
  • 网络Hugo Lloris;lloris;loris
  1. 6月7日,在路过洛里斯房间去上班时。

    On June 7 , when passing Loris room to leave for work .

  2. 根据白宫的消息,洛里斯小学的许多学生来自低收入家庭,而他们的家庭无法为他们的孩子配备现今的高科技设备。

    Many of the students at Loris Elementary School are from low-income families that don 't have the means to give their children all of today 's high-tech devices , according to the White House .

  3. 据美国科技网站CNET6月7日报道,2011年,南卡罗来纳州(SouthCarolina)洛里斯市(Loris)的洛里斯小学(LorisElementarySchool)在全美的排名是第41名,而在2012年,排名升至19。

    Loris Elementary School in Loris , S.C. , was ranked 41st in the state in 2011 . By 2012 , it rose to 19th .

  4. 当时,梅西从右侧内切,连续晃过几名里昂球员,与埃托奥打出撞墙式配合,皮球越过洛里斯入网。

    After cutting in from the right and leaving several Lyon players in his wake he exchanged passes with Eto'o and slotted calmly past Lloris .

  5. 据意大利媒体报道,克里斯蒂安阿比亚蒂现在可能要转会巴勒莫了,而米兰的目标年轻法国门将洛里斯看起来也要转会里昂了。

    Christian Abbiati should be on the move though after an offer from Palermo , while reported Milan target Hugo Lloris now looks set to move from Nice to Lyon .

  6. 早在4万年前,地球上还存在另外三个人种:欧洲的尼安德塔人,印度尼西亚佛洛里斯岛上的“霍比特人”,以及最近才发现的一个叫丹尼索瓦人的神秘人种,该人种曾居住在亚洲中部。

    As recently as 40000 years ago there were three other species of human on Earth : Neanderthals in Europe , the " hobbits " of Flores , in Indonesia , and a recently discovered and still mysterious group of creatures called the Denisovans , who lived in Central Asia .