
tián chōnɡ yán sè
  • fill color
  1. 当渐变色随着填充颜色变化而发生变化时(渐变色变得更深),渐变色本身就是设计的一部分,并且不是分配给State的外观定义。

    While gradient colors change as fill color changes ( gradient colors are darker ), gradient itself is a part of the design and not the definition of the appearance that is assigned to State .

  2. 让我们说您想要一个与Brown主题类似的主题,但您想要OrthogonalState使用粗体字以及不同的填充颜色。

    Let us say that you want a theme that is similar to the Brown theme , but you want the Orthogonal State to use bold font and a different fill color .

  3. 选择钢笔工具(P)的设置填充颜色对零票,和中风的黑色。

    Select the Pen Tool ( P ), set the fill color to none , and the stroke to black .

  4. 该方法利用Canny边缘算子提供的边缘信息,采用区域增长法对彩色癌细胞图像进行区域分割并填充颜色。

    The method gets edge information using Canny operator and uses it as the input of region-growing to get the accurate cell region .

  5. 任何可以应用到元素上的SVG属性如填充颜色、笔划宽度、大小和透明度都可以以这种方式改变。

    Any SVG property that can be applied to an element such as fill color , stroke-width , size , and opacity can be changed in this fashion .

  6. 选择含有填充颜色或填充图案的单元格。

    Select the cells that contain a fill color or fill pattern .

  7. 请改用“填充颜色”和“填充效果”。

    Use fill colors and fill effects instead .

  8. 例如,您可以将字体设置为粗体,并将填充颜色设置为橙色。

    For example , set the font to bold and set the fill color to orange .

  9. 在“格式”工具栏中,单击“填充颜色”按钮,然后单击白色正方形。

    On the formatting toolbar , click fill color , and then click the white square .

  10. 在“格式”工具栏上,单击“填充颜色”、“线条颜色”、“线条粗细”或其他按钮。

    Click fill color , line color , line weight , or other buttons on the format toolbar .

  11. 用彩色墨水笔填充颜色和补充细节,最后一个环节是最有趣的。

    Use the colored felt-tipped pens to add color and details . The last step is the most fun .

  12. 让我退回到它,这个。我说过在被挡住的地方是没有填充颜色的。

    I 'll go back to it , this one I said that there was no filling-in behind there .

  13. 该部分的内容主要是:如何确定填充颜色值;怎么进行区域填充。

    This part mainly solve two major issues : how to determine the color to fill and how to fill regions .

  14. 如果您单击“无填充颜色”,文字将不可见,除非您以前向该文字添加了轮廓。

    If you click No fill , your text will not be visible unless you previously added an outline to the text .

  15. 默认生成的柱状图的框没有粗线边框,框中也没有填充颜色。

    The default histogram generated will not have bold edges to their boxes and none of the boxes will be filled with color .

  16. 要使用不同的填充颜色,请在“主题颜色”或“标准颜色”下单击要使用的颜色。

    To use a different fill color , under theme colors or standard colors , click the color that you want to use .

  17. 在更改文字的填充颜色时,还可以向该填充添加纹理、图片或渐变。

    When you change the fill color of text , you can also add a texture , picture , or gradient to the fill .

  18. 拖到绘图页上,然后使用工具栏按钮更改填充颜色和边框颜色。右击并选择属性可以设置文本。

    Drag onto the page , then use toolbar buttons to change fill and border color . Right-click and choose Properties to set text .

  19. 使用“开始”选项卡上的“字体”组中的“填充颜色”或“字体颜色”按钮,可以轻松地将这些颜色应用到单元格和字体。

    You can easily apply these colors to cells and fonts by using the fill color or font color buttons in the font group on the home tab .

  20. 构建表的方法是构建许多宽度、字体、填充颜色、行颜色等各不相同的单元。

    The way to build tables is to build a bunch of cells that have various widths , fonts , fill color , line color , and so on .

  21. 单击文本批注框选中它,单击“绘图”工具栏上的“填充颜色”图标,然后选择要用来填充批注框的颜色。

    Click the text balloon to select it , click the fill color icon on the drawing toolbar , and select the color you want to fill the balloon with .

  22. 参见FOP文档(参见参考资料)了解更多可能性,包括边界、页边、填充、颜色、图像和表。

    See the FOP documentation ( see Resources ) for further possibilities including borders , margins , padding , color , images , and tables .

  23. LCD控制器通常嵌入显示存储器用来储存需要显示的图形数据,支持硬件实现PIP+、旋转和镜像等显示功能,内部的二维图形加速引擎用来加速图形拷贝、移动、填充和颜色扩展等操作。

    SRAM is embedded for display buffer which stores the display data . Hardware rotation , mirror and PIP + functions are also supported . The 2D graphics accelerator is designed for accelerate the image move , copy , fill and color expansion .

  24. 你可以利用表格填充网页颜色,这样比下载速度慢的图片更好。

    You can also employ tables to add color to a page in preference to slow loading graphics .

  25. 得到的橡胶填充油颜色浅、碳型结构好、凝点低。

    The rubber filling oil gained is light coloured ; its carbon structure is good ; and its pour point is low .

  26. 矢量绘制用于完成各种任务,比如填充背景颜色、边框颜色和渐变等。

    The vector drawing is employed for a variety of tasks , such as filling the background color , border color , gradients , fills , and strokes .

  27. 给定区域内的一点(种子点)和要填充的颜色,算法按照快速行进法计算的波前到达时间对区域进行填充,直到整个区域填充完毕。

    Given a pixel ( seed point ) interior to a region and the filling color , the algorithm fills all other pixels interior to the region according to the arrival time of the front computed by fast marching method .

  28. fill指定区域线形图中的线条下方的填充区域的颜色,以及条形图和柱形图的条填充颜色。

    Fill determines the color of the fill area under the line in area line graphs and determines the bar fill color for bar and column graphs .

  29. 一些有美术字体的空白处,我填充上了颜色

    some filling up the space of the calligraphy that I trace with colors .

  30. 对事物外形的一种大体描绘;填充统一的颜色。

    A drawing of the outline of an object ; filled in with some uniform color .