
  • 网络Llorente;Fernando Llorente;Diego Llorente;Joseba Llorente
  1. 洛伦特说,报名参选者不需要有任何舞蹈经验。

    Lorent promises that no previous dance experience is necessary to audition for a part in MaEternal .

  2. 为了证明这一事实,“芭蕾洛伦特”公司目前正招募12名孕妇,与另外六名专业演员共同出演一部芭蕾舞剧。

    And to prove it , Balletlorent is recruiting 12 pregnant women to star in a dance production alongside six professional ballet dancers .

  3. “芭蕾洛伦特”公司艺术指导丽芙•洛伦特自己也是个准妈妈,她说为了使自己的作品更加丰富,她一直喜欢邀请不同年龄、不同社会背景的人与专业演员同台演出。

    Artistic Director Liv Lorent , who , coincidentally , is pregnant herself , says she has always been keen to combine trained dancers with people from all ages and stages in life to make her ballet productions richer .

  4. 除招募孕妇外,洛伦特还聘请了一位名叫琳•坎贝尔的生育专家,为参演孕妇提供动作及技能指导。坎贝尔在纽卡斯尔市内及周边地区开设有孕期培训班。

    As well as recruiting 12 pregnant women , Lorent has also signed up Lynn Campbell , an active birth therapist who runs pregnancy classes in and around Newcastle , to advise on the movements and abilities of expectant mothers .