
sū tiě
  • Cycas revoluta;sago cycas
苏铁[sū tiě]
  1. 论中国苏铁的现状及保护

    On the Status Quo and Conservation of Cycas Revoluta in China

  2. 苏铁白化苗叶片形态与结构观察

    Leaf morphology in white seedlings of Cycas revoluta

  3. 苏铁爱好者购买它们并将其种植在自己的私人花园。

    Cycad lovers buy and plant them in their private gardens .

  4. 这就是伍德苏铁。1895年有人在森林里发现了它。

    It is Wood 's Cyead.Someone found it in a forest in 1895 .

  5. 那么是什么导致苏铁濒危呢?

    So what causes cycads to be in danger ?

  6. 事实上,南非有38种苏铁。

    In fact , there are 38 kinds of cycads in South Africa .

  7. 这让喜爱苏铁的人想拥有更多苏铁。

    This makes cyead lovers want to own more .

  8. 这些生长缓慢的成年苏铁甚至每只能卖上万美元。

    These slow-growing adult cycads even sell for tens of thousands of dollars each .

  9. 苏铁生长在温暖的地方。

    Cycads grow in warm places .

  10. 苏铁现在正面临着问题。

    Cycads are facing problems now .

  11. 结果,几乎所有这些苏铁都会因为生存条件的改变而死亡。

    As a result , nearly all these cyeads die because the living conditions have changed .

  12. 最近,南非政府采取了一些措施来防止苏铁的偷窃和交易。

    Recently , South African govemment has taken some actions to protect cycads from being stolen traded .

  13. 在南非,苏铁的情况越来越糟糕,但这很少引起公众的注意。

    In South Africa , the situation of cycads is getting terrible , but this has drawn little attention from the public .

  14. 几种引物对苏铁共生蓝细菌的DNA多态性分析

    DNA diversity analysis on the Cyanobacteria freshly isolated from Cycads based on PCR with different primers

  15. 苏铁共生蓝细菌PCR条件的优化

    Optimization of PCR Conditions for Symbiosis of Cyanobacteria in Cycads

  16. 活化石植物&苏铁树叶绿体DNA分子中的核糖核苷酸

    Covalently linked ribonucleotides in chloroplast DNA molecules of the leaves of a living fossil plant , Cycas revoluta Thunb

  17. 苏铁珊瑚状根及根周围土壤中蓝细菌的PCR指纹图谱

    PCR fingerprintings of cyanobacteria isolated from coralloid roots of Cycads ( Cycas revoluta ) and their surrounding soil

  18. 四川苏铁(Cycasszechuanensis)营养器官的解剖结构研究

    Anatomy of the vegetative organs of Cycas szechuanensis

  19. 大理州野生矮杨梅生物学特性及驯化栽培研究深圳梅林仙湖苏铁野生种群遗传多样性ISSR分析

    The Biological Characteristics of Wild Dwarf Myrica rubra in Dali and Study on Domestication Cultivation Genetic Variation in the Endemic Plant Cycas fairylakea ( Cycadaceae ) from Meilin Forest Park in Shenzhen on the Basis of ISSR Analysis

  20. 在客厅、茶几周围、组合电视柜两侧平行处,配置2株1m高的南洋松、榕树、棕榈、苏铁、橡皮树、龙血树等植物。

    In the circumference , combination in living room , tea side-table television cabinet two parallel place of , install 2 stub 1 the m is high south seas pine , banyan , palm tree , Su 's iron , rubber tree , dragon blood tree etc.

  21. 年龄结构图显示,仙湖苏铁无性系种群为稳定种群,基株种群为衰退种群;

    The age structure diagram showed that the clone population of C.

  22. 苏铁白化苗叶片细胞的超微结构

    The Ultrastructure of Leaf Cells in Albino Seedlings of Cycas revoluta

  23. 广西野生苏铁资源现状与保护对策

    Status Quo & Protection Countermeasure on Guangxi Wild Sago Plam Resources

  24. 一种小的墨西哥苏铁;有时被放入凤尾松科。

    Small genus of Mexican cycads ; sometimes classified in family Cycadaceae .

  25. 雅满苏铁精矿球团烧结工艺研究

    Pellet Sintering Technique for Yamansu ′ s iron Concentrate & A Study

  26. 攀西地区苏铁叶部真菌病害鉴定

    Identifying the Disease of Cycad Leaf Epiphyte in Pan-Xi Area

  27. 苏铁属植物的根系类型及肉质根的解剖研究

    Studies on Root System and Fleshy Root Structure of Cycas

  28. 八种苏铁植物叶轴的比较解剖研究

    Comparative Anatomic Studies on Rachis of Eight Species of Cycads

  29. 中国苏铁属植物的分类学研究现状与展望

    Taxonomy of Cycas in China : Current Status and Perspective

  30. 广西野生苏铁资源及其分类研究(一)

    Studies on the resources and classification of the wild cycads from guangxi (ⅰ)