
  • 网络United States;USA;amerryca
  1. 在美国,露营排队只是为了星球大战前传和Ipads才去花这个米国时间的,但是中国人却要为了争抢购买房名额和孩子进幼儿园名额去露营排队。

    In America , camping out in line is only for wastes of time like Star Wars prequels or iPads , but Chinese people need to camp out for days to register for housing or even get into some kindergartens .

  2. 现在想一想米国与俄国是否还会在21世纪继续为敌。

    Now consider whether America and Russia will still be enemies in the21st century .

  3. 凭什么必须是米国来帮助越南?

    Why should the US help the Vietnamese ?

  4. 事实上你都找不到米国这个词在歌词里。

    In fact you can not find the word US or America in the lyrics .

  5. 米国人民,天大的好消息有木有!

    Ah , good news US fellas !

  6. 姐大老远跑法国来可不是来买英国和米国牌子滴。

    But I was not travelling all the way to France to buy a UK brand .

  7. 不管你同不同意,郎朗在来米国之前只是一个无足轻重的人。

    Admit it or not , Lang Lang was just a nobody before he came to the US .

  8. 在现代的消费文化里,比如米国,大家通过互相比较所买的东西来比试个品味高下。

    In modern consumer cultures like America , people compete for status through comparing their taste in products . ( You can read more on how that works here : Selling Out ) .