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  • ivermectin
  1. 目前治疗盘尾丝虫病的手段是使用一种叫做伊维菌素(ivermectin)的药物,它杀死幼虫,但是对成虫无效。

    The current treatment for river blindness is the drug ivermectin , which kills larval parasites but not the adult worms .

  2. 将基因簇中的aveC基因通过同样手段,使其失活,导致发酵产物中4个1组分的消失,而主要积累2组分(进一步改造可成为伊维菌素的前体B2组分)。

    When aveC gene was inactivated by the same way , four " 1 " components were lost and only " 2 " components , the potential precursor of ivermectin , were accumulated .

  3. 建立了HPLC测定伊维菌素微乳中伊维菌素含量的方法。

    An HPLC method for determining the content of ivermectin in ivermectin microemulsion was established .

  4. 结果表明,伊维菌素聚乳酸纳米粒对小鼠的LD50为62.675mg/kg,是原料药组的2.67倍,属于无毒级;对细胞毒性为1级,无明显毒性。

    Results show that the accumulation LD50 of mice by using IVM-PLA-NPs is 62.675mg / kg ; The cell toxicity is level 1 , not obviously toxic .

  5. 同时,还做了小鼠蓄积性毒理实验,选用间接竞争酶联免疫吸附法分析了小鼠各组织中伊维菌素(IVM)的残留分布情况,并对其病理表现也作了相关研究。

    Meanwhile , distribution of Ivermectin residues in edible tissues of mice was investigated on this paper , and accumulative toxic phenomenon to mice bodies was described as well .

  6. 结果单次口服0.025mg/kg伊维菌素对犬钩虫的虫卵减少率、驱虫率和治愈率高达100%,服药后48h内排出97%虫体;

    Using Ivermectin in a single oral dose at 0 025mg / kg , the egg reduction rate , anthelmintic rate and curative rate on A. caninum all were 100 % . 97 % of worms were passed within 48 hours after treatment .

  7. 第2阶段以伊维菌素0.3、0.4mg/kg口服1d或2d治疗钩虫、鞭虫感染,并与阿苯达唑6.7mg/kg相同疗程作疗效比较。

    In the second stage , ivermectin 0.3 and 0.4 mg / kg for 1 d or 2 d were orally administered to persons infected with hookworm and trichuris respectively . Albendazole 6.7 mg / kg was orally administered as control .

  8. 方法用伊维菌素0.1、0.2、0.2和0.2mg/kg顿服分别治疗蛔虫、钩虫、鞭虫和蛲虫感染者,并与阳性对照药阿苯达唑400mg顿服进行比较。

    Methods A single dose of ivermectin 0.1 , 0.2 , 0.2 and 0.2 mg / kg was orally administered to cases with infection of Ascaris , hookworm , Trichuris and Enterobius respectively .

  9. 采用伊维菌素0.2mg/kg顿服治疗人钩虫感染者,并用400mg/次阿苯哒唑作对照。

    Meanwhile a single dose of ivermectin 0.2 mg / kg was orally administrated to persons infected with hookworm , compared with the albendazole 400 mg / day as control group .

  10. 结果第1阶段:伊维菌素0.1、0.15、0.2mg/kg顿服治疗蛔虫感染的治愈率均达100%(44/44、8/8、8/8),与阿苯达唑疗效相同(100%)(34/34);

    Results In the first stage , the cure rates of ivermectin 0.1 , 0.15 , 0.2 mg / kg and albendazole 6.7 mg / kg were 100.00 % ( 44 / 44 , 8 / 8 , 8 / 8 , 34 / 34 ) for ascaris infection ;

  11. 伊维菌素干混悬剂对绵羊寄生虫的驱杀效果与安全性研究

    Effect and safety of ivermectin dry suspension agent against sheep parasites

  12. 伊维菌素灭蟑胶冻毒饵继发传递毒力实验研究

    Test of the Secondary Transfer of Ivermectin Toxicity among Blattella Germanica

  13. 伊维菌素对犬心丝虫病有很好的防治效果。

    Ivermectin was effective in the treatment and prevention of canine dirofilariasis .

  14. 伊维菌素浇泼剂治疗猪疥螨病的效果观察

    Effect of Therapy of swine Sarcoptic Mange by Ivermectin Pouring

  15. 伊维菌素干混悬剂驱除猪蛔虫效果与安全性试验

    Effective and safe experiment of Ivermectin dry suspension on expelling Ascaris Suam

  16. 口服伊维菌素治疗疥疮42例疗效观察

    Clinical Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Treatment of Scabies in 42 Cases

  17. 动物组织中伊维菌素残留量的高效液相色谱法测定

    Determination of Ivermectin Residue in Animal Tissues by High Performance Liquid Chromatography

  18. 伊维菌素干混悬剂对羊狂蝇蛆的驱杀效果试验

    Effect of Ivermectin dry suspension agent on deworming oestrus ovis Larva in sheep

  19. 皮蝇幼虫在牦牛体内移行动态与伊维菌素最佳驱除时间

    Migration Dynamics of cattle Grub in Yak and Optimum Time of Ivermectin Treatment

  20. 伊维菌素在电喷雾质谱中的行为及其机理的研究

    Studies on the Behavior and Mechanisms of Ivermectin in Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry

  21. 长效伊维菌素注射液对兔痒螨病的治疗效果及兔场净化效果观察

    Treatment Effect and Purification Effect on Rabbit Psoroptes Disease of Long-acting Ivermectin Injection

  22. 伊维菌素驱除黄牛消化道线虫试验

    Experiment of Ivermectin Expelling Digestive Tract Nema in Cattles

  23. 伊维菌素对小鼠毒性的研究及其残留分析

    Toxicity Analyse and Residues of IVM in Mice Tissue

  24. 通过急性毒性和细胞毒性试验对伊维菌素聚乳酸纳米粒的安全性进行评价。

    Evaluate the safety of IVM-PLA-NPs by acute toxicity and cell toxicity experiment .

  25. 伊维菌素浇泼剂对绵羊线虫的驱虫效力与安全性试验

    Effect and safe experiment of Pour-sprinkling preparation of Ivermectin for deworming nematode of sheep

  26. 伊维菌素脂质体的毒理学、药动学及对猪疥螨病疗效的研究

    Studies on the Toxicology 、 Pharmacokinetics and Swine Sarcoptic Acariasis Treatment of Liposomal Ivermectin

  27. 伊维菌素亚慢性经口毒性试验

    Test on Ivermectin of the Subchronic Oral toxicity

  28. 伊维菌素(维力加)注射液对羊体内外寄生虫的驱虫试验

    Experiment of Ivermectin Injection ( weilijia ) against internal and external parasites in sheep

  29. 表明伊维菌素干混悬剂与片剂有同等的驱虫效果与安全性。

    These results showed that IDSA has the same effect and safety as ivermectin tablet .

  30. 目的为观察伊维菌素驱治犬钩虫和人钩虫感染的效果。

    Objective To observe the efficacy of Ivermectin against Ancylostoma caninum and human hookworm infections .