
  • 网络the Brahmaputra;Brahmaputra River
  1. 在过去的38年里,他在布拉马普特拉河的一个沙洲上种树,并把它变成了一片森林。

    Over the past 38 years , he has planted trees on a sandbar of the Brahmaputra River and has turned it into a forest .

  2. 恒河&布拉马普特拉河是世界上第四大河流,是当今世界海洋Sr的重要来源。

    The Ganga - Brahmaputra , the fourth largest river in the world , is important source for the marine Sr.

  3. 雅鲁藏布江形成了印度的布拉马普特拉河

    The Yarlung , which becomes India 's Brahmaputra ,

  4. 孟加拉国布拉马普特拉河贾木纳河段演变的几个问题

    An Investigation on Several Problems of the Evolution in the Brahmaputra-Jamuna River Reach in Bangladesh

  5. 由于生活印度河以及布拉马普特拉河流域的人口众多以及他们严重依赖于灌溉农业,对这些流域的影响很可能是“严重的”。

    The effects on the Indus and Brahmaputra basins are likely to be'severe'owing to the large numbers of people living in the area and their heavy dependence on irrigated agriculture .