
tián chōng
  • fill;packing;padding;fill up;stuff;till in the blanks in a test paper
填充 [tián chōng]
  • (1) [fill up;stuff]∶填补;补充

  • (2) [till in the blanks in a test paper]∶考试或测验中填补题目中的空白部分

填充[tián chōng]
  1. MPEG-4视频编码器纹理填充模块的VLSI结构设计

    VLSI architecture design of texture padding for MPEG-4 encoder

  2. 字体,颜色,边框,填充,边距,布局,定位-这些都是由CSS来处理。

    Fonts , colors , borders , padding , margins , layout , positioning-these are all handled by CSS .

  3. 天然填充的羽绒被必须交由专业人士干洗。

    Natural-filled duvets must be dry-cleaned by a professional .

  4. 用铅笔向上短短地勾画几道来填充空白。

    Fill in gaps by using short , upward strokes of the pencil .

  5. 如果能填充特定的市场空白,小公司可以发展得相当出色。

    Small companies can do extremely well if they can fill a specific market niche .

  6. 我们用马鬃来填充椅子座以使它更软。

    We padded the seat of chair with mane to make it softer .

  7. 热空气上升时,大量的冷空气填充了它的位置。

    Warm air is going up , heavy cool air moves in to take the place of it .

  8. 在连续糖化过程中,当压滤机1填满后即填充压滤机2。

    During continuous mashing , filter 2 is filled when filter 1 is full .

  9. 小小的滴水嘴兽只是一个填充毛绒玩具,但它看起来这么奇怪的事。

    The little gargoyle is just a stuffed toy , but it looks so strange .

  10. 不是场景,不是故事背景,也不是人物描写。读者读到提示,然后需要自己去填充缺失的故事情节。

    Not a scene , or a setting , or even a character sketch , forced -- to fill in the blanks .

  11. 埃及考古学家扎希·哈瓦斯介绍,装载木乃伊的特制棺材内填充氮气,也是起到保护作用。每具木乃伊都由加装特殊减震装置的花车运送,四周有车队护送,其中还包括马拉的仿造战车。

    Each mummy was carried on a decorated vehicle fitted with special shock-absorbers and surrounded by a motorcade , including replica horse-drawn war chariots .

  12. 古代木乃伊制作技术能够保存法老尸体,如今为了搬家,装载木乃伊的特制棺材内填充了氮气,以防受外部环境的影响。

    While ancient mummification techniques originally preserved the pharaohs , for the move they have been placed in special nitrogen-filled boxes to help protect them against external conditions .

  13. 如果你在某个地方,没有合适尺寸的电池,可以使用更小号的电池,用铝箔填充空余的空间,这样也行得通。

    If you 're somewhere and you don 't have the right size battery , you can use a smaller battery and put aluminum foil in that extra space and it will still work .

  14. 有些工蜂负责在蜂窝中建造许多六角形的蜡室,另外一些则穿梭在花丛之中,汲取甜美的花蜜并填充到蜡室之中。

    Some of these build a great many little six-sided wax cells within the hive ; while others visit flowers and suck out their sweet juices , or honey , and fill the cells with it .

  15. Working目录会自动得到填充。

    The Working directory should be filled in automatically .

  16. 它还用示例XML账户信息填充操作型表。

    It also populates the operational table with sample XML account information .

  17. H面双填充介质金属方波导的本征模

    The Eigenmode of the Rectangular Waveguide Filled on H - side with Two Dielectrics

  18. 当您填充所有可利用字段后,点击OK。

    When you have populated all available fields , click OK .

  19. 采用填充焊丝的外加电流铝合金CO2激光焊接

    CO_2 laser beam welding of aluminum alloy with additional current via filler wire

  20. 填充需要的区域,然后点击OK。

    Fill in the required fields , and click OK .

  21. 利用改进K填充算法消除椒盐噪声

    Removing Salt-and-Pepper Noise with Improved K-Fill Algorithm

  22. 高填充阻燃型PVC电缆料的研制

    Preparation of highly loading and flame retarding PVC cable compound

  23. 附胶体填充,超声焊接,高密度abs外壳。

    Enclosure Gel filled , ultrasonically welded , high density ABS housing .

  24. 填充完这些字段后,单击OK保存并关闭用户目录。

    When you 've completed these fields , click OK to save and close the user directory .

  25. PAN/Ni-P纤维和碳黑填充的HIPS复合材料的导电性

    Conductivity of PAN / Ni-P Fibers And Carbon Black Filled HIPS Composites

  26. 在这种情况下,Employee会填充它的审计字段,但是Address不会。

    In this case , the Employee would have its auditing fields filled in , but the Address would not .

  27. 对磨碎玻璃纤维填充MC尼龙进行了系列研究。

    The milled glass fibre was used as stuffing in the MC nylon .

  28. 添加JavaScript代码来填充这个Dojo表格以及鉴定事件处理器

    Adding JavaScript code to populate the Dojo grid and identify event handlers

  29. 一种基于谷地填充的DEM综合方法

    The DEM Generalization Based on the Filling Valley Coverage

  30. 方法:采用聚乙二醇(PEG)-20M填充柱(涂布浓度为10%);

    METHODS Using 10 % PEG-20M packed column .