
nù zú
  • Nu ethnic group;the Nu nationality, living in Yunnan
怒族[nù zú]
  1. 畲族、怒族与汉族群体紧密,聚到了B簇;

    She , Nu , Hans ( including Hakka ) and other populations were clustered into group B ;

  2. 云南怒族X染色体5个STR基因座遗传多态性

    Genetic Polymorphisms of 5 X-STR Loci in Yunnan Nu Population

  3. 云南怒族STR基因座遗传多态性研究

    Polymorphism of Nine STR Locus in Nu Population from Yunnan Province

  4. 结果云南怒族群体5个STR基因座具有遗传多态性,χ2检验表明多态性分布符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡定律。

    Results The allele frequencies of the five X-STRs in Yunnan Nu population are in accordance with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium .

  5. 使用化学银染技术研究云南怒族3个X-STR位点遗传多态性

    Genetic Polymorphism Analysis of 3 X-STR Loci in Yunnan Nu Population by Silver Stain of Chemistry

  6. 社会文化变迁中怒族女性的人格主体

    The Personalities of the Nu Women in the Evolution of Social Culture

  7. 大额牛又称独龙牛,为半野生半家养的珍贵畜类,在我国仅分布于云南省贡山怒族独龙族自治县的独龙江流域。

    Gayals are only distributed in Dulong River catchment area in northwestern Yunnan Province .

  8. 怒族是我国人口最少的民族之一。

    The Lu People is one of the nationalities that have the smallest population .

  9. 怒族、傈僳族和景颇族儿童认知发展研究

    Study on Cognitive Development of the Nu Nationality and the Li-su Nationality and the Jing-po Nationality Children

  10. 查腊:和谐共居的胜境&怒族社会中的多元宗教文化研究

    Chala : The Paradise of Multi-gods Living Harmoniously & The Research of Multi-religious Culture in Nu Society

  11. 多元宗教背景下的少数民族婚姻&以云南贡山怒族为例

    The Minority Marriages with Multi-religious Backgrounds : A Case Study of the Nu People in Gongshan of Yunnan Province

  12. 酒是怒族人民日常生活的饮料,更是他们待客的必需品。

    The wine is the refreshment of the Nu people in their daily lives and the necessity for their hospitality .

  13. 方法:采用自编创造能力测验对125名怒族、111名傈僳族、110名景颇族中小学生进行测量。

    Mothods : 125 students of Nu , 111 students of Lisu and 110 students of Jingpo nationalities were assessed by creativity test .

  14. 但是,怒族文化的传承主体对此缺乏足够重视以及宗教对于禁酒的条例影响文化传承。

    However , Nu cultural heritage of the main body of this lack of adequate attention and religious temperance regulations affect cultural heritage .

  15. 傈僳族学生的认知方式偏向于场独立性,怒族和景颇族学生的认知方式都偏向于场依存性;

    Cognitive style of Lishu nationality students are inclined to field-independent , Cognitive style of Nu and Jingpo nationalities students are inclined to field-dependent ;

  16. 波溢泗念过初中,去过昆明、上海等大城市表演怒族的“哦得得”。

    Boyisi is a middle school graduate and has been to the big cities like Kunming and Shanghai to perform his Nu folk dance " ODD " .

  17. 生活在云南怒江大峡谷的三个主要民族&傈僳族、独龙族、怒族都喜好饮酒,而且他们的酒文化都颇具特色。

    The three main ethnic groups in the Nujiang Grand Canyon prefer drinking . Furthermore , the wine culture of Lisu , Dulong and Nu are distinctive .

  18. 傈僳族学生创造力得分率(0.3)优于怒族和景颇族学生(0.2左右);

    The students of Lisu nationality were better on creativity ( the score is 0.3 ) than the students of Nu and Jingpo nationalities ( both of the scores are 0.2 ) .

  19. 求同存异,致力于提高学生语文素养生存环境与文化适应&怒族社会-文化的文化生态学解读

    Promoting Students ' Chinese Quality on the Basis of Seeking Common Grounds while Reserving Differences ; Survival Environment and Acculturation ── Understanding the Cultural Ecology of Society and the Culture of Nu Nationality

  20. 《每日电讯》报道,人们甚至给这些暴躁的乘客发明了专属名词:“空怒族”。

    The staff have even invented a new phrase to describe the irate passengers , ' king nu zu , " which translates as ' air rage tribe , " reported The Telegraph .

  21. 傈僳族在境内人口最多,怒族是世居民族,福贡的傈僳族、怒族、服饰略同。

    Li Su clan the population in boundary with a maximum of , anger clan is lifetime resident clan , good fortune Gong Li Su clan , anger clan and dress summary with .

  22. 方法采用自行研制的头面部摄像&计算机测量系统,对云南怒江199名正常怒族成人进行头面部器官全面系统的测量研究。

    Methods On the basis of the principles of random sampling , craniofacial organs of 199 normal Nu Nationality adults coming from Fugong County of Yunnan were measured through craniofacial computerized measurement system which was developed by us .

  23. 从得到的各民族群体的遗传距离来看,三种遗传多态位点得到结果基本上是一致的,相对隔离的怒族和受奠基者效应影响的傈僳族与其余群体都有着较远的遗传距离;

    The results showed that the distance between the isolated Nu and the other 7 populations was further than that among the other populations , and that it was the same as Lisu affected by a founder effect .

  24. 怒江州兰坪、福贡、贡山和泸水四县的怒族,其族称、族源传说和习俗都有差异,语言差异也较悬殊。

    The Nu people Living in Lanping , Fugong , Gongshan and the Lushui four counties of Nujiang State , their clan name , legends of clan source and customs are inconsistent , and the language are also different .