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  • 网络SOMA
  1. 去年十一月三日在柏林汉堡巴恩霍夫当代艺术博物馆,两只驯鹿在比利时艺术家卡斯登‧赫勒的装置艺术个展「苏摩」中,鹿角相扣。

    Two reindeer lock horns on Nov.3 last year in the main hall of Berlin 's Hamburger Bahnhof museum for contemporary art as part of " Soma ," an installation by Belgian artist Carsten Hoeller .

  2. 目的:观察苏红透骨摩药治疗风湿痹痛的临床疗效,并研究其透皮吸收功能。

    OBJECTIVE : To observe the clinical efficacy and transdermal absorption of Suhong bone-penetrating massage drug for rheumatic arthralgia .

  3. 这座神殿专门供奉印度教的主神毗湿奴,是在高棉帝国的统治者苏利耶跋摩二世的授意下建造的,据估计共花费30年的时间建成。

    It is estimated that it took 30 years to build the temple dedicated to the Hindu deity , Vishnu , at the behest of King Suryavarman II , the ruler of the Khmer Empire