
  • 网络sudanese president
  1. 自从国际刑事法庭(InternationalCriminalCourt)两周前指控奥马尔阿尔-巴希尔(OmarAl-Bashir)犯有战争罪以来,这位苏丹总统已变得越来越无视西方的态度。

    Since the International Criminal Court indicted Omar al-Bashir on war crimes charges two weeks ago , the Sudanese president has become ever more defiant of the west .

  2. 苏丹总统巴希尔于周二访问了朱巴。

    Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir visited Juba on Tuesday .

  3. 联合国官员周末期间表示,苏丹总统奥马尔巴希尔(omaral-bashir)已经同意在达尔富尔部署联合维和部队。

    At the weekend UN officials said President Omar al-Bashir had agreed to the deployment of the hybrid force .

  4. 希拉里上周五会见了南苏丹总统萨尔瓦基尔(salvakiir),强调了建立强大制度和遵守宪法的必要性。

    Mrs Clinton met Mr Museveni and President Salva Kiir of South Sudan on Friday , stressing the need for strong institutions and adherence to the constitution .

  5. 苏丹总统似乎对尚待决定的逮捕令要求并不担心。

    The Sudanese president appears unconcerned about the impending request for an arrest warrant .

  6. 内格罗朋特周一在喀土穆与苏丹总统奥马尔。巴舍尔会面后对记者发表上述言论。

    Negroponte spoke to reporters in Khartoum on Monday following meetings with Sudanese President Omer Al Bashir .

  7. 今天,美国驻该地区特使与南苏丹总统会面,这是双方在8天内进行的第4次会面。

    US envoy to the region met today with the country 's president their fourth meeting in eight days .

  8. 美国国务院说,他们还不能马上证实苏丹总统巴希尔最近对人道救援组织采取的举措。

    The State Department said it could not immediately confirm Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir 's latest move against humanitarian organizations .

  9. 苏丹总统巴希尔预计将抵达伊斯坦布尔出席非洲和土耳其经济合作首脑会议。

    Sudan 's president Omar al-Bashir is set to arrive in Istanbul for a summit meeting on African Turkish economic cooperation .

  10. 奥马尔·巴希尔(苏丹总统)实施了种族屠杀,你知道的,赶快停止你那令人作呕的否认数千人屠杀的运动。

    Omar al-Bashir is quilty of genocide , you know it , stop your disgusting campaign of murder denial of thousands .

  11. 外交部发言人秦刚就国际刑事法院签发对苏丹总统逮捕令答记者问

    Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang 's Remarks on the Issuance of Arrest Warrant to Sudanese President by the International Criminal Court

  12. 但是现在国际发现已经起诉苏丹总统的种族灭绝,整个世界关注着。

    But now that an international court has indicted the president of Sudan for genocide , the whole world is watching .

  13. 苏丹总统巴希尔表示,如果人民解放运动抵制投票,他将取消此前承诺的针对南苏丹独立进行全民公决。

    President Omar al-Bashir says he will cancel a promised referendum on independence for southern Sudan if the SPLM boycotts the poll .

  14. 他在谈判破裂后说了上述这番话。上周他们与南苏丹总统萨尔瓦。基尔的南苏丹人民解放运动举行了会谈。

    He spoke after talks the past week with the party of South Sudanese President Salva Kiir-the Sudan People 's Liberation Movement .

  15. 答:中方对国际刑事法院发出对苏丹总统的逮捕令表示遗憾和不安。

    A : China regrets the disconcerting decision of the International Criminal Court to issue an arrest warrant for the Sudanese President .

  16. 某些外国选举观察员向苏丹总统奥马尔·巴希尔建议下周的选举应当延期,巴希尔借此威胁要将其赶出苏丹。

    Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir has threatened to kick out foreign election monitors , after they suggested next month 's vote should be delayed .

  17. 布什政府一直强烈批评苏丹总统巴希尔,指责他造成了达尔富尔和苏丹其它地区的人道主义危机。

    The Bush administration has been relentless in its criticism of Sudanese President Omar Bashir-blaming him for the humanitarian crises in Darfur and elsewhere .

  18. 喀土穆三名南部政客被逮捕,抗议者在南部某城镇向苏丹总统奥马尔·巴希尔政党办公室防火。

    Protesters set alight the office of Sudan President Omar al-Bashir 's party in a southern town after three southern politicians were arrested in Khartoum .

  19. 苏丹总统巴希尔全国大会党的一名发言人坚决否认北方军队在南科尔多凡省破坏停火协议。

    A spokesman for President Omar al-Bashir 's National Congress Party has categorically denied the Sudanese armed forces are breaking their own ceasefire in Southern Kordofan .

  20. 在华盛顿,美国对非洲,杜琪峰卡森,高级外交官呼吁加强苏丹总统奥马尔巴希尔和南部领导人萨尔瓦基尔会谈。

    In Washington , America 's top diplomat for Africa , Johnnie Carson , called for talks between Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir and southern leader Salva Kiir .

  21. 苏丹总统巴希尔和南苏丹总统基尔在埃塞俄比亚首都亚的斯亚贝巴会谈。

    President Omar al-Bashir of Sudan and the president of South Sudan , Salva Kiir , are holding the talks in the Ethiopian capital , Addis Ababa .

  22. 庆典中另一个大家预期的程序,将是苏丹总统巴希尔在苏丹国歌声中进入游行行列。

    And in another much anticipated moment , entering the parade grounds to the tune of Sudan 's current national anthem , will be President Omar al-Bashir .

  23. 苏丹总统巴希尔星期一说,苏丹不会与南苏丹进一步会谈,南苏丹只懂得枪炮的语言。

    Sudan 's president , Omar al-Bashir , said Monday there will be no further talks and that the south only understands the language of guns and ammunition .

  24. 目前而言,当和苏丹总统打交道的时候,世界上的外交家们得不得不要适应与一个被通辑的战争罪犯握手。

    For now , the world 's diplomats will have to get used to shaking hands with a wanted war criminal when they deal with the president of Sudan .

  25. 但是美联社援引苏丹总统顾问法杜勒的话说,这些前在押人员的活动不会受到限制。

    But the Associated Press quoted Mahjoub Fadul , an adviser to Sudan 's president , as saying the former detainees will not face any restrictions on their activities .

  26. 苏丹总统巴希尔称,在有争议的阿卜耶伊地区,苏丹将对最新独立的南苏丹共和国采取武力。

    The President of Sudan , Omar al-Bashir , has said Sudan could take up arms against the newly independent Republic of South Sudan over the disputed region of Abyei .

  27. 被国际刑事法庭以在达尔富尔发动战争罪起诉的苏丹总统巴希尔称在该地区被杀害的人数是编造的。

    The Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir who 's been indicted by the International Criminal Court for alleged war crimes in Darfur says the number of people killed there has been fabricated .

  28. 他说苏丹总统奥马尔·巴希尔上周同意联合国和非洲联盟的维持和平部队进入该地区,这支部队将有助于缓和暴力,但是它不足以解决达尔富尔问题。

    He says the UN-African Union peacekeeping force accepted by Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir last week will help moderate the violence & but it is not enough to solve Darfur 's problems .

  29. 苏丹总统巴希尔原来预计在4月3日和南苏丹总统基尔签署协议,以保障两国国民的“四种自由”,并开始划界。

    Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir was due to sign agreements with his southern counterpart Salva Kiir to protect the " four freedoms " of each other 's citizens and start border demarcation on April 3 .

  30. 问:中国外交部网站上发布了关于中方希望联合国安理会要求国际刑事法院暂停审理苏丹总统巴希尔案的答问,你能否进一步阐述一下。

    Q : The Chinese Foreign Ministry responded to ICC approving orders to arrest Sudanese President on its website , saying that China hopes the UN Security Council could urge the ICC to suspend the case .