
jì lǐ
  • sacrificial rites;sacrificial offerings;memorial ceremony
祭礼 [jì lǐ]
  • (1) [sacrificial rites;memorial ceremony]∶祭奠仪式

  • (2) [sacrificial offerings]∶祭奠、祭祀用品

祭礼[jì lǐ]
  1. 先秦诗歌中的祭礼元代祭礼三题

    The Sacrificial Rites of the Pre-Qin Dynasty 's Poems Three Aspects of Religious Rites During the Yuan Dynasty

  2. 中国古代祭礼,历史悠久,内容宏富,颇具特色。

    The sacrificial rites in ancient China have a long history , and their contents are rich and colorful .

  3. 吠陀祭礼所使用的咒语韵文是大家所知的咒语。

    Sanskrit verses used in the Vedic sacrifice are known as mantras .

  4. 所有的印度教祭礼,仪式和宗教律法都是通过它而受到影响。

    All Hindu ritual , ceremony and religious law is influenced by it .

  5. 这是我最后且最终的祭礼。

    This is my last and final oblation .

  6. 宗族性祭礼&婺源鬼舞的傩文化研究

    Clan of Ceremonies-Wuyuan Nuo Dance Ghost Cultural Studies

  7. 琐罗亚斯德仍然保留着古老的火的祭礼。

    Zoroaster retained the ancient cult of fire .

  8. 啊,神灵们,请接受我的祭礼吧!

    Receive my motive offering , oh gods !

  9. 周王祭礼文化独特特征是以祭祖为主。

    The culture for King Zhou to worship is mainly characteristic of offering sacrifices to ancestors .

  10. 他们给予了成长中的外氏那瓦祭礼一个哲学架构,也影响着一些湿婆派别。

    They gave the growing Vaishnava bhakti cults a philosophical framework that also influenced some Saivite schools .

  11. 同源联会异源多倍体这些相同的故事提示了众多他的流行祭礼的源头。

    And many of the these same stories reveal the origins of the enormous popularity of his cult .

  12. 以圣母玛利亚为荣的罗马天主教祭礼;跟牧师祭礼相似但比它短。

    A Roman Catholic office honoring the Virgin Mary ; similar to but shorter than the Divine Office .

  13. 概要介绍了周代王朝祭礼颂诗涉及的范围和基本内容。

    The foreword introduces the bound and the basic contents of the sacred odes in the Zhou dynasty .

  14. 也许那些古人在冬至节日举行的仪式是对死者的祭礼吧。

    Perhaps at the winter solstice those ancient people conducted ceremonies linked to a cult of the dead .

  15. 干戚之舞初为军事巫舞,后演绎成为重大祭礼必备武舞,具有严格的乐舞程序和礼教功能。

    This dance began with dance for military affairs , and gradually became the dance for grand sacrificial rites .

  16. 作为一种宗教,印度教是不同的教条、祭礼和生活方式的综合体。

    As a religion , Hinduism is a composite of diverse doctrines , cults , and ways of life .

  17. 梵语是印度的古典印欧语系语言,是印度教、教和耆那教的祭礼语言。

    Sanskrit is an Indo-European classical language of India and a liturgical language of Hinduism , Buddhism , and Jainism .

  18. 这八个单管监收祭礼用作个人礼拜的有祭坛的礼拜堂。

    These eight will receive the presents of sacrificial offerings . a place of worship that has its own altar .

  19. 这些崇拜者的地方协会出现的主要因素是新祭礼的传播。

    These local associations of worshipers appear to have been a principal factor in the spread of the new cults .

  20. 科尔沁萨满神歌是科尔沁蒙古族萨满结合歌舞形式,在萨满教祭礼仪式中,对神灵唱诵的具有固定程式的原始活态传统诗歌。

    Korqin Shaman Divine Song is a type of original living songs with fixed paradigm , sung to the pinities during Shaman worshipping ceremony .

  21. 他们有占星学阶层,利用十二宫图,把四季神格化成波斯人的密特拉教祭礼。

    They superimposed astrology , the use of the zodiac , and the deification of the four seasons onto the Persian rites of Mithraism .

  22. 从古代食先祭的文化背景来看,与庖厨关系最为密切的是祭礼或其他相关的巫教仪式。

    From the ancient culture background & do sacrifice before eat , the Kitchen is a place connected with offerings and other related religious ceremony .

  23. 秀山花灯是渝东南少数民族保持迄今的民族民间表演艺术,她的独特在于祭礼活动与民间歌舞等综合为一体的原生态。

    Xiushan Festival Lantern is a preserved performance art of minority nationality in southeast Chongqing , which is composed of memorial ceremonies and folk dances .

  24. 第三章,综合分析了秦安民间祭礼活动中,羊皮鼓及其它舞蹈道具的形制含义,综述了羊皮鼓祭礼舞蹈形态的文化内涵。

    Chapter Three , synthetical analyzing the meanings of sheep-skin drum and its dance properties in folk activities in Qin'an , summarizing sheep-skin drum dance and cultural implication .

  25. 他无法回答,很快,她在那块祭礼石上睡着了。夜里的风渐渐消逝了,从蒙蒙的光线中,那些石头看起来黑乎乎的。

    He could not answer.Soon she fell asleep on the stone of sacrifice The night wind died away , and the stones looked black in the half - light .

  26. 探讨本主祭礼仪式的象征体系,对准确理解本主崇拜的宗教意义,全面了解白族的民族文化有着重要作用。

    Discussing the symbolic system of the sacred ceremony to the local gods is of great importance to understanding the worship to the local gods and ethnic culture thoroughly and correctly .

  27. 哀祭文是一种古老的文体样式,是用来抒发哀情,表示悼念的,与古代的祭礼有着一定的历史渊源。

    Elegiac address is used to express the feeling of grief or memoriam . As a literary form which has a long history , funeral oration has a historical origin with ancient cult .

  28. 灵魂观是他们观念世界的核心,是理解和阐释自然界、人类社会的出发点,并不断在各种祭礼的反复展演和日常生活的经常表现中传承着。

    Their soul concept is the core of their ideology and the starting point of understanding and interpreting nature and the human society , which has been inherited through various rituals and daily activities .

  29. 但其留存的地域不船仅越来越缩小,而且能主持宝木勒天神祭礼的博(亦称萨满)也越来越少。

    But its the region that subsist not only contract more and more small , but also Shaman who can manage " bagomal " celestial spirits offer sacrifices to it too less and less .

  30. 《全唐文》中的唐代佛寺布局与装饰研究从唐代祭礼看唐代文人的心态变迁与文学选择

    Layout and Decoration of Buddhism Temples of Tang Dynasty Recorded in Collected Literatures of Tang Dynasty On the Changes of the Literators ' Mentality and Style a Viewed from Sacrificial Rites of Tang Dynasty