
kǎ lù lǐ
  • calorie
卡路里 [kǎ lù lǐ]
  • [calorie;calory] 在1大气压的压强下使1克水的温度升高1C,尤其是从14.5C升至15.5C时所需要的热量

卡路里[kǎ lù lǐ]
  1. 把你一星期的卡路里摄入量记录下来。

    Keep a count of your calorie intake for one week .

  2. 营养学家说我们所摄入的卡路里中只应有33%来自脂肪。

    Nutritionists say only 33 % of our calorie intake should be from fat .

  3. 普通成年男子每天消耗的热量为1,500到2,000卡路里。

    The average adult man burns 1,500 to 2,000 calories per day

  4. 他们要找低卡路里的食物。

    They look for foods that are low in calories .

  5. 肌肉细胞需要很多能量,所以会燃烧大量卡路里。

    Muscle cells need lots of fuel and therefore burn lots of calories

  6. 这将会改善你的表现,并帮你消耗卡路里。

    This will improve your performance and help you burn off calories .

  7. 如果你在意卡路里的摄入量,就不要吃蛋黄酱。

    If you 're watching the calories , don 't have mayonnaise .

  8. 它所含热量比普通的冰激凌少了25卡路里。

    It has 25 calories less than ordinary ice cream

  9. 低卡路里干酪是奶油干酪的极佳替代品。

    Reduced-calorie cheese is a great substitute for cream cheese

  10. 由于没有消耗卡路里,你吃的所有东西都会变成脂肪。

    Because you 're not burning calories , everything you eat turns to fat .

  11. 过量食用的红肉中脂肪和卡路里含量很高。

    Red meat , eaten to excess , is very high in fat and calories .

  12. 卡路里含量极低的饮食结构也会造成营养不良。

    A diet extremely low in calories can also be a diet that is nutritionally unsound .

  13. 不管你是一次性摄入全天的卡路里限量,还是在一天内分次摄入,结果好像没有多大差别。

    There seems to be little difference whether you eat all your calorie allowance in one go , or spread it over the day

  14. 这一点很棘手,因为小麦和水稻是更重要的粮食作物,约占人们所消耗卡路里总数的一半。

    This is problematic because wheat and rice are more important as foods , accounting for around half of all calories consumed .

  15. 将近三分之二的人每周吃一次快餐,而且我们每天摄入的卡路里中有25%来自零食。

    Nearly two thirds of us grab fast food once a week , and we get almost 25 % of our daily calories from snacks .

  16. 如果你一天吃三顿饭,并且生活方式像大多数美国人一样,你可能每天至少有三分之一的卡路里是从户外摄入的。

    If you eat three meals a day and behave like most Americans , you probably get at least a third of your daily calories outside the home .

  17. 今年美国国会通过的健康改革法案要求拥有20家及以上连锁店的餐馆将它们所供应的食品卡路里含量印制在菜单上。

    America 's health-reform bill , which Congress passed this year , requires restaurant chains with 20 or more outlets to put the calorie-content of items they serve on the menu .

  18. 烹饪真正的食物是最好的防御措施,更别提你在家吃的任何一顿饭可能都比在餐馆吃的少200卡路里。

    Cooking real food is the best defense — not to mention that any meal you 've likely to eat at home contains about 200 fewer calories than one you would eat in a restaurant .

  19. 一些食品公司为减少加工食品中的卡路里含量做了一些半心半意的尝试,并大肆宣传。但是标准的美国饮食仍然与几乎每个专家建议我们吃的健康的植物性食物截然相反。

    There have been half-hearted but well-publicized efforts by some food companies to reduce calories in their processed foods , but the Standard American Diet is still the polar opposite of the healthy , mostly plant-based diet that just about every expert says we should be eating .

  20. 与那些匆匆忙忙地吃完饭的人相比,吃得慢的人每顿饭摄入的热量要少70卡路里。

    People who eat slowly tend to consume about 70 fewer calories per meal than those who rush through their meals .

  21. 因此,你可以燃烧更多的卡路里。

    As a result , you can burn more calories .

  22. 男人会消耗更大,大约2200卡路里。

    A man lose even more , around 2,200 calories .

  23. 所以,知道自己真正需要多少卡路里非常重要。

    So , knowing how many calories you really need is very important .

  24. 人们之所以发胖,是因为他们不能消耗所有的卡路里。

    People get fat because they can 't consume all the calories that they get .

  25. 徒步旅行是一种很好的运动方式,可以燃烧卡路里,增强心脏系统。

    Hiking is an excellent way of exercise for burning calories and increasing your heart system .

  26. 你会对短时间内燃烧的卡路里数量感到惊讶。

    You 'll be amazed at the number of calories you 'll burn in a short time .

  27. 缺乏规律的体育锻炼意味着人们比过去消耗的卡路里更少,所以我们需要做些事情来消耗我们的能量。

    This lack of regular physical activity means people burn fewer calories than in the past , so we need to do something to consume our energy .

  28. DavidLloyd健身俱乐部推出的睡眠课程不仅能帮助父母们补觉,由于室内温度较低,这一课程还能帮助他们消耗卡路里。

    The classes , offered by David Lloyd Clubs , will not only help moms and dads catch some zzz 's -- they 'll also help them burn calories with cold studio temperatures .

  29. 这些含糖饮料中的糖分包括蔗糖、高果糖浆、或其他富含卡路里的甜味剂。

    Sugar in such sweetened beverages , or other caloric sweeteners .

  30. 滑冰者在溜冰时每小时可消耗高达600卡路里的热量。

    And the skater can burn up to 600 calories per hour on the ice .