
  • 网络Adaptation to climate change;CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION
  1. 本文主要结构安排如下:第一章解析适应气候变化的相关概念。

    And its structure is as follows : Chapter I examines the concepts of adaptation and the meaning of climate change adaptation as a legal term .

  2. 目前,世行也在通过其优惠贷款机构国际开发协会致力于将适应气候变化工作纳入无息贷款和赠款项目。

    The World Bank is also working to fully integrate climate change adaptation into zero-interest loans and grants from its concessional lending arm , the International Development Association .

  3. 因此,即使排放量从今天开始减少,我们仍将面临适应气候变化的挑战。

    So even if emissions were to begin to decrease today , we would still face the challenge of adapting to climate change .

  4. 通过这样做,REDD应该可以为缓解和适应气候变化做出贡献。

    By doing so , REDD should contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation .

  5. Huq说,地方媒体在传播成功的适应气候变化战略上至关重要。

    Huq said the local media have a crucial role to play in disseminating information about successful adaptation strategies .

  6. Nyong敦促科学家把他们的一些精力从收集数据和制造信息转向把这些信息转化成能够帮助非洲人民适应气候变化的知识。

    Nyong urged scientists to redirect some of their energies from collecting data and producing information to transforming this information into knowledge that could help African people cope .

  7. 中国区域农业适应气候变化技术选择

    Technological Options of Regional Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change in China

  8. 适应气候变化不能像减缓技术那样被“发明”。

    Adaptation can 't be'invented'in the same way as mitigation techniques .

  9. 适应气候变化本身不能缓解强劲的气候变化。

    Adaptation alone will not be able to accommodate unabated climate change .

  10. 中国适应气候变化的国家资金机制

    State Fund Mechanism of Adaptation to Climate Change in China

  11. 气候变化是当前国际社会普遍关注的重大全球性问题,发展中国家为减缓及适应气候变化做出了很大的努力。

    Climate change is a global issue commonly focused by international community .

  12. 适应气候变化的寒地城市建设思考

    Think of the Winter City Construction for Adapting to the Climatic Change

  13. 您能再详细谈一下注意在当地适应气候变化的重要性吗?

    Could you expand on the importance of paying attention to adaptation locally ?

  14. 减缓温室气体排放,适应气候变化

    mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change

  15. 农业界必须直接参与设置适应气候变化的优先事项和策略。

    Farming communities must be directly involved in setting priorities and strategies for adaptation .

  16. 宁夏北移冬小麦适应气候变化的成本效益分析

    Cost-benefit Analysis of Northward Winter Wheat as Adaptation Option to Climate Change in Ningxia

  17. 如果你开始更明智地思考,你可以适应气候变化。

    If you start thinking smarter , you can adapt for the weather changes .

  18. 为应对或适应气候变化增加的支出,也将起到一定的作用。

    Even increased expenditure to address or adapt to climate change will play a part .

  19. 每换一季,所有鞋子就被重新整理,以适应气候变化并为新鞋腾地方。

    Every season , they are rearranged to suit the weather and accommodate new purchases .

  20. 太平洋适应气候变化伙伴关系总括倡议;

    Pacific umbrella Partnership Initiative on adaptation ;

  21. 在此基础上,提出了适应气候变化的水稻播期、栽培管理措施。

    Based on this , the countermeasures were proposed to adapting to the climatic change .

  22. 中国东北农业生产适应气候变化的行为经济学解释

    Adaptation of Agricultural Production to Climate Change in Northeast China : A Behavioral Economics Interpretation

  23. 迪乌夫博士说,可持续森林管理也为快速减缓和适应气候变化提供了机会。

    Sustainable forest management also offered opportunities for immediate mitigation and adaptation , Dr Diouf said .

  24. 适应气候变化对于非洲特别重要,因为许多居民已经生活在不稳定的环境里。

    Adaptation will be particularly important in Africa because many residents already live in precarious circumstances .

  25. “这是我们应该作为适应气候变化的方法加以推广的东西,”她说。

    " It 's something we should promote as adaptation for climate change ," she says .

  26. 它们坚称,自己需要更强大的资金支持,以采用绿色科技并适应气候变化。

    They insisted that they needed stronger financial support to adopt green technologies and adapt to climate change .

  27. 全球气候变暖、温室气体减排以及如何适应气候变化是当前的热点问题。

    Global warming , greenhouse gas emissions and how to adapt to climate change are currently hot issues .

  28. 但是在适应气候变化的科学方面,我认为发达国家和发展中国家的作用正好相反。

    But when it comes to adaptation science , I think there has been a reversal of roles .

  29. 适应气候变化常常被认为是降低碳排放之外不起眼的一部分。

    Adaptation to climate change used to be seen as a distraction from the business of cutting carbon emissions .

  30. 因此,适应气候变化,需要在今后所有的战略和行动中成为一个中心主题。

    Adaption to climate change , therefore , needs to be a central theme in all future strategies and actions .