
  • 网络OIA;oía
  1. 古巴比伦人敬奉一个名为“奥尼斯”或“伊亚”的海神。

    The Babylonians were known to worship a sea-god called Oanne or Ea .

  2. 碰撞结果,忒伊亚和地球的外层物质被抛入环绕地球的轨道,并最终在自身引力下聚合为月球。

    The resulting impact blasted the outer layers of Theia and Earth into orbit , which eventually coalesced under their own gravity to form the moon .

  3. 原始地球和火星大小般的忒伊亚行星发生了碰撞。它们在一个特殊的角度相撞,据说碰撞后所产生的残骸进入地球轨道,最终合并形成了现在的月球。

    The primordial Earth was impacted by an object about the size of Mars , named Theia . The two bodies met at a very specific angle , and it is believed that the leftover debris coalesced inside Earth 's orbit to form what is now the Moon .