域林地景观演变过程及其驱动力研究

    Research on Evolution Process and Driving Factors of Forest Landscape in Nujiang Basin

  27. 云南省怒江傈僳族自治州经济发展战略研究

    Strategic Study of economic development of Nujiang Lisu Nationality Autonomous region , Yunnan

  28. 在怒江河谷遥远的彼岸

    On the far side ofthe great Nujiang gorge ,

  29. 怒江漆油中高级脂肪酸成分

    Fatty Acids from the Seed Fats of Paint Tree

  30. 怒江干热河谷区荔枝蝽象为害特点初步研究

    Working Characteristic of the Lichi Stink Bug in Dry-hot Valley of Nujiang River