
  1. 四面楚歌中的参议员伯瑞斯无视要求他辞职的声音,据传闻,伊利诺斯州民主党本周与联邦当局会谈,以讨论伯瑞斯前后不一致的声明,伯瑞斯作证说自己和前伊州州长RodBlagojevich的职员之间没有接触。

    Embattled Senator Roland Burris is ignoring calls for his resignation . The Illinois Democratic reportedly met with federal authorities during the weekend about conflicting statement that he gave when he testified that he had no contact with staffers for now former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich .

  2. 此外还有来自伊州芝加哥的、我的小同乡姗特尔·斯蒂夫。

    And then there 's Shantell Steve , from my hometown of Chicago , Illinois .

  3. 我在伊州游历时,随处都给我留下熟悉亲切的感觉。

    It 's that sense of familiarity that strikes me wherever I travel across Illinois .

  4. 今年2月,伊州从债券市场借了37亿美元,只为融资缴交它那份养老金。

    In February the state borrowed $ 3.7 billion from the bond markets just to fund its pension contribution .

  5. 被伊州州长罗德·布拉戈耶维奇任命填补贝拉克·奥巴马空出的参议院职位的罗兰·伯里斯这样说。

    Roland Burris , who was appointed by Illinois 's governor , Rod Blagojevich , to fill Barack Obama 's vacant Senate seat .

  6. 伊州众议院弹劾了州长罗德布拉格维奇。现在由参议院来决定他的去留。

    Illinois House impeaches governor Rod Blagojevich , now it 's up to the Senate to decide if he should be removed from office .

  7. 那次的支持是互惠的,哈罗德帮助选出了一代年轻进步思想的拉丁裔,加入了芝加哥市议会和伊州的立法机构。

    That support was reciprocated , as Washington helpedelect a generation of young , progressive Latinos to the Chicagocity council and the Illinois state legislature .

  8. 如果我没记错的话,参议员先生,几个月前你在伊州的斯普利菲尔德,是以一句林肯式声明,启程进行这次竞选活动。

    If I remembered correctly , Senator , you started this presidential quest in Springfield , IL with a Lincoln style statement that Americans are one people .

  9. 伊州无法提供全部养老金,又或银行危机导致证券市场表现不佳,皆非工人之错。

    It is no fault of the workers that the state has not funded the pensions properly , or that a banking crisis has caused the stockmarkets to underperform .

  10. 在伊州议院委员会考虑布拉戈耶维奇的起诉状之前,波利斯作证以后就就职了,他告诉立法者自己只对州长的前参谋长汇报。

    Burris was seated only after testifying before Illinois House Committee considering Blagojevich 's indictment and telling lawmakers he had only spoken to the governor 's former chief of staff .