
  • Rocky;Loki;rocky marciano
  1. 不巧的是,她在《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》中已经领了盒饭,但是洛基和幻视都可以死而复生回来拍自己的电视剧,她为什么不能?

    Inconveniently1 , she was killed off in Avengers : Endgame , but Loki and Vision came back from the dead for their own TV series , so why shouldn 't she ?

  2. 现实生活中,饰演洛基的英国演员汤姆?希德勒斯顿(TomHiddleston)在中国和全球都拥有数量庞大的粉丝群,粉丝们认为他温柔细腻、魅力四射。

    In real life , British actor Tom Hiddleston , who plays Loki , has a devoted Chinese and global fan base who see him as a dashing , sensitive heartthrob .

  3. 他们的洛基山脉之行是件了不起的事情。

    Their trip through the Rocky Mountains was one for the book ( s ) .

  4. 我叫约翰,我在洛基山高中读八年级。

    I 'm John . I 'm in Grade Eight at Rocky Mountain High School .

  5. 在这里,整个部落分为两个级别:克洛基和库米德

    Here the whole tribe is divided into two great exogamous classes or moieties , Kroki and Kumite .

  6. 我们可以去看洛基III的首�

    We could go see Rocky III at the dollar show .

  7. 洛基•科尔布(RockyKolb)的《天空的盲目观察者》(BlindWatchersoftheSky)。

    Blind Watchers of the Sky by Rocky Kolb .

  8. 在上月召开的奥斯陆能源论坛(OsloEnergyForum)上,我听到洛基山研究所(RockyMountainInstitute)的艾默里•洛文斯(AmoryLovins)恰巧描述了这样一场革命。

    At the Oslo Energy Forum last month , I heard Amory Lovins of theRocky Mountain Institute describe just such a revolution .

  9. 在洛基山公园的门户城镇伊斯泰斯公园(EstesPark),一年前,本地官员发布了对开放啤酒厂和烈酒厂的规定,现在这些酒厂已经有很多活动了。

    Just a year after local officials eased regulations on opening breweries and distilleries in Rocky Mountain 's gateway town , Estes Park , a number of operations are in the works .

  10. 如果有什么电影能够至少在两个小时里,为美国生活中深刻的种族、代际与阶层鸿沟架起桥梁,那可能就是这部古老的《洛基》(Rocky)系列的复活影片。

    If any movie can bridge the deep racial , generational and class divides in American life - at least for a couple of hours - it would have to be this revival of the ancient " Rocky " franchise .

  11. 洛基(Loki)和阿南西(Anansi)这类民间故事中的人物是变革的推动者,但他们也令人不安、让人害怕、甚至古怪狰狞。

    Folkloric figures like Loki and Anansi are the agents of change , but they are also unsettling , frightening , even grotesque .

  12. 迈克尔·B·乔丹饰演洛基的被保护人阿多尼斯·约翰逊(AdonisJohnson),他也是洛基一度的竞争对手和早已丧失的朋友阿波罗·奎迪(ApolloCreed)的私生子,他成了我们这个时代重要的影星。

    Michael B. Jordan , as Adonis Johnson , Rocky 's prot é g é ( and the illegitimate son of his onetime rival and long-lost friend , Apollo Creed ) , continues his emergence as one of the vital movie stars of our moment .

  13. 洛基说,“那里应该有墙!”

    And Loki said ," let there be a brick wall !"

  14. 洛基,你还没付钱。

    You gotta pay for that turtle food , rock head .

  15. 我想知道洛基怎么会甘愿束手就擒

    I want to know why Loki let us take him .

  16. 我觉得我们不该一心想着洛基

    I don 't think we should be focusing on Loki .

  17. 这就是重点,这就是洛基的目的

    That is the point . That 's Loki 's point .

  18. 洛基再怎么蛮横无理,也是我们阿斯加德的人

    Loki is beyond reason , but he is of Asgard .

  19. 哼要是我能一箭射穿洛基的眼窝

    if I put an arrow through Loki 's eye socket ,

  20. 才招来了洛基和他的同伙

    is what drew Loki to it , and his allies .

  21. 洛基,你的酬劳是十五万元。

    Rocky , now your payday will be $ 150000 .

  22. 在不同的文献中,洛基和诸神的关系有所不同。

    Loki 's relation with the gods varies by source ;

  23. 洛基抓走艾瑞克·塞尔维格绝非偶然

    It 's no accident , Loki taking Erik Selvig .

  24. 他把洛基困在角落。

    He will not let him out of that corner .

  25. 没门,我会保护地球,洛基

    No. The Earth is under my protection , Loki .

  26. 洛基,记住,别跟他讨价还价。

    Now remember , rock . don 't trade with this guy .

  27. 洛基看起来不像他有信心。

    Rocky doesn 't look as confident as he might .

  28. 你觉得?我在安索普洛基买的。

    You think so ? I got them at anthropologie .

  29. 美国中西部的一个州,位于洛基山脉。

    A state in west central United States in the Rocky Mountains .

  30. 洛基首次赢得拳王头衔的拳套。

    Rocky balboa 's boxing gloves from his first heavyweight championship fight .