
pō dào
  • ramp;rampway;descent
坡道 [pō dào]
  • [ramp] 一种均匀倾斜的走道或车道

坡道[pō dào]
  1. 小半径曲线及长大坡道区间无缝线路养护维修技术研究

    Research of Maintenance Technology for Small Radius Curve and Big Rampway Interval Cwr

  2. 坡道便于轮椅进出。

    A ramp allows easy access for wheelchairs .

  3. 为方便残疾人的出入修建了坡道。

    Ramps have been built to ease access for the disabled .

  4. 应该给轮椅使用者提供坡道。

    Ramps should be provided for wheelchair users .

  5. 这条路上急转弯、坡道和死拐角一个接一个。

    The road is a succession of hairpin bends , hills , and blind corners .

  6. 在坡道上,自行车手飞驰着超越了一辆辆汽车,靠着惯性一路疾冲下山。

    On the descents , cyclists spin past cars , freewheeling downhill at tremendous speed .

  7. 靠了5个强壮的男子才将雕像拉上坡道,再下放到合适的位置。

    It took five strong men to heave the statue up a ramp and lower it into place

  8. 仅凭一个人是不可能把这辆小汽车推上坡道的。

    It is impossible for only one person to propel the car up the ramp .

  9. 旋转的坡道连接水池和眼睛形状的大楼。

    Curving ramps connect across pool to sculptural eye and box .

  10. 他住在上面一层,为了他的方便着想,到处设有坡道。

    He has the upper floor and ramps are fitted everywhere for his convenience .

  11. 展馆位于B片区主题馆内,展示空间主要是两条对称的螺旋状坡道,参观者可以在其顶端俯瞰直径达32米的巨型球冠。

    The pavilion is located in the Theme Pavilion building in Zone B. The top of two parallel spiral ramps offers a good view of a 32-meter - diameter globe .

  12. AMT车辆坡道换挡策略与试验研究

    Ramp Shift Strategy and Test Research on AMT Vehicle

  13. ABB电动卡车斜坡道运输系统的应用

    The Application of The Ramp Hauling System of ABB Electric Drive Trucks

  14. 展览包括一部关于一匹白马的3-D电影,以及一个带镜子的活动坡道,孩子们可以在上面玩滑板,作品来自伯奇与其他艺术家。

    It included a 3-D film of a white horse and a mirrored ramp that children could skate on , and mixed Mr. Birch 's creations with works from other artists .

  15. 要实现AMT产品化,起步控制是一个关键问题,而坡道起步控制是起步控制的一个难题。

    Realizing the production of AMT , the starting control is a key problem . However the hill starting control is problem of starting control .

  16. 采用了两种方法对东风8B型机车在坡道上的轴重转移进行了分析,并对结果进行了对比。

    Two methods are used to analyze DF8B locomotive axle load transfer on the ramp analysis , the results were compared .

  17. Q.如果我在一辆摩托车上,在驶上四分之一圆弧坡道时跳离摩托车,那么那一刹那我的速度需要有多快才能安全离开摩托车,并且用降落伞安全着地?

    Q. If I were on a motorbike and do a jump off a quarter pipe ramp , how fast would I need to be moving to safely deploy and land using the parachute ?

  18. 亮点三:IMAX电影《阿尔卑斯山》在展区坡道的顶端,游客可以看到中庭10米高的投影屏幕。

    Highlight 3 : IMAX Film " The Alps " At the top end of the ramp of the exhibition area , visitors can see a 10-meter-high projection screen in the atrium .

  19. 不像垫0B大小的发射者,以及其他美国宇航局发射台,火箭将在垫答兴建叠放水平,而在一个坡道说谎。

    Unlike those launched from Pad0B , and other NASA launch pads , rockets constructed at Pad0A will be stacked up horizontally , while lying on a ramp .

  20. 汕头LPG工程的交通洞为一宽7.2m、高5.7m、断面约40m2、13.6%下坡道的隧道。

    The communication cavern of LPG engineering project in Shantou City is a tunnel with the width 7.2 m , height 5.7 m , cross section nearly 40 m 2 and having a down gradient of 13.6 % .

  21. 在最大坡道为25‰和海拔高1200m的线路上列车要以350km/h高速运行,对其电气设备提出了很高要求。

    Train operation at top speeds of up to 350 km / h on lines with gradients as steep as 25 ‰ and at elevations as high as 1 200 m above sea level also place utmost demands on the electrical equipment on board .

  22. 我们需要聘用或购买一个驳船的装载坡道。

    We need to hire or buy a barge loading ramp .

  23. 首先,他们开始使用半管和垂直坡道滑板。

    First , they started with half-pipe and vert ramp skateboarding .

  24. 先穿上雪屐再滑下陡坡道。

    Put on your ski before you slide down the chute .

  25. 尽管装出一副自然的样子,她朝坡道走下去。

    As naturally as possible , she moved down the ramp .

  26. 从这个缓冲坡道入口驶入高速路。

    Get on the freeway ( motorway ) at this on-ramp .

  27. 螺旋式地下汽车坡道暗挖-逆作施工

    Concealed digging of helical underground motor ramp : inverse construction technology

  28. 基于扩频的矿井斜坡道交通信号监控系统

    Traffic signal monitoring system of mine slope based on spread-spectrum communications

  29. 基于纵向动力学的坡道识别方法研究

    Study on slope recognition method based on vehicle 's longitudinal dynamics

  30. 要在滑雪坡道上卖弄技巧可不是那么容易的。

    It is not easy to hotdog down the ski slopes .