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  • 网络deluge;Yeeb Neel
  1. 关于“洪水滔天”传说的断想

    Thought on tales about " floodwater dash to the skies "

  2. 抑或是“我死之后,哪管它洪水滔天”?

    Or will it be " apr è s moi , le d é luge " ?

  3. 天有不测风云,一年,忽然天崩地裂,大火肆虐,洪水滔天,野兽横行伤人。

    Unexpectedly , one year , the four-pillars supporting the heaven suddenly collapsed and the earth cracked . A great fire raged ; torrential water flooded all the lands ; fierce animals preyed on men .

  4. 在某种意义上来说,这次的经历远不如许多人一开始担心的那般惊心动魄:尽管东海岸遭遇到了暴风骤雨,而且内陆地区洪水滔天,但纽约本身受到的损害却远逊于预期。

    In some senses the experience turned out to be far less dramatic than many had initially feared : though the East Coast was battered with powerful winds and lashing rain , and there was terrible flooding inland , New York itself suffered far less damage than predicted .