
  • 网络sustainable forest management
  1. 对可持续森林经营方案一些问题的思考

    Some Thoughts on the Sustainable Forest Management Plan

  2. 编制可持续森林经营方案是实现林业可持续发展的重要保障。

    Drawing up the sustainable forest management plan is an important guarantee for the sustainable development of forestry .

  3. 究其原因在于存在着有关国际森林问题的诸多分歧。主要分歧涉及国际森林文书、毁林和森林退化原因、资金问题、可持续森林经营的标准与认证、技术转让等。

    The paper mainly focused on key arguments of international forest problems , such as international forest documents , the reasons of deforestation and degradation , capital issues , criteria and certification for forest sustainable development , international technology transfers .

  4. 近自然可持续发展的森林经营理论与秦岭林区森林经营对策

    The Near-natural and Sustainable Development Theory in Forest Management and the Forest Management Countermeasures in Forest Region of the Qinling Mountains

  5. 该研究成果将有利于提出合理的森林分类经营方案,为该地区合理有效、可持续的进行森林经营提供依据。

    The result will be beneficial to put forward reasonable forest management plan . It will also supply scientific basis for the sustainable management of the local natural forest .

  6. 林业可持续发展和森林可持续经营的框架理论(下)

    The Framework Theory on Sustainable Forestry Development and Sustainable Forest Management ;

  7. 林地可持续利用是森林可持续经营的基础和前提,是建设现代林业的关键所在,也是建设两型社会、打造社会主义现代化国家的一项重要基础工作。

    The sustainable utilization of forestland is the basis and prerequisite for the sustainable management of forest , is the key to the construction of modern forestry and two-type social , is an important basic work to build a modern socialist country .